View Full Version : Intergrating Parts of Vbulletin into my layout

23-05-2010, 01:07 AM
Ok so i went to this url http://habboemotion.com/pages/guides.php?pages=vblogin, now when i do the script the login it directs me off the page it doesnt show like what its suppose to show in the code.

This is what it should show,

Username: <?php echo $username; ?><br />
Last visited: <?php echo $lastvisit_date; ?> at <?php echo $lastvisit_time; ?><br />
PM: <?php echo $unreadpm; ?> unread with a total of <?php echo $totalpm; ?> PMS<br />
Userid: <?php echo $userid; ?><br /><br />
<a href="/forum/login.php?do=logout&logouthash=<?php echo $logouthash; ?>">Logout</a>
All it does is directs me to the forum, check it out, habbmania.net/test.php

Can anyone help me please.

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