View Full Version : Do you have any family that survived WW2?

19-05-2010, 07:01 PM
And are still alive to this day?

I have 3 great grandmas who are like 80 odd. One worked on a farm in a tractor since she was 14 & they made like tanks and guns and stuff later on. The other one worked all day in the forest, chopping up wood because wood was needed everywhere then. And the other one did the same I think.

I did have a great grandad who survived WW2. He had LOADS of awards. Like from his shoulders, all the way to his knees, but he changed them for like these little square things cos he didnt have enough space lol. He died in 1999 though.

So, do you have any family that survived WW2 and are still alive to this day?

19-05-2010, 07:04 PM
my grandad was in WW1 fight, i remember him telling me about poppy fields :')
he had those medals too, i know they ment alot to him, after he died my moms stupid brother sold them without telling anyone, such a waste.

19-05-2010, 07:06 PM
my grandad was in the war but he's never said what he did, to anyone ever - always changes the subject. apparently there's a letter that will be read out at his funeral (he's still alive.)

really weird.

19-05-2010, 07:07 PM
my grandad was in WW1 fight, i remember him telling me about poppy fields :')
he had those medals too, i know they ment alot to him, after he died my moms stupid brother sold them without telling anyone, such a waste.

omg thats terrible. i know how proud my great grandad was of his medals & he earned them with his own sweat and blood, he risked his life for 6 years non-stop id hate for them to get sold.. did your mums brother need money desperately or somethin?

19-05-2010, 07:09 PM
My grandfather went with Canada to WW2, he didn't like to talk about it either. Other than that my family was very safe, because we're in Canada:)

19-05-2010, 07:10 PM
My gran was evacuated in ww2 with her mum and brother, she's 80 this year. My grandad was also alive during it but he wasn't evacuated

19-05-2010, 07:12 PM
my grandad was in the war but he's never said what he did, to anyone ever - always changes the subject. apparently there's a letter that will be read out at his funeral (he's still alive.)

really weird.

sounds interesting. i actually dont know what my great grandad did. he didnt really talk about it.. he did loads of things. i know he did stuff like say for example USSR knew the Germans were planning something, but didnt know what it was or when etc, my great grandad would sneak in, kidnapp a German General, bring him to the USSR hideout and they would get the information out of him. but he had LOADS and because my family are Russian, he obv fought for the USSR and to get 1 medal, you had to do HECK of a lot!

My grandfather went with Canada to WW2, he didn't like to talk about it either. Other than that my family was very safe, because we're in Canada:)
i suppose he doesnt wanna talk about it cos maybe he doesnt want to remember all those terrible things? idk.

19-05-2010, 07:15 PM
Do you mean people who were involved in the war? If not then what kind of question is that

19-05-2010, 07:16 PM
omg thats terrible. i know how proud my great grandad was of his medals & he earned them with his own sweat and blood, he risked his life for 6 years non-stop id hate for them to get sold.. did your mums brother need money desperately or somethin?

He sold them for like £100 ;/ he didnt need the money, he didnt realise how precious they were to everyone else. Some people can be so selfish.

19-05-2010, 07:16 PM
Do you mean people who were involved in the war? If not then what kind of question is that
it can be what ever you want it to be.

My gran was evacuated in ww2 with her mum and brother, she's 80 this year. My grandad was also alive during it but he wasn't evacuated
oo 80. still pretty young that. one of mine is like 84.

19-05-2010, 07:18 PM
Not that i know of no :/

19-05-2010, 07:18 PM
Both my grandparents were alive and still alive today but during WW2 they were rather young. I was discussing with my uncles and father the other day what my dead grandfather did in the war but sadly they don't know, it's not that it was a sensitive subject, it just didn't really come up which is a shame, apparently he saw a lot of action in North Africa and Italy, particularly Venice.

19-05-2010, 07:19 PM
He sold them for like £100 ;/ he didnt need the money, he didnt realise how precious they were to everyone else. Some people can be so selfish.

thats really selfish. £100? seriously. thats pathetic tbh. he could of atleast consulted with someone else.

Not that i know of no :/
did any of your family just fight in ww2?

19-05-2010, 07:45 PM
My nana (great gran) survived WWI and WWII, she had a lot of amazing stories about them. She died in 2005 though, she was 92!!

