View Full Version : What Rock Makes Good Money?

12-07-2010, 07:00 PM
I was wondering what mining makes good money?

I am only level 28 but i can easily train it up :)

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12-07-2010, 07:05 PM
Clay requires 1 mining, can be obtained very easily with little competition and sells for about 150gp each when dry, or if you wet it yourself, it doubles in price generally, so 300gp.
Iron requires 15 mining, and sells for about 250-300gp last time I checked, but because of the recent spike, there are lots of people mining it, and even without its high price, it is mined a lot because of its quick exp rate.
So for money, stick with Clay until like level 50, then I'd suggest iron.
50 may seem high, but a lot of the time at 50, you'll still get beaten so world switching will still be needed.

Hope that helped (:

12-07-2010, 07:10 PM
so iron is good money?

is coal any good?

12-07-2010, 07:13 PM
Iron is OK money, but i think clay is probably just as good, maybe 90% as good, so clay should suffice.
Coal is good money but it is always packed at the known coal locations
If you were to get to about 50 mining, try mining coal in lumbridge swamp; thats the only location I know that isn't swamped with high level f2p miners.

12-07-2010, 09:57 PM
It would be best to mine iron until you're level 30. If you're P2P, the best place would be south of the Piscatoris Fishing Colony or west of Falador. For F2P, probably the mine south-east of Varrock.

Once you reach level 30, you can make money with coal. I'd recommend mining coal from 30-60 at the mine in Lumbridge Swamp if you're F2P, and at the coal trucks if you're P2P, as the trucks can store upto 120 coal.

From level 60, you should mine coal in the Mining Guild. The bank is pretty close as well, so it can be great cash, although in F2P is can also be very crowded.

If you're P2P, you could also try mining gold at level 40 in the Arzinian Mines, or at the mine north of Brimhaven if you've completed the King Fisher quest. If you're F2P, I don't think gold is good cash, as the only good palce to mine it would be the Crafting Guild, which would probably be packed.

Mining can be very profitable at level 77 on P2P. You can mine the coal deposits in the Living Rock Caverns, which also means you don't have to click as much. At level 80, you can mine the gold deposits, and you can make around 30-50M from 80-99 mining there, depending on the cost of gold ores.

Then of course there is runite at level 85, although personally I don't think it's worth mining as it's incredibely slow experience, you need to hop worlds a lot and it can be very crowded - especially in F2P, where you have to mine in the wilderness.

12-07-2010, 10:34 PM
I have to disagree with the above.
I'm not sure if you're F2P but any decent bankable iron spots are always packed unless you're extremely lucky, and 30 mining won't be high enough to compete.
40 is the minimum for iron for a Rune pick.
And again with the coal at 30; incredibly slow and too much competition.

12-07-2010, 11:17 PM
crack rock.

coal is good but really hard to get in f2p, and its so frustrating

12-07-2010, 11:24 PM
I have to disagree with the above.
I'm not sure if you're F2P but any decent bankable iron spots are always packed unless you're extremely lucky, and 30 mining won't be high enough to compete.
40 is the minimum for iron for a Rune pick.
And again with the coal at 30; incredibly slow and too much competition.

The iron mining spot south of Piscatoris Fishing Colony is always empty when I run past it, and it is very easy to find a world where it is empty. The same can be said about the mining spot west of Falador - especially since the Living Rock Caverns update, most people prefer to mine there, or powermine at granite until they have a high enough mining level to mine at LRC.
As for F2P, almost all mining spots are going to be crowded, just like most training spots in F2P.
Coal is the best to mine for cash - not for experience. Coal is going to be slow at lower levels, and if there is competition then even slower, but it's still the best way to mine cash. Especially if you're mining somewhere like the coal trucks, which aren't usually packed with people, then you have the whole place to yourself, or rarely have to share it with one person, and as it has so many rocks, that doesn't really affect how many coal you can mine per hour.
Of course, for experience I would recommend powermining iron, but for cash, coal would be the best way to go - in my opinion anyway.

If you are F2P though, then mining in general can be a nightmare. Almost all mining spots will be packed with people, so I would recommend not worrying about cash until you get a high enough level - just powermine iron until you are around level 60 mining, then you would be able to beat some people while mining coal.

12-07-2010, 11:26 PM
mining isnt good money unless you can mine addy/rune anyways and even then its crap money.

13-07-2010, 06:17 AM
well i'm just mining pure ess for a bit to get me 1m :)

14-07-2010, 01:55 AM
just go by what you can mine. Mine the highest lvl thing you can. It is better if you lvl up mine and smelt at the same time. The best place to do this is at Faldore (SP) and Dwarf mine. Great Exchange is good to sell, but takes some time to sell there.

14-07-2010, 02:46 PM
just go by what you can mine. Mine the highest lvl thing you can. It is better if you lvl up mine and smelt at the same time. The best place to do this is at Faldore (SP) and Dwarf mine. Great Exchange is good to sell, but takes some time to sell there.
eh, you couldn't be more wrong.
you try mining coal at 30 mining and let me know when you get 100.
For exp just stick to iron and eventually granite, for money, mine the highest level rock you can, if you were to minus 20 levels from your level.
so coal at 50, for example.
Iron at 41 with a rune pick would probably still be more money than coal though due to the speed.

14-07-2010, 04:45 PM
ok thank you :)

15-07-2010, 02:02 AM
Well if you can mine rune and have a high enough smith level that what I would do and make full armor. Its my choose you dont have to do it

15-07-2010, 11:20 AM
Its not about choice, its about what makes good money.
E.g with rune, the best money is to sell the ore, not smith it.

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