View Full Version : Actionscript 3

09-06-2010, 10:24 PM
Hi :) Question for the AS3 devs.
I want to start learning AS3, but every tutorial/guide I look at recommends using different software.
Which one should I choose and why?

PS. Any other helpful tips or links to decent tutorials will be massively appreciated :)

09-06-2010, 11:26 PM
For me personally, I have always used the bog standard Flash program (Currently CS5).

In terms of learning, it depends on whether you know the Actionscript syntax basics. If not, learn general actionscript syntax, then look more specifically into AS3 and objects etc.

14-06-2010, 02:02 PM
I've been banned for ages so I couldn't reply to this, but personally I use FlashDevelop with Flex SDK which are both free. To me, the concept of having a library, a timeline and a stage seem very weird as I do everything with code. If you like the idea of having a "drag and drop" library, a stage to lay things out and a timeline for animation, go with Adobe Flash, but if you want to make applications in pure AS3, go with FlashDevelop.

I know you would probably get Flash by "other means" other than paying, but there are the obvious legal issues with that which makes FlashDevelop all the more appealing.

14-06-2010, 02:02 PM
I've been banned for ages so I couldn't reply to this, but personally I use FlashDevelop with Flex SDK which are both AS3. To me, the concept of having a library, a timeline and a stage seem very weird as I do everything with code. If you like the idea of having a "drag and drop" library, a stage to lay things out and a timeline for animation, go with Adobe Flash, but if you want to make applications in pure AS3, go with FlashDevelop.

I know you would probably get Flash by "other means" other than paying, but there are the obvious legal issues with that which makes FlashDevelop all the more appealing.

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