View Full Version : IFrame Tutorials

05-08-2005, 09:27 PM
OK, lots of people have asked this on many other forums so here is my help and my first tutorial on Habbox Forum

To start off with, open your HTML editor, such as notepade, FrontPage or Dreamweaver, and select where you would like to have IFrame.

In this space, type:

<iframe align="left / right / center" name="Insert the name of your IFrame here. This becomes important later" src="Insert the path to your file to automatically open" width=Insert size or percentage height=Insert size or percentage></iframe>

Note: Do not edit blue text. Only edit red

For example

<iframe align="center" name="main" src="body_index.html" frameborder=0 width=90% height=100%></iframe>

This above should have given you an IFrame box. Now, we need a content box. This is not done in the same way, as the links would only open in the navigation box, but we need it to open in the content box or "MAIN"

To do this:

Follow the same steps as above until you get to the codes. Instead, use the bottom ones below this

You need to set up the iframe as below:

<iframe align="left / right / center" name="Insert the name of your IFrame here. This becomes important later" src="Insert the path to your file to automatically open" width=Insert size or percentage height=Insert size or percentage></iframe>

Note: Do not edit blue text. Only edit red

For example

<iframe align="center" name="main" src="navigation.html" frameborder=0 width=40 height=200></iframe>

Now, you need to create a new page and insert the link where on the example it says navigation.html

Open this page.

For the links, you needto use this code below:

<a title="Insert the name of the page here" href="Add the name of the link here" target="Target this to the name you designated t the main conent IFrame">

Note: Edit the red, not the green

For Example

<a title="Home" href="body_index.html" target="main">

Optional Extras - These go just inside your tags with the height and width tags

frameborder=" " - Creates a default border around your IFrame. 1 is on 0 is off.

scrolling=" " - Want your IFrame to have scrolling capabilities? 1 is on 0 is off.

marginwidth=" " - Since the IFrame acts like a page it has margin settings as well. This adds margins to both sides of your IFrame.

marginheight=" " - Same as above except adds margins to top and bottom of IFrame.

vspace=" " - Similar to cellspacing, it leaves a gap on the tops and bottom of the IFrame.

hspace=" " - Similar to cellpadding, it leaves a gap on the sides of the IFrame.
allowtransparency=" " - This allows for transparency in the background.

This will then show up in the space designated in the navigation area. As you click a link, it will show up in the content box if this has been followed correctly, or if I havn't made a mistake

If I have, please correct me

Thanks a Lot

All comments welcome

05-08-2005, 09:31 PM
If I have, please crrect me

Dan Williamson
05-08-2005, 09:40 PM
Cool Tut, I Already New, But For Beginners It's Pretty Good.

06-08-2005, 10:33 AM
I did it because someone called Cookie on another forum not to do with habbo asked me, Matt and yesterday, there was someone asking for help on this forum and JaMhEd asked me via MSN

06-08-2005, 10:36 AM
not bad could have added more.. like frameborder and scrolling.

06-08-2005, 10:41 AM
Good Point. 2 mins

06-08-2005, 10:50 AM
Sorry for double post premtivly, but I have added the Optional Extras section to add more depth t this tutorial

06-08-2005, 04:08 PM
How easy is it to use, 2 iframes for every page, REPLY QUICK

Rep - added for the post ^^

06-08-2005, 04:16 PM
why didnt you just give them this great link
It would of saved you a hell of a lot of time

06-08-2005, 04:43 PM
Ye, but it wasn't exactly a hard option for my 1st tutorials

06-08-2005, 05:25 PM
Ah ha, never mind, i didn't get much information from here, to difficuit to understand, i got it from spintercell ty :d

07-08-2005, 03:08 PM
why didnt you just give them this great link
It would of saved you a hell of a lot of time

Lmao, image your tutorial was just;

"Search how to make iframes on google"

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