View Full Version : iPad..

26-05-2010, 06:13 PM
Did anyone pre-order one? ^^ I did, and I checked my delivery status today. Apparently, it's coming tomorrow instead of Friday.. woo! :)

26-05-2010, 06:26 PM
Did anyone pre-order one? ^^ I did, and I checked my delivery status today. Apparently, it's coming tomorrow instead of Friday.. woo! :)

i dont like them for some reason. enjoy yours tho ;)

26-05-2010, 06:36 PM
Did anyone pre-order one? ^^ I did, and I checked my delivery status today. Apparently, it's coming tomorrow instead of Friday.. woo! :)

Apple always ship then out weeks early ;)

Also, I love the fact my PHONE will have BETTER hardware specs than the iPad, ya know, just pointing that out.

26-05-2010, 06:51 PM
Apple always ship then out weeks early ;)

Also, I love the fact my PHONE will have BETTER hardware specs than the iPad, ya know, just pointing that out.
You are mean ;)

Enjoy it, even though it doesn't make too much sense :P

26-05-2010, 07:27 PM
i dont like them for some reason. enjoy yours tho ;)

Aww, will do!

Apple always ship then out weeks early ;)

Also, I love the fact my PHONE will have BETTER hardware specs than the iPad, ya know, just pointing that out.

Yeah, my laptop has better specs than a Mac tower. :D

You are mean ;)

Enjoy it, even though it doesn't make too much sense :P

I will! :D

26-05-2010, 07:39 PM
ah lucky you - enjoy!!!!!!!!

26-05-2010, 07:42 PM
ah lucky you - enjoy!!!!!!!!

Well, I did save up the money all myself.. :D

26-05-2010, 08:17 PM
I've had my iPad since April 10th, from a trip in the US - erm, be very careful with it. It gets chipped real easily.

It's really good, the full internet browsing and jailbreak works well, battery life isn't amazing. I recommend the Angry Birds HD app btw :) and Layers Pro :P

Have fun with it!

26-05-2010, 08:19 PM
My Nexus One has flash..

26-05-2010, 08:21 PM
I've had my iPad since April 10th, from a trip in the US - erm, be very careful with it. It gets chipped real easily.

It's really good, the full internet browsing and jailbreak works well, battery life isn't amazing. I recommend the Angry Birds HD app btw :) and Layers Pro :P

Have fun with it!

Just bought both :D Also got Keynote, Pages and Numbers! :)

My Nexus One has flash..

HTML5 all the way please.

26-05-2010, 08:22 PM
Just bought both :D

HTML5 all the way please.

Yes to Javascript and HTML5 but they should still support Flash.

26-05-2010, 08:23 PM
Yes to Javascript and HTML5 but they should still support Flash.

Well, no site I visit used Flash tbh, and if it does, I can live without it :)

26-05-2010, 08:33 PM
Well, no site I visit used Flash tbh, and if it does, I can live without it :)
No harm in supporting a one-popular type of format though, but if you have no use it for it, then fair dos :)

26-05-2010, 09:01 PM
No harm in supporting a one-popular type of format though, but if you have no use it for it, then fair dos :)

I do disagree with Apple's ban on Flash, but I don't use it.. :D

The Professor
26-05-2010, 09:09 PM
Considering it's a completely ancillary device that I can use a combination of my ipod touch, ps3 and desktop pc for, and given that the price is worth half a car to me, I wouldn't buy one in a month of sundays :P Even the ipod touch was tough to justify to myself!

26-05-2010, 09:14 PM
Just bought both :D Also got Keynote, Pages and Numbers! :)

Pages was awful when the toolbar only showed on portrait. It's so much better now. :) I don't have Keynote though.

26-05-2010, 09:46 PM
Did anyone pre-order one? ^^ I did, and I checked my delivery status today. Apparently, it's coming tomorrow instead of Friday.. woo! :)
Nope. I'm getting an iPhone after the refresh, and I can't justify buying both in a short space of time. I'll definitely be dropping by the Apple store at some point next week for a quick touch & feel. Enjoy! :D

And no, I honestly wouldn't trust Adobe to come up with a solid Flash player for the iPhone. The current Android implementation falls short of convincing... and it's taken them this long with full access to the platform. If you've been paying attention to the exchanges in the Flash war, Adobe's been hit pretty brutally by Apple, backed up by Microsoft and Opera among others. Adobe's returning arguments have been ridiculed by bloggers and journalists.

