View Full Version : Big Decision - Macbook Pro or iPad?

16-05-2010, 09:21 AM

I've been wanting a portable device for college and stuff for ages. I'm not sure why, but it has to be an Apple device as I'm pretty much in love with them. The base model Macbook Pro has been the contender for a long time, coming in at £850, purchased with discount. However, I've been thinking that a non 3G iPad with discount (~£360 for 16gb, £420 for 32gb) would be a better idea as I would realistically only use the device (MBP or iPad) for college work, such as word processing, internet and MSN. Talking to people I have had mixed opinions, some people tell me to get the iPad, some people tell me I would regret buying it and wish I had saved for the MBP.

I'm asking here because this is a big decision. I'm saving up for this with odds and ends from like Adsense, birthdays, bit of freelancing, etc etc. I'm personally leaning towards the iPad as a saving of £4-500 would be very good, but regretting it and wishing I had saved for the MBP is still on my mind.

Thoughts would be greatly appreciated :D


16-05-2010, 09:25 AM
I would definitely say a MacBook Pro, I cannot imagine the iPad being good at word processing due to the on screen keyboard (not sure if you can get external keyboards).

16-05-2010, 09:27 AM
mac - more practical

16-05-2010, 09:31 AM
Mac book pro.

You will be mocked if you decide to get the iPad.

16-05-2010, 09:39 AM
Is this a serious thread? :S


16-05-2010, 09:39 AM
Get the MacBook Pro.

16-05-2010, 09:41 AM
100% Macbook Pro.

16-05-2010, 09:42 AM
Is this a serious thread? :S

Yes, it is.

Thanks for the opinions people, looks like I have more saving to do haha.

16-05-2010, 09:45 AM
Just beware, if you're carrying it around college, you'll want a good bag for it, MacBooks are freakin heavy after a while.

16-05-2010, 09:46 AM
Just beware, if you're carrying it around college, you'll want a good bag for it, MacBooks are freakin heavy. after a while.
Well the plan was to get a sleeve thing and carry it in my Eastpak rucksack which is good. That was one of the main attractions of the iPad, it doesn't weigh much.

16-05-2010, 10:08 AM
Well the plan was to get a sleeve thing and carry it in my Eastpak rucksack which is good. That was one of the main attractions of the iPad, it doesn't weigh much.

But you cannot multi-task lol

16-05-2010, 10:12 AM
macbook defo

16-05-2010, 11:17 AM
But you cannot multi-task lol
You will when the updated software comes out, which will be around christmas time (a long time to wait, I know)

But I agree with what everyone else has said, it has to be the MacBook Pro.

16-05-2010, 12:55 PM
You should go on MacRumours and ask someone who owns both, but they'll most likely tell you to get the MacBook pro. Alternatively you could always wait until Android or Windows 7 tablets came out if you wanted something super portable.

16-05-2010, 01:09 PM
You should go on MacRumours and ask someone who owns both, but they'll most likely tell you to get the MacBook pro. Alternatively you could always wait until Android or Windows 7 tablets came out if you wanted something super portable.

Windows 7 tablets are getting less and less plausible. HP dropped their long-awaited Slate from running Windows 7 because it's not an OS that runs well on Tablets.

The iPad is good, but can NEVER replace a MacBook Pro, and to be honest an Android Tablet will also never compare to a MacBook, a Mobile OS can never beat a fully fledged desktop OS, and a fully fledged Desktop OS will rarely be down to the size of a tablet and still run successfully. I would say go for the MacBook Pro. It's the best laptop out there and the fully fledged Desktop OS gives it a bonus over the iPad and any other tablet.

16-05-2010, 01:18 PM
If you want a device for mainly browsing the internet, watching movies, producing simple text documents/keynote presentations/spreadsheets and reading books then the iPad is the perfect fit. Otherwise, get a Macbook (Pro).

16-05-2010, 01:36 PM
Windows 7 tablets are getting less and less plausible. HP dropped their long-awaited Slate from running Windows 7 because it's not an OS that runs well on Tablets.

