View Full Version : I need advice?

16-05-2010, 01:21 PM
Well I haven't been on this forum (forgotton my old username :P) or played WoW for a good... 2-3 years but recently been attracted with it, ie; looking through old screenshots, videos etc. I may re-activate my account but I was wondering on a couple of issues?

Other than the new expansion pack has anything drastically changed?

I've heard about this activate a friend feature? Or something along them lines and they can activate your account? what do both people get out of this?

My main was a level 70 Druid (Balance (h)) so obviously I would need the expansion pack to go on with him, but if I wanted to just play with my other non-level 70's would I need the pack?

I know some of them are far-fetched questions but i would like to know if that's possible :)

If anyone plays WoW and they are doing their A-levels how are you finding it? Haha I don't want to fail them but I'm sure you can make room?

Thanks a lot! :)

17-05-2010, 12:19 AM
You either mean the scroll of resurrection or recruit a friend.
For the scroll visit: http://eu.blizzard.com/support/article.xml?locale=en_GB&articleId=23990&parentCategoryId&pageNumber=1&categoryId=2240
For recruit a friend: http://eu.blizzard.com/support/article.xml?locale=en_GB&articleId=30562&parentCategoryId&pageNumber=1&categoryId=2240
Though since you have an existing account and you've played TBC, both options aren't really important to you (unless they changed the TBC requirement thing for the resurrection scroll).

The new expension pack changed A LOT. There's a new continent, new level cap. It pretty much changed WoW the same way the second expansion pack changed classic WoW (well, almost). Some say it's better, some say it's worse. You'll have to find out for yourself. :P
You don't need Wrath of the Lich king to continue to play, only if you want to access it's content (the new continent, leveling to 80, etc).

As for combining WoW with doing A-levels, it depends on how smart you are. :P But WoW requires at least 1-3 hours a day, depending on how good you are at playing, what you want to do and some things just come down to luck. :P

17-05-2010, 10:37 AM
"The Scroll of Resurrection can only be cast on a Classic World of Warcraft account. It is not possible to cast Scroll of Resurrection on trial, Burning Crusade or Wrath of the Lich King accounts."

So looks like you will just have to put a new sub on your old account :)

17-05-2010, 02:58 PM
PvE has changed dramatically, whereas before you never really got far in a PuG you can clear whole instances with PuGs now (bar hardmodes ofc)

17-05-2010, 11:07 PM
You either mean the scroll of resurrection or recruit a friend.
For the scroll visit: http://eu.blizzard.com/support/article.xml?locale=en_GB&articleId=23990&parentCategoryId&pageNumber=1&categoryId=2240
For recruit a friend: http://eu.blizzard.com/support/article.xml?locale=en_GB&articleId=30562&parentCategoryId&pageNumber=1&categoryId=2240
Though since you have an existing account and you've played TBC, both options aren't really important to you (unless they changed the TBC requirement thing for the resurrection scroll).

The new expension pack changed A LOT. There's a new continent, new level cap. It pretty much changed WoW the same way the second expansion pack changed classic WoW (well, almost). Some say it's better, some say it's worse. You'll have to find out for yourself. :P
You don't need Wrath of the Lich king to continue to play, only if you want to access it's content (the new continent, leveling to 80, etc).

As for combining WoW with doing A-levels, it depends on how smart you are. :P But WoW requires at least 1-3 hours a day, depending on how good you are at playing, what you want to do and some things just come down to luck. :P
Answered everything i like it! haha, oh right okay thanks i checked them and both pretty irrelevent to me like you said.
ahhh right i see so basically its the same case as BC, if you want to access the full game you should buy it, gotcha.
well.. im unpredictable tbh but most of my alevels is CWK.. so may have to think about this haha.
thanks anyways :)

"The Scroll of Resurrection can only be cast on a Classic World of Warcraft account. It is not possible to cast Scroll of Resurrection on trial, Burning Crusade or Wrath of the Lich King accounts."

So looks like you will just have to put a new sub on your old account :)
Okay thanks :) was just curious on what this whole scroll and RAF was.

PvE has changed dramatically, whereas before you never really got far in a PuG you can clear whole instances with PuGs now (bar hardmodes ofc)
PuG's oh that brings back memories haha. Thanks for the reply, my main realm was a PvE one so what do you mean, the players quality has improved or dungeons have become sort of easier?

18-05-2010, 05:09 PM
PuG's oh that brings back memories haha. Thanks for the reply, my main realm was a PvE one so what do you mean, the players quality has improved or dungeons have become sort of easier?

Tier 7: Very easy
Tier 8: Ulduar was and is the best instance of this expansion, it was difficult upon release but was soon nerfed.. after the first night due to bads complaining (iirc)
Tier 9: ToC has probably been the biggest joke of a raid since vanilla, PuGs were clearing soon after release
Tier 10: Putricide was hard upon release, the rest of the bosses (bar LK/Sindragosa) are pushovers. PuGs clear 8 or 9 bosses out of 12 pretty easily (On my server at least)

I'ld say the player quality has dropped, due to the easier raid content + gearscore.

19-05-2010, 05:42 PM
I'ld say the player quality has dropped, due to the easier raid content + gearscore.

Hole in one.

ICC's only going to get easier too with the increasing 5/10/15/20/25/30% buffs.

19-05-2010, 05:51 PM
Hole in one.

ICC's only going to get easier too with the increasing 5/10/15/20/25/30% buffs.

Meh, I'm not sure which system is better, a gradual nerf or the full on nerf that happened at the end of TBC, hmm.

19-05-2010, 07:01 PM
you can swim with mounts now :o
you dont dismount, i was so happy when i found this out haha!

19-05-2010, 07:05 PM
is it faster or slower in water mounted?

19-05-2010, 07:23 PM
is it faster or slower in water mounted?

Swim speed, it was just so you didnt have to remount when you got out of zee water :>

19-05-2010, 07:39 PM
Ah right. I thought it looked slower :L
Would be cool if flying mounts could do that.
If you had amazing graphics and you could fly out the water would look amazing :L

20-05-2010, 12:44 PM
Meh, I'm not sure which system is better, a gradual nerf or the full on nerf that happened at the end of TBC, hmm.

End of TBC one. It collided with the new skills and stuff so Paladins etc were OP even without the -30% hp thing. It started a mad dash of bads getting to see the content they were too poor to do which was fine as the 'hardcores' had already cleared Sunwell many times over.

20-05-2010, 07:23 PM
Tier 10? wow, i remember when like tier 4 was getting released haha. Well thanks guys just gotta wait for my account to be recovered as i found out it had been "compromised" |-)

20-05-2010, 07:41 PM
Tier 10? wow, i remember when like tier 4 was getting released haha. Well thanks guys just gotta wait for my account to be recovered as i found out it had been "compromised" |-)

GL with your account :), Tier4, such useless priest set bonuses :>

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