27-05-2010, 06:40 AM
Nope. I'm getting an iPhone after the refresh, and I can't justify buying both in a short space of time. I'll definitely be dropping by the Apple store at some point next week for a quick touch & feel. Enjoy! :D

And no, I honestly wouldn't trust Adobe to come up with a solid Flash player for the iPhone. The current Android implementation falls short of convincing... and it's taken them this long with full access to the platform. If you've been paying attention to the exchanges in the Flash war, Adobe's been hit pretty brutally by Apple, backed up by Microsoft and Opera among others. Adobe's returning arguments have been ridiculed by bloggers and journalists.

Aww. I sold my iPhone to buy the iPad, so I'm phone-less altogether. I'm thinking of paying half towards an iPhone, and trying to get my dad to pay for the other half...

And yeah, I dunno.. :/

27-05-2010, 06:44 AM
I've had my iPad since April 10th, from a trip in the US - erm, be very careful with it. It gets chipped real easily.

It's really good, the full internet browsing and jailbreak works well, battery life isn't amazing. I recommend the Angry Birds HD app btw :) and Layers Pro :P

Have fun with it!

Huh? I played Angry Birds HD on a 14 hour flight (for basically the whole flight) and by the time I got off the flight I still had like 45% battery left..

I also haven't chipped mine yet (and I've had it for quite a while now) but I have dented the edge as I dropped it in the airport lol. So unless you drop it a lot then it won't chip/scratch easily.

27-05-2010, 07:04 AM
Just bought both :D Also got Keynote, Pages and Numbers! :)

HTML5 all the way please.

40% of the internet still uses Flash, I'd rather a device that caters for current standards instead of the (fairly distant) future.

27-05-2010, 08:35 AM
My Nexus One has flash..

Just bought both :D Also got Keynote, Pages and Numbers! :)

HTML5 all the way please.

Yes to Javascript and HTML5 but they should still support Flash.

Well, no site I visit used Flash tbh, and if it does, I can live without it :)

No harm in supporting a one-popular type of format though, but if you have no use it for it, then fair dos :)

I do disagree with Apple's ban on Flash, but I don't use it.. :D

40% of the internet still uses Flash, I'd rather a device that caters for current standards instead of the (fairly distant) future.

Apple still should of supported flash. Yes it may not be the future but Flash is being used "today" and so come on Apple, stop being stupid and actually support popular formats!

27-05-2010, 08:37 AM
I woke up today to find a TNT van outside my house with a smiling man carrying an iPad towards my door. :D

27-05-2010, 09:53 AM
40% of the internet still uses Flash, I'd rather a device that caters for current standards instead of the (fairly distant) future.
Yeah, I can pull statistics out of my backside too.

Apple still should of supported flash. Yes it may not be the future but Flash is being used "today" and so come on Apple, stop being stupid and actually support popular formats!
You're forgetting that it's a joint onus on both Apple and Adobe. If Apple had said 'hey yeah, let's support Flash', it wouldn't magically be there. Adobe have only just released a botched attempt on Android, LONG after it was first promised. Apple would not have settled for something like the current Android implementation, so there is absolutely no guarantee we would have a Flash player on the iPhone even now.

The only Flash content I use is a few video sites which don't have HTML5 alternatives yet. I have a plugin to block Flash and I certainly don't feel like I'm missing out.

27-05-2010, 10:07 AM
Yeah, I can pull statistics out of my backside too.

You're forgetting that it's a joint onus on both Apple and Adobe. If Apple had said 'hey yeah, let's support Flash', it wouldn't magically be there. Adobe have only just released a botched attempt on Android, LONG after it was first promised. Apple would not have settled for something like the current Android implementation, so there is absolutely no guarantee we would have a Flash player on the iPhone even now.

