View Full Version : Habbox Forum Big Brother Roundup

21-07-2010, 05:17 PM

HabboxForum Big Brother ran from July 4th to July 14th 2010. The event was planned to perfection, and overall a near two weeks of great fun and entertainment was had by all. There were good times, great bonding between housemates, but also some arguments. As new people were added into the house, tensions increased a little, however things settled back down towards the end.

All the housemates had been active, and did well in participating in the event. The tasks were great fun, and had clearly been thought out well. There were a few quiet moments in the house, but for the most of the time, housemates were certainly kept occupied.

Read on below for a summary of the events which took place during the event!

21-07-2010, 05:20 PM
Day 1

Welcome to the official daily feed of the HabboxForum Big Brother house. Here we will be posting a summary of the days events, and providing a place where you can catch up on all the latest news and gossip from inside the house.

What an eventful first day! At precisely 2:00pm, the fun began with the housemates being gradually announced. There were a few delays along the way, but by 5:32pm all twelve housemates were in the house.

The lineup was as follows:

2:00pm - Luce enters the house
2:06pm - Smiffy70 enters the house
2:10pm - FlyingJesus enters the house
2:17pm - Shazlouise enters the house
3:04pm - Blacktux enters the house
3:13pm - @TheRemel enters the house
4:00pm - Buttons enters the house
4:11pm - MrPinkPanther enters the house
5:06pm - W00TZEH enters the house
5:15pm - KK. enters the house
5:23pm - Haaaaarry enters the house
5:32pm - Saurav enters the house

What's in the headlines?

As expected, housemates immediately began arguments, and Smiffy70 seemed to be the favourite to be the brunt of the attacks. He was later consoled in the diary room by Big Brother and vowed to fight back.

Housemates were struggling to grasp some of the house rules and Big brother had to step in. At 3:08pm, luce was called to the diary room, where she received a stern telling off from big brother about breaking a rule.

Later at 9:34pm, Little Brother called both KK. and MrPinkPanther into the diary room for the same reasons. They had posted in a thread specifically aimed at a housemate, thus breaking the rules.

Whilst these housemates got away with a ticking off- a number of official warnings have already been issued, costing the housemates vital points!

At 4:59pm, Smiffy70 was officially warned for discussing the HxF Big Brother house, outside of the forums! This involved a very dodgy screenshot being posted, showing smiffy70 in the HxHD talking about the show.

At 11:55pm, Saurav was warned for the same reasoning. This cost the house a vital 5 points.

Brief summary of the highlights:

Luce was missing contact with the outside world. She asked for visitor messages to be re-instated, but this was turned down. She found it difficult being separated from her best friend Roxy916 and made a thread in the house, in hope of Roxy viewing it.

Most housemates immediately took a dislike to smiffy70. This lead to various insults being thrown around, really upsetting him. His age, and spelling was brought into the arguments, and things get very heated. Big brother had to ensure that smiffy was happy inside the house, but it was later revealed he was managing ok.

There seems to be an ongoing battle between buttons and saurav, over leaked information. Saurav has accused buttons of causing his latest warning. This is sure to spark many problems within the house.

During a long visit to the diary room, Haaaaarry declared his love for Little sister. With lots of flirting going on, it was clear Haaaaarry was smitten. Does he really love Little Sister, or is he doing it so that he can later bribe her?

BlackTux mentioned to Big Brother that his timezone could affect things for him in the competition. Big Brother was soon on the case, and had a nice talk with him.

Here's todays main shock twist:

Having broken a fundamental house rule, Shazlouise was in trouble. Big Brother decided to dish up the ultimate punishment for her that would set to stir things within the house. Shazlouise had to choose 5 fellow housemates that would join her to face a public eviction!

At first she was reluctant to choose, but having followed Big Brothers orders she chose;


and they are the housemates that will join her in the first ever HabboxForum Big Brother eviction.