The iPad is good, but can NEVER replace a MacBook Pro, and to be honest an Android Tablet will also never compare to a MacBook, a Mobile OS can never beat a fully fledged desktop OS, and a fully fledged Desktop OS will rarely be down to the size of a tablet and still run successfully. I would say go for the MacBook Pro. It's the best laptop out there and the fully fledged Desktop OS gives it a bonus over the iPad and any other tablet.

Why does Windows 7 not run well on tablets? There is absolutely no evidence to support this.

I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate on a Netbook (1.6GHz dual core Atom, 1GB RAM, Intel GMA945 graphics, multitouch trackpad) and it runs perfectly fine, a tablet would probably have an extra gig of RAM possibly (especially if HP or someone made it), it'd run like lightning.

But yes, I do agree with your statement of tablets never replacing an actual laptop. I think Netbooks stand a better chance, after carrying my MacBook around school before getting a NetBook I can safely say that actually, Jobs is wrong, netbooks are very nice computers for basic office work, internet browsing and even sometimes playing the odd indie game.

16-05-2010, 01:48 PM
Although I'm using my nexus one more and more and my netbook less and less, I too can say windows 7 runs on my atom netbook 2gb ram just fine. It's not as fast as Ubuntu but its certainly usable.

16-05-2010, 01:56 PM
Ask me now and i'll say the Macbook Pro, in a few years, maybe the iPad. The iPad has the potential to be a laptop replacer, but I don't see it there yet. Thus, go with the MBP, they're recently updated and you'll enjoy them.

16-05-2010, 02:06 PM
Why does Windows 7 not run well on tablets? There is absolutely no evidence to support this.

I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate on a Netbook (1.6GHz dual core Atom, 1GB RAM, Intel GMA945 graphics, multitouch trackpad) and it runs perfectly fine, a tablet would probably have an extra gig of RAM possibly (especially if HP or someone made it), it'd run like lightning.

But yes, I do agree with your statement of tablets never replacing an actual laptop. I think Netbooks stand a better chance, after carrying my MacBook around school before getting a NetBook I can safely say that actually, Jobs is wrong, netbooks are very nice computers for basic office work, internet browsing and even sometimes playing the odd indie game.

Well the whole reason HP dropped the Windows 7 HP Slate was because Windows 7 didn't run as 'well' as they wanted it to. HP says there was so many problems with trying to get Windows 7 to run on the HP Slate 'well' that they just gave up and dropped the whole Windows 7 HP Slate and acquired Palm and are now most probably going to be using WebOS on it. That should be some evidence that one of the biggest manufacturers of PC's who was touted to having the 'best' Windows 7 tablet, that Steve Ballmer himself showed off, dropping the whole Slate?

16-05-2010, 02:09 PM
Well the whole reason HP dropped the Windows 7 HP Slate was because Windows 7 didn't run as 'well' as they wanted it to. HP says there was so many problems with trying to get Windows 7 to run on the HP Slate 'well' that they just gave up and dropped the whole Windows 7 HP Slate and acquired Palm and are now most probably going to be using WebOS on it. That should be some evidence that one of the biggest manufacturers of PC's who was touted to having the 'best' Windows 7 tablet, that Steve Ballmer himself showed off, dropping the whole Slate?

To add on to this. The problem with Windows 7, hell even Mac OS X on tablets is they don't run really well. They are simply not built for touch. They have small buttons that are perfect for a mouse but with your fingers, are a pain. Styluses alleviates this problem, but it is very finicky and unnatural.

The iPad is revolutionary in the fact that it takes the iPhone OS that is familiar with many around the world, and that's where the similarities end. The apps created on the iPad are completely different, and runs extremely well.

16-05-2010, 02:19 PM
Thank you for the replies everyone, very much appreciated, I shall +rep everyone I can.

How about I through this into the mix, the thing I buy will purely be a portable device as I have a very very very good desktop at home. Does the fact that it will only be for use outside the house, very rarely in my house make the iPad any more of a contender, or is the consensus still with the MBP?


16-05-2010, 02:21 PM
To add on to this. The problem with Windows 7, hell even Mac OS X on tablets is they don't run really well. They are simply not built for touch. They have small buttons that are perfect for a mouse but with your fingers, are a pain. Styluses alleviates this problem, but it is very finicky and unnatural.