The only Flash content I use is a few video sites which don't have HTML5 alternatives yet. I have a plugin to block Flash and I certainly don't feel like I'm missing out.

I guess you haven't read the words "BETA" after the flash player version yeah? It's still in the works and obviously it will not be 100% good enough yet. I'm not saying it would be on any of them devices ASAP, it would have been nice for them to allow Adobe put flash on there. But hey this is Apple and while Steve Jobs is working there, there will be no change.

27-05-2010, 10:13 AM
Yeah, I can pull statistics out of my backside too.

You're forgetting that it's a joint onus on both Apple and Adobe. If Apple had said 'hey yeah, let's support Flash', it wouldn't magically be there. Adobe have only just released a botched attempt on Android, LONG after it was first promised. Apple would not have settled for something like the current Android implementation, so there is absolutely no guarantee we would have a Flash player on the iPhone even now.

The only Flash content I use is a few video sites which don't have HTML5 alternatives yet. I have a plugin to block Flash and I certainly don't feel like I'm missing out.

Funnily enough that statistic wasn't pulled out of my arse, ArsTechnica, TechCrunch or one of the major news sites (can't remember which one I was reading about it on) quoted the figure.

Botched attempt? It works just fine, people are watching Hulu and all sorts of Flash content, because Android is open and not under the control of a nazi institution, who dislikes you watching porn on your phone, dislikes the fact people would be able to play flash games and work around the app store... funny that.

27-05-2010, 01:04 PM
Huh? I played Angry Birds HD on a 14 hour flight (for basically the whole flight) and by the time I got off the flight I still had like 45% battery left..

I also haven't chipped mine yet (and I've had it for quite a while now) but I have dented the edge as I dropped it in the airport lol. So unless you drop it a lot then it won't chip/scratch easily.

Lucky :( mine has little chips along the silver edges. :( I get about 20 hrs tops, too.

27-05-2010, 02:34 PM
I've gotten one sent over from the US 3 weeks ago, and I must say i'm loving it. I'll hopefully get the new iPhone out in June as my contract runs out (I never upgraded to the 3GS, only have 3G).

For those of you who get it, seriously, I expected to be floored and wowed throughout while using it. But seriously, after 5 minutes, you completely forget that it's an iPad and you just focus on your games/internet/etc.

27-05-2010, 02:39 PM
I guess you haven't read the words "BETA" after the flash player version yeah? It's still in the works and obviously it will not be 100% good enough yet. I'm not saying it would be on any of them devices ASAP, it would have been nice for them to allow Adobe put flash on there. But hey this is Apple and while Steve Jobs is working there, there will be no change.
Steve Jobs has gone back on his word many times. I do not worship him and I do realise when he contradicts himself, but he's put forward some very valid points re Flash; points which other big hitters have agreed with. Apple would not want a Flash beta hurting their platform, or causing it to burn through even more battery usage, or having another layer of abstraction between Apple and developers.

Re your belief that Flash should be supported everywhere regardless of its criticisms... that would only prolong its life past what is necessary. By pushing for the adoption of new technologies, Apple has helped (along with other big hitters) speed up this development process. If Apple had opened up to Flash (and assuming Adobe could have produced something decent in less time than it's taken so far), there would be little point Apple saying 'Flash is supported, but we believe in the use of new technologies'. They just wanted to push, and they were the only ones with the balls at the time to do it.

It's not a ridiculous thing to do at all, and it's something they do quite regularly to pave the way for adoption of new technologies. They were one of the first to drop floppy drives from their line-up, when floppies were near the end of their hay-day but still considered 'standard'. If you just look to Apple's stance on OS updates, you'll see they're not one for supporting legacy software or hardware. Argue with it all you want, but that's their business practice and their approach to Flash is no different. Clearly they're doing something right, because they're shipping **** loads of iPhones and iPads, and their share value is phenomenal.

Funnily enough that statistic wasn't pulled out of my arse, ArsTechnica, TechCrunch or one of the major news sites (can't remember which one I was reading about it on) quoted the figure.