You can choose who you want to go by clicking here. (http://www.habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=654104)

Daily Points Update:

As it stands, the housemates are currently on a total of -30 Points. This is after the following point changes:

04:26 PM - Housemates lose 20 housepoints due to buttons leaking the fact she was in the house on MSN.
05:02 PM - Smiffy70 loses the house 5 points for discussing HabboxForum Big Brother out of HabboxForum House
11:56 PM - Saurav loses 5 points for discussing HxFBB out of the forum and getting others to leak him info.

Your views?

With such a dramatic first day, it's hard for us to capture all of the days events in one thread. We will have missed out many of today's goings on here, but hopefully you eagle eyed viewers will have captured every moment! Let us know your favourite moments of the day by leaving a comment below!

21-07-2010, 05:22 PM
Day 2

The second day in the house hasn't been as busy as the first, but a lot still went on. With the result of the eviction set to be announced, and also the task in full motion, it was set to be an exciting day.

Today was shazlouise's birthday, and the housemates ensured she was wished a happy birthday. At 8:00am, MrPinkPanther awarded Shazlouise with a birthday thread and also a big brother themed cake.

The eviction:

Yesterday, the following housemates were put up for eviction:


These six contestants faced the public vote.

At 8:07pm Big Brother revealed that with 37.78% of the vote, Smiffy70 was the first contestant to be evicted from the Big Brother house. Let's take a look at Smiffy70's highlights during his short stay in the house:

Smiffy's highlights

Smiffy70 walked into the Big Brother house, and for some reason was picked on by a few of the housemates. This caused a lot of tension inside the house, with housemates ganging up on him.

Smiffy vowed to fight back, and soon he was giving as good as he got, and firmly became a hit with some of the viewers. With a love/hate campaign really starting to emerge.

Smiffy received an infraction on Day 1 for Discussing HabboxForum Big Brother out of the House.

A picture was leaked to big brother with what is believed to be an edited screenshot displaying smiffy badmouthing the house. This was later discovered to be fake and possible a cruel plot to get him into trouble.

Smiffy took part in the love letter task, and his aim was to send a love letter to a department manager on the forum. He wasn't sure who Bolt660 was at first, (gutted) but soon stepped up to the challenge and did himself proud.

Since leaving the house, many people have been displaying signatures saying that smiffy should have won the contest. This is too late now, but smiffy will always be remembered as a housemate that caused a bit of a stir, but really did bring some entertainment to the whole show.

Love letter task:

At 11:20am, the love letters task was announced. Housemates were paired with a member of Habbox Management, and their task was to write a love letter to the specific member of management and at the end ask them on a date. Contestants were paired with the following managers:

W00tzeh must write a love letter to ,Jess,
Saurav must write a love letter to -:Undertaker:-
smiffy70 must write a love letter to Bolt660
buttons must write a love letter to HotelUser
Haaaaarry must write a love letter to Roxy916
luce must write a love letter to Inseriousity.
Shazlouise must write a love letter to Alkaz
kk. must write a love letter to xxMATTGxx
FlyingJesus must write a love letter to Garion
Blacktux must write a love letter to Charlottay!
MrPinkPanther must write a love letter to Grig
@TheRemel must write a love letter to -Danube-

Contestants had until 10:00pm to get this task completed. The results of this task are yet to be announced.

News in brief:

At 6:02pm Buttons received an infraction for creating an inappropriate post during the love letters task. Her letter contained Jewish concentration camp references which were deemed totally unacceptable by Big Brother. This cost the house 2 points.

At 7:15am Shazlouise created a thread aimed at Big Brother for not wishing her a Happy Birthday. Housemates proceeded to post various images of cakes in the thread and overall the atmosphere in the house was good.

At 1:29pm Haaaaarry and his fellow housemates were talking about their day. Haaaaarry mentioned that he was currently on a work experience placement. Housemates got on well during this bonding session.

