View Full Version : Bolts, will the raise?

12-05-2010, 11:06 PM
the Bolt's Of Zues, are the UK limited?

I own 10 of them, and I was just wondering.. if there were any words on if they may raise in price post-merge?

Discuss :O

07-06-2010, 11:05 AM
Well, it sure looks like they are raising :>

07-06-2010, 11:34 AM
Yes this Items do have the potential to rise a bit. There is quite a few of them though but because they are only on UK they could go up.

07-06-2010, 12:00 PM
Well Luke has them Listed as a Super Rare Post-Merge. So Im quite certain they will. When I had started this thread, it was before they did start to rise, and before Luke had posted the Post-Merge rares on his Site. :)

07-06-2010, 12:17 PM
Just because something is listed as Super doesn't mean that they will increase though. Take the seed for example, it's a super but it's only worth 0.4CS.

Plus Habbox also has it listed as super?

07-06-2010, 01:49 PM
Haha, Luke's Post-Merge Rare values. www.haboosh.net/values_am.php

And of course they dont have to rise in price as a 'Super' but the evidence now, with them raising so quickly in price. I mean the MP average shot through the roof over 14 or so C. and Even Habbox has raised it's value, i think what 20c?

07-06-2010, 03:49 PM
I think there is a possiblity of a rise for bolts but whether they will keep rising I'm not too sure. It's likely they'll go up a bit and then fall back down, or go up a bit and fall down half way but still ending up a little higher in value :P

Haha, Luke's Post-Merge Rare values. www.haboosh.net/values_am.php

And of course they dont have to rise in price as a 'Super' but the evidence now, with them raising so quickly in price. I mean the MP average shot through the roof over 14 or so C. and Even Habbox has raised it's value, i think what 20c?
Just 'http://www.haboosh.net/values' now :P The other one was temporary but still can be used if you want a full-page :P

07-06-2010, 04:39 PM
It does look like they will rise, I don't think by a lot though (it helps it's only released on UK) so yes I do think they will.

Off topic - Just because a Rare is a Super doesn't mean it will rise/ is worth a lot as theres some Supers not worth a lot (we select Super & Normal rares by the popularity & how many there are on the hotel)

Shazzy :')

07-06-2010, 05:11 PM
As the Bolt of Zeus has only been released in the U.K, the possibility of them rising is definitely quite positive. I find that as a piece of furniture, they're decent to have and make rooms look nice, so this could also appeal to the other English speaking hotels who merged recently.

You could also take into consideration that the total population will be much much higher and therefore less Bolts of Zeus will be around compared to the overall merged registered user base.

Just like everyone else is saying, they should hopefully rise!

08-06-2010, 08:25 AM
It all depends on the demand of the item, If memebers off other hotels want them in high demand of course they will go up. Since there only on habbo UK i believe they will go up, even if they dont straight away over time they will unless there released again.

09-06-2010, 08:05 AM
They should keep rising, depends how many people want them really.

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