View Full Version : When have you been most embarrassed?

04-05-2010, 05:51 PM
Okay, Awkward and Embarrassing kinda cross over, so if you have same 1 with awkwardness don't put it here, this is for moments you've gone bright read in the face as you were so embarrassed over something.

My most embarrassing moment isn't suitable so if you wanna know PM me and ask for my msn ;)

04-05-2010, 05:55 PM
When my step mum dropped me off at this party. She waved at me and honked the horn then when I walked over with my friend Lee to tell her to shut up, she started talking about underwear and ****.
I was like, screaming at her when I got home.

04-05-2010, 06:05 PM
omg :/ this is disturbing.

basically I went for a sleepover at my friends house, and her mum came home pissed. We were watching sex and the city and she started watching it with us. She kept on making awkward comments and looking up cats going to the toilet on youtube (:S) and when it came to the shower scene in the film, she made some really awkward comments and it was just vile ew. And it just gets worse. We didn't end up going to bed until about 6 in the morning, so I woke up at like 1 and started to get ready to leave, I was coming down the stairs and her mum thought I was my friend, and so she came out the bathroom, and she was NAKED and I was just like ARHGAHHGOASUHGSOUHGAIHBekjbatgHD, "thanks for having me, bye"

04-05-2010, 06:54 PM
omg :/ this is disturbing.

basically I went for a sleepover at my friends house, and her mum came home pissed. We were watching sex and the city and she started watching it with us. She kept on making awkward comments and looking up cats going to the toilet on youtube (:S) and when it came to the shower scene in the film, she made some really awkward comments and it was just vile ew. And it just gets worse. We didn't end up going to bed until about 6 in the morning, so I woke up at like 1 and started to get ready to leave, I was coming down the stairs and her mum thought I was my friend, and so she came out the bathroom, and she was NAKED and I was just like ARHGAHHGOASUHGSOUHGAIHBekjbatgHD, "thanks for having me, bye"

Something similar like that happened to me, but it wasn't embarrising for me, more her. Opened the bathroom door while she was having a wee. lol.

Embarrising times? Kicking a crab apple and hitting and old guy in Banbury, that was pretty bad.

04-05-2010, 07:22 PM
When I went swimming with the school and the boys had to get changed with each other, ew!!!

04-05-2010, 07:23 PM
so many
cried in year 7
walked into my nan taking a piss
got yoghurt all over me
fell in some mud

but the most embarrasing thing has to be me doing something really weird on a cam and my parents watching it (i was like 8). its quite ew so i wont say it but it was embarrasing

04-05-2010, 07:26 PM
walked into my nan taking a piss

but the most embarrasing thing has to be me doing something really weird on a cam and my parents watching it (i was like 8). its quite ew so i wont say it but it was embarrasing
no, that's just ******* weird...
probably being sick on the doorstop of the guy i liked after too much alcohol:(

04-05-2010, 07:28 PM

also i didnt know what i was doing at the time

04-05-2010, 07:34 PM
I tripped over in assembly in front of my whole year at school, not knowing what to do I just stood up and shouted 'I'm Ok' lol :eusa_doh:

04-05-2010, 07:39 PM
I tripped over in assembly in front of my whole year at school, not knowing what to do I just stood up and shouted 'I'm Ok' lol :eusa_doh:

This, or when I whisper something to someone and they go shout it out and everyone looks

04-05-2010, 07:40 PM
"I'm Ok!" Best line ever :D

EDIT: +rep as it made me laugh :)

04-05-2010, 07:40 PM
I tripped over in assembly in front of my whole year at school, not knowing what to do I just stood up and shouted 'I'm Ok' lol :eusa_doh:
I laughed at that, therefore +rep

My Embarassing moment must have been when i walked into a lampost literallly, Walking along a side road on the grass with a fence next to me, Looked to the side to see if it was clear to cross over, foolish me still walking faced my head forwards and pow

it hurt ;/

04-05-2010, 09:10 PM
O actually mine has to be recently during an engish speaking coursework. Basically what I was meant to say is my head teacher put his hand down his trousers, pulled it out and rubbed his hand on my head (which is a true story). However I accidently said "he put his hand down his trousers and rubbed his head on me".