At 3:27pm W00TZEH was eating a piece of toast.

Throughout the day, Saurav was making references to 'blonde Oli'. Nobody quite knows who this is, but it is believed that this could be Big Brothers name in real life.

At 8:03pm a thread was made by big brother, gradually announcing the eviction results. Most housemates were pleased that smiffy70 was voted out of the Big Brother house.

At 1:00am Haaaaarry went to sleep.

The second eviction!

Shortly after being announced as the first person to leave the house, Smiffy70 was asked to choose six people to put up for eviction! He chose the following housemates:


These housemates will face the public vote, and one of them will leave at 8pm on Tuesday 6th July. Make sure you vote by clicking here. (http://www.habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=654332)

Daily Points Update:

As it stands, the housemates are currently on a total of -32 Points. This is after the following point changes today:

6:15pm - Housemates lose 2 points due to buttons inappropriately posting

21-07-2010, 05:25 PM
Days 3 & 4

Day three has officially been and gone, and it's certainly been an eventful day. With a record number of warnings being issued to housemates and the all important task results to be announced, it was set to be a fun day inside the house.

After the departure of Smiffy70 and with only 11 housemates remaining, housemates clearly weren't too affected by the previous days events. With another eviction looming and the results of the task to be announced, housemates had something to look forwards to.

Todays eviction:

After Smiffy70 was evicted on Day 2, he was asked to put six of his fellow housemates up for eviction! The housemates he chose were:


They faced the public vote. At 8:01pm Big Brother created his usual thread to announce the results of the eviction. It was revealed that luce, Haaaarry and KK. were safe. At 8:04pm, @TheRemel was also announced as safe. At 8:07pm Big Brother finally revealed that the 2nd housemate to leave the Big Brother house was Saurav. (Meaning Shazlouise was safe) With 45.7% of the vote, Saurav was out.

Saurav's Highlights:

Saurav was the twelfth contestant to enter the big brother house.

Saurav entered the house and immediately caused a stir. He started off by joining in with the bullying of former housemate smiffy70. In fact, one of his first threads created within the house was entitled "smiffy you ****".

During his time in the house, Saurav caused mixed opinions between housemates. Certain housemates clearly didn't get on with saurav, and a few arguments soon came up.

Saurav described his time in the Big Brother house as " Fun to start off with, boring in the middle, fun in the end."

Towards the end of his time in the Big Brother house, Saurav broke a couple of house rules. He mentioned that he was trying to lose the house points, since he knew himself that he was leaving.

There were repeated accusations during his time in the house, that saurav was a mole. Of course we now know that Saurav is infact not a mole, but this caused a few suspicions in the house.

Little Brother whips out the warnings:

Day three started off relatively quiet. The housemates seemed settled, and there was a good atmosphere within the house. Pre-eviction tension soon started to set in, and it wasn't long before a lot of rulebreaks popped up.

At 5:15pm Little Brother issued a warning to @TheRemel for avoiding the filter. Soon after at 5:20pm, Little Brother also warned W00TZEH for the same reason. At 5:34pm Buttons wanted to join the fun, but this time her filter avoidance caused Little Brother to issue her an infraction- costing the team a valuable 5 points!

Little Brother wasn't finished there! At 7:22pm, Saurav received a warning for avoiding the filter. Later at 7:46pm, he received an infraction for the same rulebreak.

At 8:12pm @TheRemel was infracted for an inappropriate post, and 12:22am today, MrPinkPanther was warned for a filter avoidance.

Overall Little Brother issued 7 warnings/infractions during the day, costing housemates a massive 18 points on rulebreaks alone!

Task Results!

A very exciting thing about the whole Big Brother experience is the tasks! Two tasks ended today, and here are the results!

Love letters task:

During this task, housemates were required to send a letter to a habbox manager in hope of them accepting their invitation on a date. Here are the results:
Blacktux ~ Charlottay! thought that you would be compatible and love to go on your date ~ You score 5 points!

