View Full Version : Is celebrity culture harmful to teenagers? [ENDS 18/07/2010]
Is celebrity culture harmful to teenagers?
Ends: 18/07/2010
Recently there have been claims that the celebrity culture is hurting teenagers more than it is doing any good. A research study has found that teenagers are more likely than adults to abuse alcohol, smoke cigarettes, use illicit substances, commit antisocial acts, and drive recklessly or while intoxicated and other negative acts along the same line. It has been directly linked with celebrities. What good are celebrities really doing, we often seem them jailed for drug abuse or reckless driving such as the cases of Amy Winehouse and Paris Hilton.
However, others argue that celebrities bring a much more positive aura to a teenagers life. For example, celebrities such as Angelina Joelie is an UNHCR spokeswoman and this may teach teenagers lessons about human rights and giving back to the society we live in. Anyway, there are many more similar case studies, let's turn to the debate question of whether celebrity culture is indeed harmful to the demographic of teenagers or not. Remember to state reasons why!
I don't think it's harmful at all. I'v been brought up been able to drink at parties & Christmas (Well, when I was a bit older). As long as I asked before each drink ;]
That way I knew that there had to be a reason to drink. If you're brought up without been able to drink at all, that would encourage them to drink on the streets and in private.
So in moderation, I think it's fine :)
04-07-2010, 06:37 PM
I think in a way it does, teenagers look up to celebs and I think some have the attitude 'if they can do it why can't I'. But then other parts of me think if somebody does do something like drink alot or take drugs then its because they want to. If they want to take part in anti sociable acts then its because they find it fun or w/e.
04-07-2010, 06:50 PM
It depends really because it's hard to give a yes or no answer to this. Some celebrities are known in a positive way and give a positive influence on people who look up to them, whereas some celebrities give a negative influence on those who look up to them.
You can't just blame it on 'celebrities' as a whole. I'm not saying that you can't blame it on some celebrities but you can't blame it on all celebrities as opposed to a named few.
omg i totally misread the title lol. Thought it said "celebrate" ^_^
It depends on which celebrities really.
If you look at some celebrities like Amy Winehouse, it tells you what mess you can get yourself into due to substance abuse. So in a way you can learn from their mistakes.
If somebody is influenced by a celebrity to abuse substances etc.. then I don't think it's the celebrities fault. I mean yeah, it doesn't make them good role models - but surely if the teenager has had a good upbringing they will know its wrong to begin with. But like Ben stated, they could have the "if they can do it, I can do it" attitude.
Although you have "good" celebs such as Angelina Joelie, you fail to notice shes in a relationship with another celeb. There are a few times where celeb relationships work out. But they rarely go for anybody "normal". The only celeb I know of is Nicolas Cage who married a waitress.
So in a way, their relationships could influence them to go for "perfect" partners.
06-07-2010, 07:19 PM
Depends, im more on the yes side though.
Alot of celebrities are role models to teenagers and therefore, some teenagers are gonna wanna be like them, so if a celerity does something bad, then someone else probably will too.
Depends, im more on the yes side though.
Alot of celebrities are role models to teenagers and therefore, some teenagers are gonna wanna be like them, so if a celerity does something bad, then someone else probably will too.
Surely the teenager should know better in the first place?
06-07-2010, 10:27 PM
Well, modelling is harmful to teenagers, have you heard about that women who is size 0 but is really really ill? That's an example.
06-07-2010, 10:28 PM
it's only harmful if you take it/their actions seriously
07-07-2010, 12:24 PM
A research study has found that teenagers are more likely than adults to abuse alcohol, smoke cigarettes, use illicit substances, commit antisocial acts, and drive recklessly or while intoxicated and other negative acts along the same line. It has been directly linked with celebrities.
err could i actually see this research? cause that seems like a loose connection, i dont really see how they can tie alcohol and smoking cigarettes directly to celebrities when plenty more just average people do it? :/ cause this makes it sound like "oh this child has alcohol poisoning! paris hilton had a DUI once it must be her fault!"
and no, your friends and peers have a much larger influence on you than celebrities. sure, a celebrity might be out smoking cigarettes a bunch but only people you know in person can physically hand one to you.
If they take it seriously then yes, if they don't then no lolol
12-07-2010, 12:54 PM
Ofc its harmful. Girls always see these sexy, slim blondies in magazines & where not else & they want to be like them. These type of women advertise smoking, modelling and what not else which is really harmful and persuades young girls to start smoking?
Little do these girls know, that those women they see on the magazines have been air-brushed & are completely fake. Girls aim to be like the people they see, but you could argue that those people aren't real.
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