Botched attempt? It works just fine, people are watching Hulu and all sorts of Flash content, because Android is open and not under the control of a nazi institution, who dislikes you watching porn on your phone, dislikes the fact people would be able to play flash games and work around the app store... funny that.
From what I've also read from ArsTechnica and Engadget, there's lots of Flash content which doesn't work. It's all fine and dandy supporting Flash video, but they could have called it Flash Lite 2.0. Android is open, has been available for this long, and Adobe have only been able to get this far. If it was a fully-fledged Flash player, stable (without crashing) and without causing your device to turn radioactive, I'm sure Apple would be worried. For now, there's still plenty of work to be done.

27-05-2010, 03:00 PM
@Barmi. To add on, the issue with flash is basically rooted in 2 areas. Proprietary and inefficiencies. Now you would think, Apple has the app store, isn't that proprietary too? Well, yes it is. But it's different in the fact that you have a choice. If you don't like the App Store's control, get another phone. However, you can't choose the internet, there's only one. That's why, having Flash, and Adobe control the majority of the rich media online is detrimental to freedom.

27-05-2010, 03:59 PM
I pre-ordered a wifi only one (since I don't see carrying it around with me outside, a phone will do just fine), and it is set to arrive tomorrow. I'll mainly use it for games/internet viewing.

The lack of flash really isn't a big deal to me since very few sites I use require flash. The main online video sites I use now also work in html5, so all is well in that boat. Having said that, I would have liked html5 support, but won't cry myself to sleep without it...

edit;; I cannot wait for iPhone os 4 to be released for it, multitasking is the only feature I really want that it doesn't have...

27-05-2010, 04:16 PM
I pre-ordered a wifi only one (since I don't see carrying it around with me outside, a phone will do just fine), and it is set to arrive tomorrow. I'll mainly use it for games/internet viewing.

The lack of flash really isn't a big deal to me since very few sites I use require flash. The main online video sites I use now also work in html5, so all is well in that boat. Having said that, I would have liked html5 support, but won't cry myself to sleep without it...

edit;; I cannot wait for iPhone os 4 to be released for it, multitasking is the only feature I really want that it doesn't have...

I have a WiFi only one too. I will take it outside of my home, but I only go to places with WiFi hotspots ;D

Also, OS 4 is coming in Autumn for the iPad :D

27-05-2010, 05:15 PM
I have a WiFi only one too. I will take it outside of my home, but I only go to places with WiFi hotspots ;D

Also, OS 4 is coming in Autumn for the iPad :D

Small town, no wifi hot spots ... except neighbors... :'(

But during the summer when travelling the hotels usually have wifi hotspots, so I'll probably use it then (instead of my macbook pro...).

I so wish we could get the OS update the same time the iPhones/iPod touch people do ;'( - cannot wait (L)

27-05-2010, 06:01 PM
my dads just got an ipad and hes kinda addicted atm LOL

29-05-2010, 12:18 AM
Just got it today, loving it.
The apps are a bit more pricey then the iPhone/iPod Touch, but it is amazing.

30-05-2010, 11:03 PM
Just got it today, loving it.
The apps are a bit more pricey then the iPhone/iPod Touch, but it is amazing.

That's what a certain jailbreak app called Installous is for, not that I condone it.

I use my iPhone to create a 3G WiFi network, then hook up my iPad to the WiFi network. Therefore it's a WiFi iPad that uses 3G :)

31-05-2010, 09:01 AM
That's what a certain jailbreak app called Installous is for, not that I condone it.

I use my iPhone to create a 3G WiFi network, then hook up my iPad to the WiFi network. Therefore it's a WiFi iPad that uses 3G :)

But you have to pay for tethering.. right?

31-05-2010, 09:23 AM
bigger version of the ipod touch. Don't think it's that good.

31-05-2010, 09:50 AM
i haven't ordered one. i want one though.

31-05-2010, 10:43 AM
But you have to pay for tethering.. right?

Who pays for tethering???

31-05-2010, 11:04 AM
I might get one aswell as a MBP tbh, they look good. I would use my WIMO phone with 3G to make a wifi hotspot then use it off that.

31-05-2010, 11:29 AM
Who pays for tethering???

Haha, fair point.

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