Luce ~ Inseriousity has asked me to tell you he'll be warming up the bed for WHEN YOU GET BACK FROM YOUR DATE ~ You score 5 points.

FlyingJesus ~ Garion would do anything for someone looking good on his arm ~ You score 5 points!

Haaaarry ~ Roxy916 wants a bit of you ;) She'd also like to go on your date ~ You score 5 points

kk. ~ You've got kiss kisses coming your way after your date with xxMATTGxx ~ You score 5 points!

Saurav ~ -:Undertaker:- doesn't think you would be compatible with him, however would be interested to go on your date ~ You score 3 points!

W00TZEH ~ Jess was not impressed. You score 0

@TheRemel ~ Danube was very impressed with your flattery even though you've never spoken to him. 5 points!

ShazLouise ~ Alkaz was reluctant to accept, but he did in the end ~ You score 5 points!

MrPinkPanther ~ Grig wasn't massively impressed, sorry you score 0!

Smiffy70 earned the house 5 points by flattering Bolt660 - so you shouldnt hate him too much!

Buttons Big Brother recognises your task efforts but unfortunately you score 0!

Housemates have scored a total of 43 points in this task!
Bonus Task:

Today's task for each housemate was to write a Poem/Song/Diary Entry about the first two days in the Big Brother House.

Haaaaarry won this task, after composing a song fitted with the tune of tik tok. Haaaaarry won himself immunity from the next eviction.

News In Brief:

At 1:13pm, Blacktux was tired. He wanted Big Brother to post the days task, before he headed off to bed.

At 5:34pm Shazlouise thought Little Brother was trying to cause tension asking her what she thought about woozeh and theremel losing points for the housemates.

At 4:17pm, Saurav declared he thought the house was boring. Luckily for him this was to be his last few hours inside the house and he would soon be released back into Habboxforum.

At 6:16pm, Buttons posted funny pictures of her face. (http://www.habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=654530)

Towards the end of his time in the house, it appears saruav was trying to cost the housemates points by purposely breaking the rules.

At 8:08pm, Housemates made their goodbyes to saurav, and the house was left with 10 contestants.

At 9:51pm, luce made a stand to her fellow housemates, and made a speech asking for them to stick to the rules more. Clearly concerned about the amount of points they were losing, luce felt it was needed to remind them. Or maybe she was just concerned that the prize pot would be smaller unless she curbed their behaviour...

At 8:33pm, luce began collecting names from housemates of who they would like to receive a message from. Housemates are allowed one message from the outside world, and must choose one person each. Luce had until midnight to get the names to Big brother and at 11:01pm, luce posted her findings in the diary room.

Eviction number 3 awaits:

After being evicted from the Big Brother house, Saurav was asked to put four of his fellow housemates up for eviction. He wasn't allowed to choose Haaaaarry, since he had won the days bonus task. Saurav chose:


These housemates will face the public vote, and one of them will leave at 8pm on Wednesday 7th July. Make sure you vote by clicking here. (http://www.habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=654598&p=6591796#post6591796)

Daily Points Update:

As it stands, the housemates are currently on a total of -12 Points. This is after the following point changes today:

5:26pm - Housemates lose 2 points due to @TheRemel avoiding the filter.
5:26pm - Housemates lose 2 points due to W00TZEH avoiding the filter.
5:38pm - Housemates lose 5 points due to buttons avoiding the filter/posting inappropriately.
7:24pm - Housemates lose 2 points due to saurav avoiding the filter.
7:37pm - Housemates score 43 points in the first task - total is now 0
7:49pm - Housemates lose 5 points due to saurav avoiding the filter.
8:14pm - Housemates lose 5 points due to @TheRemel posting inappropriately.
12:23am - Housemates lose 2 points due to MrPinkPanther avoiding the filter.

Day 4:

Unfortunately we were unable to get a round up done for Day 4.

