View Full Version : Who is really scamming who?

22-05-2010, 10:33 PM
Does Habbo know what there doing when they're are banning people (11yr bans). If they don't then they need to fix their monitoring system to find the real offenders. Because scammers are getting away with it all the time, and at the same time fooling innocent Habbos and leading them into responses that cause bans.

The reality is that it's costing real people to play the Habbo game with real money to buy credits. And to ban innocent habbo's through trickery is causing them to loose their real money spent on the credits. Habbo need to clean up their act.

But the burning question - is habbo simply banning innocent habbos to make money. Simple because when a person looses all there habbo possessions through a ban, they will probably create a new character and start all over again.

Habbo don't want to really ban a person from creating a new character because they have too much real money to make out of credits. Which defeats the purpose of banning in the first place.

So who is really scamming who?

Thread moved by Okapia (Forum Moderator) from 'Habbo News & Rumours'. Please post in the correct section next time, thanks.

22-05-2010, 11:40 PM
Sorry for being thick but I don't really understand what your question is about.

23-05-2010, 08:24 AM
Sorry for being thick but I don't really understand what your question is about.
I think they are suggesting Habbo is the scammer.

23-05-2010, 08:30 AM
Sorry for being thick but I don't really understand what your question is about.

As jackyo said, they are saying Habbo are the scammers.

I think you have a grudge against Habbo (your name is a giveaway, obviously) so I'd think your view is rather bias. I don't think Habbo are scammers. I'm not saying all Habbo bans are fair (because in some cases the mods refuse to look at the context) but the majority of bans which people moan about are fair.

23-05-2010, 08:32 AM
as a habbo 'millionaire' in the past, i know all the in's and outs of what scamming goes on behind closed doors

i couldn't agree more when you said 'the scammers get away with it and the innocent people end up getting banned' but i'm afraid to say that the scammers are very cunning and know exactly what to do to get away with it. Habbo staff can't just ban someone because someone has told them they scam - they need sufficient proof

Also it is often the innocent people that buy credits so again Habbo is losing out on that too, and when they get banned they will often make another account and buy credits all over again so in that sense habbo is making more money off them. If Sulake are going to convince us this isn't the case, then they need to rethink their banning policy and registration policy, be it only being alloud 3 usernames per IP or more relaxed bans so people arn't tempted to create another account

I think you're right in what your saying and you seem very keen on the idea (your account name) so maybe you should contact Sulake & tell them your points of view

23-05-2010, 08:43 AM
What? :S

23-05-2010, 08:50 AM
It's a business designed to make profit, so Habbo is bound to 'scam' you. After all, you're paying for virtual furni. :D

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