View Full Version : This TV...

28-04-2010, 05:09 PM

Just wondering what people think about this TV, we are looking for a new one to replace the current old TV in our living room. I'm not sure if it is a good deal, I am sure most of you will be able to give me a better idea. We could probably go a bit higher, probably to about £500 :)


Thanks :)

28-04-2010, 05:24 PM
Hm, i've never liked argos as half the time products from their brake or are poor quality... might just be me but yea. I also noticed that tv has 50hz and i believe that isnt too good especially with new technology such as on the xbox 360 some games dont work with 50hz tv's


I found this, cost bit more but it has 100hz and imo a better brand xD, up to you i guess though.

28-04-2010, 05:30 PM
Yeh same as above i wouldnt advise buying from argus as they have that stupid exempt from 30 day guarantee which is stupid as. If it breaks after 30 days you have nothing to go back on. Idk if its on that product but its on quite a few electronic products.

+ like above xox wont play on 50hz if it needs 60hz to play

28-04-2010, 05:39 PM
30 day guarantee which is stupid as if it breaks after 30 days you have nothing to go back on. Idk if its on that product but its on quite a few electronic productsy

Yea the 30 day policy is stupid tbh + i think once you plug the tv in or use it atall the guarantee is gone. So even if you dont choose the one i reccomended go for something from currys/comet/bennetts :)

28-04-2010, 06:50 PM
i bought a TV from argos, still working fine, ive never had a problem with them, and my tv also said 50Hz, so i was suprised when my xbox plugged in and ran full 1080p in 60Hz, So, most Tv's are 60Hz, do a google search, see what information you can find, and Hitachi isnt an argos make either guys xD

28-04-2010, 07:28 PM
I'd reccomend a shop that you get a free guarentee, plus the motion clarity (100Hz) TV's really do make a difference.

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