View Full Version : For better or for worse?

05-05-2010, 02:44 AM
Right i made a thread like this i think it was last year before the merge was even announced.

How do you think habbo has changed over the years?

For better..
For worse..

I dont mean how has habbo changed so THEY make more money [Sulake] I mean how has the community and everything to do with playing habbo affect you and how has it been better or worse..

Imo i think its gone downhill.

04 was when i started an it was pretty good thrones were like 19-20 hc and it was relatively hard to get one or two.
05 Was alright except when callie released supers etc in cat [think was 05] That ****** everything up
06 Was a bit better prices stabalising brilliant people like ryan mike chris etc.
07 Went right downhill everything new started coming into cat an just got ridiculous.
08 never played
09 came back for a bit an prices were mashed made like 400t in 2 year from keepin my stuff? :s
10 Merge is a brilliant idea tbh.

So in a way i think its got better with merge but overall its worse community has grown into ******s [no offence] but all prices are mashed now people are idiots. Your either rich or poor. You no longer have little groups of m8s you hang around with its gotten into like groups of 50 people knowing each other stickin up for one like reher you scammed him or her. And there is so much e-drama now its unreal.


Apologies if its been posted but idc tbh

05-05-2010, 05:31 AM

- It's become to aimed at children, the competitions etc are so childish... and some of the winners! D;
No, it's not just because "I grew up" when I joined Habbo it was a teen-chatpage aimed at 16 to 18yearolds, it feels as though it's aimed at under twelves now days!

- Some of the updates were not for the best... the removing of the console [2008?], the updates to the navigator [2005]... the transaction from Shockwave to Flash [2010]... I don't like change generally... but some of these updates didn't need to happen nor should they have happened!

- Sulake have become such egotistical maniacs... they removed SnowStorm & Battleball telling us they'd return... and are now telling us they wont ever be coming back?! Why? "Because they're not possible to code in the new client" That is so much BULL, seriously, I can code in ActionScript3 and I could create Battleball&Snowstom within a couple of days!
They've also removed the MUS Server (Photo server) and are now telling us all past-photos are going to be removed because they "Can't move the photos onto the new client" more BULL, seriously, a multi-billion dollar company can't move IMAGE files from one server to another? I know this might sound sad, but they're deleting thousands of childrens-memories by deleting those images! Just because they can't be asked to go through a remove pornographic content from them!

Seriously, Habbo and Sulake have got worse... although the merge is a nice thought... they were all one hotel at the beggining though, they're back tracking a fair bit by merging them all together again! Also, they're ruining the trade-market... AGAIN... remember when they released all those super rares? (Speaker's corners/Snowglobes/Orange Parasoles/DJ Desks/Gold Ambers) I remember all those released, GOD they annoyed the whole comnmunity at the time... so many of their top spenders (ie. people buying credits) left after those supers were released...

I hope Sulake stop making mistakes... Habbo holds so many memories of my childhood, it's sad to see them destory it! =[

05-05-2010, 02:30 PM
Yh it used to be like aimed at what people wanted but now its just £££££££££££££££££££££££££ £££

05-05-2010, 03:22 PM
It's definatly gone down hill.

Back in 05 i used to have this feeling when i played Habbo (yes i no it sounds sad but i was 11/12 ok) and today i don't have this "feeling" anymore. I used to rush home and log on and all my friends at school would have Habbo too. Thrones were like 30HC and if you had like 10HC you were considered quite well off. When i got my first throne in 06 i was so excited, i'd finally done it, thrones were like the thing you worked up to. But now Habbo has just messed the market up so much by releasing supers etc etc and even though it has affected me in a good way (i'm worth much much much more, which doing little effort at all) but there's nothing much to work up to. Habbo was wrecked when they started to update it so much (about the start of Habbo 2.0 was then end of habbo as i knew it, and by 2.0 i don't mean BETA i mean way back when they changed all the homepage etc etc when the check in symbol went) Back in the day it was like an update every 6 months (like when v9 rooms came in) but then suddenly it's become like every week we are getting a new update and now the hotel is on like version gazzillion and one. It's silly, they take away all the old features (photos, games etc) and bring in crappy new ones that will later just get ignored.

The marketplace as helped in ruining Habbo too. When trading you could easily demand profit on all trade (of up to 0.5CS normally or much more on bulk trades) but now when you ask for profit they just say no as it is the same price in the marketplace, which is fair enough cos whey pay more for it, but still habbo has wrecked the trading community by bringing in the marketplace.

I merge will hopefully shake things up a bit. Habbo's will form a pack mentality (people that would normally hate each other will band together cos there are new people from other countries) people don't like change and when an outsider pressure is added people gang together with what they know. Hence the saying the better the devil you know. I think the rare market will have things that are really high in value and things relativly low in value. There will be less supers but more expensive normals i think (which will be viewed more as supers). Overall Habbo has gone down in my estimations.

05-05-2010, 04:06 PM
It got worse the more they updated it. Simple as.

05-05-2010, 04:19 PM
At the end of a day it is a business.

Myself I'm looking forward to the merge, its like having 30+ different supers being released at once. :P

I enjoy habbo just as much as I did back in '06. Mainly because I enjoy making rooms more with lots of different furniture. Although Sulakes new graphic designer is rubbish. |-)

05-05-2010, 04:20 PM
It seems as thought they're trying to compete too closely with other social networking sites, which kind of veers away from Habbo's uniqueness and makes it seem blander. Updates lately (minus VIP), such as this whole Habbo ID have really put me off using it as much. Although, that could also just be my age. Maybe when I was younger, I was content with a more simple Habbo Hotel?

05-05-2010, 05:53 PM
They either: Can't listen to our demands or can't do them properly.
More badges: they literally spammed the whole thing with them
More variety of winners: now all winners are total **** (on uk anyway)
Rares back: theyre still collectables, but now they have a name change
Funky friday replacement: still waiting...

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