To sum things up,

@TheRemel was evicted from the house

A brand new housemate called DJ Reaper entered the house. He caused a lot of trouble inside the house almost straight away.

Shazlouise threatened to quit, due to being bullied by DJ reaper.

Housemates all nominated who they wanted to be in todays eviction in the diary room. The following received most votes and were put up for eviction:


21-07-2010, 05:26 PM
Day 5

Today was certainly an eventful day in the Big brother house. With an eviction, a shock exit and a new housemate all packed into one day, a lot has certainly happened.

With more arguments showing, more rulebreaks being made and a feeling of boredom within the house, what will Big brother have up his sleave for the housemates?

Today's eviction:

On day 4, housemates nominated who they wanted to face evictions for the very first time. They were all made to state their choices in the diary room, and the top 3 who received the most votes would be up for eviction. The three housemates which were up were:


The public voted, and at 10:06pm Big brother arrived to announce the results! It was firstly revealed that Haaaaarry was safe, and would not be evicted. At 10:09pm Big Brother revealed that FlyingJesus would be the latest housemate to leave after getting 39.33% of the public vote. FlyingJesus was evicted.

A shock exit!

At 7:56pm Shazlouise made a thread claiming that fellow housemate DJ reaper had been banned! Sure enough this was the case, and housemates were soon gossiping.

To confirm things Big Brother also posted a thread at 7:56pm stating that DJ reaper was no longer a housemate and had been removed from the house.

FlyingJesus flys away!

Earlier tonight, Flying jesus became the latest housemate to be evicted from the big brother house. He was mostly a quiet guy, who didn't really interect all that much with the house.

A brand new housemate arrives!

After the shock exit of DJ reaper, housemates were dealt another shock, with the sudden arrival of a brand new housemate! NaughtyNemo entered the house at 8:23pm and soon made himself established with his fellow housemates. He's already making a good effort to get to know his fellow housemates, and has so far been active. Could this finally be a sensible housemate that will lead the team to victory?

News in brief:

At 8:30pm, Buttons posted in the diary room, complaining that the house was too full. She said it would be better with less people.

At 10:33pm Haaaaaarry posted in the diary room, clearly rattled at being up for eviction once again. Wondering whether he is hated or just unlucky he was wondering why he was up all the time. The talk soon turned to Haaaaarry's favourite topic of little sister, and his flirting soon began again.

Little Brother issued 4 warnings/infractions today, losing the house a massive 16 points off the house points total.

At 1:46pm, housemates were given a real treat! The letters from the outside world finally arrived for them. Messages of love, hate, and a weeing android soon emerged, and this really helped to up the mood within the house.

At 11:56pm Haaaaarry went to bed.

A new eviction!

Upon entering the house, Brand new contestant NaughtyNemo was asked to choose 4 housemates on the spot to put up for eviction. This was a cruel but clever plan by BigBrother and would instantly cause opinions to be known. He chose the following housemates:


These housemates will face the public vote, and one of them will leave on Friday 9th July. Make sure you vote by clicking here. (http://www.habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=655085)

Daily Points Update: (Day 4 - Day 5)

As it stands, the housemates are currently on a total of 23 Points. This is after the following point changes today:

07-07-2010 07:12 PM - Housemates now have 43 points for FlyingJesus successfully doing his task.
07-07-2010 08:09 PM - Housemates lose 2 points due to DJ Reaper avoiding the filter.
07-07-2010 08:10 PM - Housemates lose 5 points due to DJ Reaper avoiding the filter.
07-07-2010 08:50 PM - Housemates lose 2 points due to Shazlouise avoiding the filter.
07-07-2010 09:38 PM - Blacktux wins house 10 points
12:26 AM - MrPinkPanther loses 5 points for being infracted for an inappropriate post
10:26 PM - Housemates lose 1 point due to KK. breaking house posting protocol.
11:01 PM - Housemates lose 5 points due to Buttons avoiding the filter.
11:01 PM - Housemates lose 5 points due to Buttons avoiding the filter (again)
11:01 PM - Housemates lose 5 points due to W00TZEH avoiding the filter.