19-05-2010, 08:02 PM
My great auntie who is 100 and my great uncle :)

19-05-2010, 08:04 PM
My grandad was a bomb defusal man, average life expectancy was a few months at most, he survived the whole war.

19-05-2010, 08:09 PM
im not sure about WW1 or WW2, but my grandad was in the army and he fought in the Hong Kong riots.

19-05-2010, 08:21 PM
All four of my grandparents defended Switzerland. All four survived. One kept all his guns etc, quite interesting!
Now only 1 grandma is alive. Rest died naturally

20-05-2010, 12:31 AM
well my granny's 99 so she must have, but never really discussed it with her. Basically she was popping out the kids when it was going on, and they lived in Birmingham I think, nothing too exciting. My (dead) grandad used to man the big lights and guns to shoot down air crafts I think, quite cool :)

20-05-2010, 01:23 PM
My remaining living grandparents survived.

20-05-2010, 02:33 PM
My living grandparents were born during the war and I have a great nan who was a nurse during the war. I'm hoping she has loads of stuff stored somewhere, but she doesn't remember anything anymore so if there is, I'll only find it when she's dead. Off topic, because I have long hair she always thinks I'm a girl.

20-05-2010, 02:36 PM
My living grandparents were born during the war and I have a great nan who was a nurse during the war. I'm hoping she has loads of stuff stored somewhere, but she doesn't remember anything anymore so if there is, I'll only find it when she's dead. Off topic, because I have long hair she always thinks I'm a girl.Maybe your previous HabboxForum name also confused her :P

20-05-2010, 03:19 PM
All my grandparents were around and survived it :) I only know of my grandad (mother's side) that was involved with the war, flying a bomber. Not sure what my father's side did, or my nan.

My great aunt might have records of what happened. She was a nun before she passed away in the 90s, and she had alot of time on her hands so she made a huge family tree and kept aload of pictures too :)

EDIT: I think he worked as an engineer on bombers, rather than flew them.

20-05-2010, 03:20 PM
my grandad.
he was fighting in world war one too.
he's 83 and still so like, hyper LOL

20-05-2010, 03:47 PM
my grandad.
he was fighting in world war one too.
he's 83 and still so like, hyper LOLBasic mathematics would suggest he hadn't even been born in World War One :P

just sayin'

20-05-2010, 04:12 PM
becca if hes 83 then he would have been born in 1927 and ww1 was fought from 1914-1918 which was 9 years before he was born XD

20-05-2010, 04:18 PM
my greatgrandad fought and survived in it but died in the mid 90s so i didnt know him all that well but my mum said i was his fave :)
and my greatgran was alive at the time but dont know what she did and she died in '99 a few months after she crashed her car into a bridge from pressing the accelerator not the brake:rolleyes:

20-05-2010, 04:18 PM
Both my grandparents were alive and still alive today but during WW2 they were rather young. I was discussing with my uncles and father the other day what my dead grandfather did in the war but sadly they don't know, it's not that it was a sensitive subject, it just didn't really come up which is a shame, apparently he saw a lot of action in North Africa and Italy, particularly Venice.

Oh thats interesting! :)

My nana (great gran) survived WWI and WWII, she had a lot of amazing stories about them. She died in 2005 though, she was 92!!
i love stories from my great grandma. i could just sit down and listen to them for hours. ill post one of the stories later on if anyones interested!

My great auntie who is 100 and my great uncle :)

My grandad was a bomb defusal man, average life expectancy was a few months at most, he survived the whole war.
thats pretty amazing!

im not sure about WW1 or WW2, but my grandad was in the army and he fought in the Hong Kong riots.
ohh interesting.

All four of my grandparents defended Switzerland. All four survived. One kept all his guns etc, quite interesting!
Now only 1 grandma is alive. Rest died naturally
did you actually get to see the guns?

well my granny's 99 so she must have, but never really discussed it with her. Basically she was popping out the kids when it was going on, and they lived in Birmingham I think, nothing too exciting. My (dead) grandad used to man the big lights and guns to shoot down air crafts I think, quite cool :)
oo thats pretty cool.

My remaining living grandparents survived.
what did they do in the war?

