View Full Version : Am I just as well as to start smoking? (read)

12-05-2010, 08:07 PM
My mum & dad have been smoking all their life, and when I was introduced to the world they were still smoking. Now 16 years later they haven't seen a day without smoke

So my question is: Am i just as well to start smoking?

I've been exposed to smoke all my life most of the time so my health in that aspect isn't great. They also say second-hand smoke is worse than actual smoking, so aside from the price of cigarettes would it have any effect on my health?

12-05-2010, 08:11 PM
no, lol what a bizarre question. just because they've smoked, it's not great yeah but it'll only be more detrimental to your health if you start smoking too.

12-05-2010, 08:16 PM
them smoking has no difference as to whether you smoke or not. its your choice. yeah youre more likely to smoke if your parents have (imo), but doesnt mean that you should because they do

my mum and dad have smoked and my stepdad too, but that hasn't influenced me
but then if your parents do smoke you may see a pack of **** lying around and take one out for a try and if you like it, then yeah maybe it is their fault for having them there in the first place

i lost what i was tryna say there loll

12-05-2010, 08:42 PM
If I'm getting this correctly, you're enquiring if you should start smoking because either, A. Your parents smoke or B. You might aswell start smoking because all the second hand smoke is just as bad anyways? Please clear that up for me. :)

If it's A then no, I don't think there is a reason to smoke just because your parents do.
If (bizarrely) it's B then no, ofcourse it's not a good idea to start smoking because of the second hand smoke, if anything it'll make things worse. Simply leave the room when they're smoking or ask them to be polite and not smoke around you, simple. :)

12-05-2010, 09:30 PM
Upto you if you wanna start smoking for those bizarre reasons, however i wouldn't recommend it.
Should have a word with yourself before you start posting things on internet forums lol.

12-05-2010, 09:52 PM
You're crazy, do you expect anyone to say yes?

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