The iPad is revolutionary in the fact that it takes the iPhone OS that is familiar with many around the world, and that's where the similarities end. The apps created on the iPad are completely different, and runs extremely well.

Windows 7 was built with tablets in mind, you can very easily make it tablet friendly.

16-05-2010, 02:22 PM
If you intend on actually doing work on the device you buy get the laptop. If you just want to watch videos and entertain yourself then maybe consider the iPad. The MacBook Pro can run Windows as well if you want.

16-05-2010, 02:41 PM
id go with macbook pro im not a fan of the ipad at all

16-05-2010, 02:42 PM

16-05-2010, 02:58 PM
id go with macbook pro im not a fan of the ipad at all

Have you actually used one though?

16-05-2010, 02:59 PM
Have you actually used one though?

nope but I dnt like the thought of me having to use a stand or have it on my lap straining my neck, thats the only reason i dnt like it.

16-05-2010, 03:13 PM
nope but I dnt like the thought of me having to use a stand or have it on my lap straining my neck, thats the only reason i dnt like it.

It doesn't strain your neck one bit, it's actually great to hold.

Agnostic Bear
16-05-2010, 03:24 PM
I don't see a reason to use an iPad, any occasion when you need to be doing serious work you should be sitting and thinking about it and if you're just needing to jot something down a phone will do just fine. Seems to be a giant inbetween not-needed addition.

Get a macbook pro. Decent machines.

16-05-2010, 03:27 PM
I've got a Macbook pro, love it.

You can do so much more than on the iPad.

16-05-2010, 04:11 PM
Why does Windows 7 not run well on tablets? There is absolutely no evidence to support this.

I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate on a Netbook (1.6GHz dual core Atom, 1GB RAM, Intel GMA945 graphics, multitouch trackpad) and it runs perfectly fine, a tablet would probably have an extra gig of RAM possibly (especially if HP or someone made it), it'd run like lightning.

But yes, I do agree with your statement of tablets never replacing an actual laptop. I think Netbooks stand a better chance, after carrying my MacBook around school before getting a NetBook I can safely say that actually, Jobs is wrong, netbooks are very nice computers for basic office work, internet browsing and even sometimes playing the odd indie game.
This, works fine on my 1.6 ghz 2gb asus fine.

I'd get an iPad, cause I like to be different! however I wouldn't bother until Multi-Tasking comes out, and you would also need that Keyboard dock which costs like £60 extra.

17-05-2010, 02:12 AM

17-05-2010, 07:57 AM
Windows 7 was built with tablets in mind, you can very easily make it tablet friendly.

Tablets are no doubt a consideration when Microsoft made Windows 7, as it was in Windows XP Tablet PC edition. The base of the UI is built for a mouse and cursor in mind. Sure, they throw in handwriting recognition/more touch-friendly features but it still does not match a UI designed solely with touch in mind.

The Professor
17-05-2010, 05:11 PM
MBP, ipad isn't a device with work in mind its more for entertainment (and expensive entertainment at that)

20-05-2010, 10:21 AM
pro for suree

20-05-2010, 10:37 AM
Are you stupid? Macbook anyday.

20-05-2010, 03:42 PM
Are you stupid? Macbook anyday.
Yeah, I'm stupid, sorry for asking the question.

20-05-2010, 04:29 PM
Yeah, I'm stupid, sorry for asking the question.

At least you know.

21-05-2010, 04:28 AM
I've never seen the potential of the iPad. Some people say its going to change the world of computing and entertainment but i have my doubts.

If I want something to do work on, I'd get a laptop, the ipad seems to big, not something I'd want to get out in the middle of somewhere. It seems like its for entertainment only and a lot have said for home use - yet I've got my desktop, tv, sky and dvd player at home - all I need.

21-05-2010, 06:37 AM
I've never seen the potential of the iPad. Some people say its going to change the world of computing and entertainment but i have my doubts.

If I want something to do work on, I'd get a laptop, the ipad seems to big, not something I'd want to get out in the middle of somewhere. It seems like its for entertainment only and a lot have said for home use - yet I've got my desktop, tv, sky and dvd player at home - all I need.

Im beginning to like this guy. LOL

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