My living grandparents were born during the war and I have a great nan who was a nurse during the war. I'm hoping she has loads of stuff stored somewhere, but she doesn't remember anything anymore so if there is, I'll only find it when she's dead. Off topic, because I have long hair she always thinks I'm a girl.
oh i think ive got someone in my family who was a nurse too!

All my grandparents were around and survived it :) I only know of my grandad (mother's side) that was involved with the war, flying a bomber. Not sure what my father's side did, or my nan.
wow, thats pretty cool.

My great aunt might have records of what happened. She was a nun before she passed away in the 90s, and she had alot of time on her hands so she made a huge family tree and kept aload of pictures too :)

EDIT: I think he worked as an engineer on bombers, rather than flew them.
thats well cool that is. ive got so much family lol, some ive never seen in my life

my grandad.
he was fighting in world war one too.
he's 83 and still so like, hyper LOL
my great grandmas 84 or somethin and dont think she was born in ww1 times :S

becca if hes 83 then he would have been born in 1927 and ww1 was fought from 1914-1918 which was 9 years before he was born XD
yeh i thought that too lol.

my greatgrandad fought and survived in it but died in the mid 90s so i didnt know him all that well but my mum said i was his fave :)
and my greatgran was alive at the time but dont know what she did and she died in '99 a few months after she crashed her car into a bridge from pressing the accelerator not the brake:rolleyes:
pretty cool. do you know what your greatgrandad did?

20-05-2010, 04:26 PM
oh my grandad, great grandma and great grandad are still alive... still in very good health too.

20-05-2010, 04:35 PM
well my granny's 99 so she must have, but never really discussed it with her. Basically she was popping out the kids when it was going on, and they lived in Birmingham I think, nothing too exciting. My (dead) grandad used to man the big lights and guns to shoot down air crafts I think, quite cool :)

In Switzerland when a guy turns 18 you join the army for a bit (compulsary), anyway, my dads "job" was to tell other people what type or plane is flying towards them, and how fast it's coming etc. Great stories about it!

20-05-2010, 04:56 PM
oh my grandad, great grandma and great grandad are still alive... still in very good health too.
thats good!

In Switzerland when a guy turns 18 you join the army for a bit (compulsary), anyway, my dads "job" was to tell other people what type or plane is flying towards them, and how fast it's coming etc. Great stories about it!
would be good to hear some stories lol. i think its compulsary in russia too

20-05-2010, 07:16 PM
my gear grandma lived through both world wars but sadly passed away

my grandad did though, & he said he never shot anyone lol

20-05-2010, 07:17 PM
no i do not

21-05-2010, 08:16 AM
My grandad, he got shot in the leg though. He passed away about 3 years ago :(.

22-05-2010, 03:24 AM
My Granddad. He was in the airforce late in the war when he turned 18. But the war ended JUST as he finished his basic training, so he was very very lucky.

23-05-2010, 03:30 AM
I have family who were alive during it but they're Irish so I don't know if it's what you mean - I don't know how old my gran is or how old my gandad was but they will have, and my dad was born the year it all kicked off. :P Or if the question was about people who served, then no.

23-05-2010, 11:02 AM
Not that I know of, nope.

23-05-2010, 11:27 AM
Yeah my Grandad did, I'm ever so glad - he's such a lovely person.

23-05-2010, 01:21 PM
My Grandma was a little girl then, she passed away yesterday :(

23-05-2010, 03:59 PM
My Grandma was a little girl then, she passed away yesterday :(
aww im sorry :(

Yeah my Grandad did, I'm ever so glad - he's such a lovely person.
yeh, im rlly proud of mine.

I have family who were alive during it but they're Irish so I don't know if it's what you mean - I don't know how old my gran is or how old my gandad was but they will have, and my dad was born the year it all kicked off. :P Or if the question was about people who served, then no.
both, who served and who didnt :)

My Granddad. He was in the airforce late in the war when he turned 18. But the war ended JUST as he finished his basic training, so he was very very lucky.
my grandad signed up when he was 15.

My grandad, he got shot in the leg though. He passed away about 3 years ago :(.
my great great grandad fought in ww2, got shot in the leg too.

my gear grandma lived through both world wars but sadly passed away

my grandad did though, & he said he never shot anyone lol
damn. mine shot plenty lol

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