04-05-2010, 09:48 PM
In primary 7 we were playing this tennis ball game with our teacher, wherein he'd stand in the middle of the room while the desks were arranged in a circle around him. He'd lob the tennis ball at you and you'd head it back. Anyway it was all very serious business so one day when I was trying to aim the ball towards someone else exuberantly, my low-slung trousers fell down completely, down the the ankles. Just had to laugh because it was damned hilarious.

06-05-2010, 03:20 PM
Playing choo-choo trains in primary school - I was at the very back and like got flung round, face first into a puddle of mud. Hilarious memory lol. Also falling *up* the stairs in an awards ceremony at secondary school.

06-05-2010, 03:52 PM
Playing choo-choo trains in primary school - I was at the very back and like got flung round, face first into a puddle of mud. Hilarious memory lol. Also falling *up* the stairs in an awards ceremony at secondary school.

Who hasn't fallen up the stairs. I do it on a regular basis lols :)

06-05-2010, 05:21 PM
Today I was in P.E. and while doing sprinting I stopped too fast and stacked it (coz it was wet) :L
Not my most embarrasing but this is most suited here

07-05-2010, 09:29 PM
omg. i remember when i was like 10, some fat guy pulled by pants down and my boxers came off lol.

the ice-cream drove round, like everyone was out and saw me :(

i later harrased that fatty so much. lol

08-05-2010, 01:04 PM
I laughed at that, therefore +rep

My Embarassing moment must have been when i walked into a lampost literallly, Walking along a side road on the grass with a fence next to me, Looked to the side to see if it was clear to cross over, foolish me still walking faced my head forwards and pow

it hurt ;/

hehe, ive done that.

i think my most embarrassing moment when when i walking into a toilet cubicle when someone was in there ;l
tbh, they should have locked the door but it was still really embarrassing ;l

08-05-2010, 05:38 PM
this is disgusting..

i just came out of tesco's, and was eating some sort of crisps, well anyway they were really dodgy. and a couple of paces out of the shop was this grandma with two little kids. and i wasnt feeling to good .. but i had no choice but to throw up on all of them. and they were just covered in sick, so i just legged it home. :L

08-05-2010, 05:49 PM
When I went swimming with the school and the boys had to get changed with each other, ew!!!

Thats not really embarrassing... Unless you have somethign to hide :/

Mine would be my parents askign about a girl when she's right there with me.

08-05-2010, 09:08 PM
This one time, at band camp...

08-05-2010, 10:25 PM
When I went swimming with the school and the boys had to get changed with each other, ew!!!

You r so weird lol.

In secondary school (well most of them) and in many gyms and swimming centres etc you have "changing rooms" where every (sex division obviously) gets changed together??

08-05-2010, 11:12 PM
Okay, Awkward and Embarrassing kinda cross over, so if you have same 1 with awkwardness don't put it here, this is for moments you've gone bright read in the face as you were so embarrassed over something.

My most embarrassing moment isn't suitable so if you wanna know PM me and ask for my msn ;)

pm me lolll

i havent ever really been extreeemely embarassed:/

09-05-2010, 08:35 AM
You gotta remember Gibs is 11 ;)
he probably still believes in girl germs!

09-05-2010, 09:50 AM
You gotta remember Gibs is 11 ;)
he probably still believes in girl germs!
Mine probably has to be.....
Nevermind, too rude

09-05-2010, 10:29 AM
it wasnt my most embarassing moment but last month i was talking to my mate in class, and my teacher started telling me off and i didnt realise it was him (hes like 23 or something) so i said 'omg shut up' and he thought i was talking to him S:

13-05-2010, 08:31 PM
I constantly embarrass myself so I have too many to remember :P

One that I do remember reeally well is when I went to see Boys Like Girls & Metro Station. We got off the Met and we decided to jump down off the platform to save us walking all the way down it. So we jump off to find it's extremely muddy, everyone else gets muddy feet but ofc I slip on the mud and get it all over myself. I had to walk around town looking absolutely awful and then failed to clean myself off in McDonald's toilets because it was just everywhere. Nevertheless it was a wicked night :D

13-05-2010, 08:41 PM
When I wore white shorts to swimming and didn't realise they were see-through

13-05-2010, 09:57 PM
haha I'm so clumsy I'm always embarrassing myself! :$

14-05-2010, 10:33 AM
not too sure really, i get embarassed easily

14-05-2010, 11:53 AM
walked in to the girls toilet in primary school. didnt see the damn girls toilet sign.

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