View Full Version : Some Advice ;o

10-07-2010, 06:43 PM
Hey all,

Im going to start of by telling y'all a very complicated life story. But in note form

I got kicked out my moms when i was 12
Im now 17 and live with my Dad
He's a lazy hobo and doesnt work
He spends all our 'benefit money' on alcohol and electric to power all of his stuff like his 42'' tele and bluray home cinema
We never have any money for food

Now, basically i've grown tired of living off burgers and cake. Im not obese don't get me wrong, but i like eating healthily, so i've been paying for all my own food so i can eat right. Even though he gets paid to 'look after me' each week.

I'm seriously considering moving out and living with someone else. Whether it be distant family, or at a friends and pay their parents some rent.

What im asking is, seeing as im under 18, in full time education with a part time low paid job, what help can i receive? I know asking on a forum like this is a bit weird, but i figured maybe someone else my age has had to go through something similar. I just want to get out of here but theres no way i can afford to live on my own whilst im at college.


10-07-2010, 07:25 PM
Can't you get emancipated?

If you have friends or family you can stay with i'd do it if I were you, your dad sounds like a crummy person to stay with.

10-07-2010, 07:26 PM
Why did your mum kick you out?
Couldn't you speak to her?

10-07-2010, 07:27 PM
Social Services. Or ring Childline. 0800 1111 . You will get help. If your not trolling, thats awful.

10-07-2010, 08:02 PM
I'm not trolling. I really dont want any social services or childline involved ;D Im 17 and 18 in 6 months. It's just something i have to bare through till college is over (2 years ;o ;[) but i just didnt know if theres any help i could get. Or if any of the money he gets could be paid into my name instead. Me and my mom generally dont get on. She's just as bad as he is. I dont like posting stuff about my life on forums normally because it's public and stuff but still :L

11-07-2010, 08:30 PM
Mate, if you are being truthful in what you say, you NEED to get support. Nobody should have to go through that.

12-07-2010, 03:12 PM
I'd say go to the job center but your only 17

And yeah i'd be pissed if i had to eat artificial **** all the time. i want steak

12-07-2010, 10:44 PM
The rules do make exceptions for young people under 18 who don't live with/ are estranged from their parents and have to support themselves so I would go on the site and look.
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