View Full Version : Looking more and more like thrones are going to be safe after the merge

24-04-2010, 09:19 PM
Well if you take a look at the values of Thrones over all the English speaking hotels:

UK: 112CS
USA: 300CS
AU: 50CS
SG: 436.5CS

The value of the throne on AU has sky rocketed up to 50CS from 10CS in like two weeks, this is set to carry on. I can't really understand why thrones are still dropping on UK, people should see really that if the throne on AU keep rising it could get up to the same value on UK meaning the only thing the throne could do is rise.

I think they throne will be worth more then ever on UK after the merge, this is opposed to most other Habbo's view of that they are going to drop, just because they have heard they were worth nothing on AU even though that is changing now.

Anyway what are your views on this issue now?

Also another interesting facts about the price of credits etc

UK: 5C per HC
USA: 6.25C per HC
AU: 10C per HC
SG: 4C per HC

Now credit values are really the only value you could actually take an average of to get a value of the HC after the merge, due to them continually being brought in (So the supply is infinite but demand changes) So if you take an average of these you get 6.5C so if looks like we could also start to see an increase of the hc after the merge.


24-04-2010, 09:27 PM
And CA is 210CS btw :P
I agree that they are likely to go up from the current UK price with the merge.

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