View Full Version : runescape classic shut down!

03-08-2005, 03:59 PM
omg this **** how can u close runescape classic for f2p u have to p2p to play runescape classic that ****!!!! all my money stats r gone now! and they wont get put on rs2!!!!! runescape ***!!!!!!!!!!! :@

03-08-2005, 04:21 PM
Stop Swearing

03-08-2005, 04:22 PM
Thank god that rubbish game was shut down. Runescape classic was crp, the people were flat pieces of cardboard, weapons were cardboard everything was flat. Now lets bury that so-called game and get on with life.

03-08-2005, 04:47 PM
Thats no very nice. Many people enjoyed that game more, and thought the graphics were...good. They choose to stay with classic even after rs2 came out, whih show dedication. Even if you or I dont like the game, many people did, and how would you feel if they suddenly shut down a game youve spent yrs on? Teh game was past its prime tho. Ive heard you could walk thro it and see more autoers than real people. It was too old to update, so it was either spend alot of time and recources doing a mass banning, or shut it down...the former would have been better, but they said there would be no more time spent on rsc when rs2 came out, so i guess this was expected. But alot of people loved that game, so dont go around calling it rubbish.

03-08-2005, 05:08 PM
If you were mega rich, i would be gutted.

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