21-07-2010, 05:44 PM
Day 6

Today's evictions:

Today we saw a very surprising two evictions in which three people left the Big Brother house. The first eviction was decided by NaughtyNemo deciding upon four nominees a few minutes after he entered the Big Brother house. These contestants were:


At 20:06 BST Big Brother announced that both luce and Haaaarry were safe. This meant that either ShazLouise or Blacktux would be going home today. Unfortunately for Blacktux, he was the fifth person to be evicted from the Big Brother house at 20:10 BST.

The second eviction surprised us all. Big Brother notified the Big Brother contestants that they collectively must choose two people to be evicted from the Big Brother house. They only had fifteen minutes from 20:15 BST to evict two people. Everyone was tense in the house but eventually luce stated in the diary room that kk. and Wootzeh were chosen by the housemates to be evicted.

Noble ShazLouise

During the second eviction, ShazLouise said that she would not mind leaving the Big Brother house so that only one other person would have to go. However, the other housemates were ever so considerate and said that it was not ok for her to choose herself.

Later, ShazLouise posted in the diary room that it was nasty for this to happen and asked if we’d be seeing any other shocking twists during the weekend. Big Brother replied that it will be a busy weekend. What does he have in store?

Leading Luce

Over the last six days it looks like that luce enjoys to be the leader around the house. She has confirmed numerous decisions to Big Brother and has also done many errands for him also. Having said this, the housemates do not seem too bothered about this and do like some of the ideas she has, for instance the voting system in the housemates eviction earlier today. Is her skills at high quality or is she just being Lady Luck with the housemates’ personalities?

Woot, you’re chosen!

Well actually, Wootzeh is not chosen (again). However, Wootzeh got to have his cheer once more when he got to decide the three people up for eviction tomorrow night. These three people are:


All three of these people seem to be very popular around the house, so it will be a shock to see one of them disappear from the scene. In addition to this, many people think that kk. might have something to do with something else as Wootzeh and kk. were evicted at the same time, but others think that it was just because he was not online.

First Impressions

The second task, first impressions, did not seem too pleasing for both Big Brother and the housemates. Big Brother was not impressed by the organizational standards which the housemates met, because they sent in their entry late and were still stuck on an agreement. Fortunately for them, Big Brother still let them get an entry chosen. The housemates scored 18 points in total. Here was something which Big Brother posted earlier:

Blacktux - Sex - INCORRECT ~ Blacktux's impression was by flatface
Luce - Oli - INCORRECT ~ Luce's impression was by ,Lexiluu
Dj reaper - Nixt - CORRECT ~ Housemates score 6 points
Buttons - Nixt - INCORRECT ~ Button's impression was written by Oli
Pinkpanther - sex - CORRECT ~ Housemates score 6 points
W00tzeh - flatface - INCORRECT ~ Wootzeh's impression was written by ,Lexiluu
kk. - flatface - CORRECT ~ Housemates score 6 points
Flyingjesus - flatface - INCORRECT ~ FlyingJesus' opinion was written by sex
Shazlouise - ,lexiluu - INCORRECT ~ Shaz's opinion was written by Garion
Haaaaaaarry - ,lexiluu - INCORRECT ~ Harry's opinion was written by flatface

Overall, not a happy sight for the team, but better than nothing. Maybe the orginisation caused Big Brother to have that cruel double eviction? Who knows?

Get involved!

It's always nice to get part of the action, even if you aren't participating. The Competitions Department have some wonderful competitions, including this Habbox Forum Big Brother one. Click here (http://www.habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=654869) to try it, or click the Competitions tab at the top to enter all of them, woo!

Daily Points Update:

As it stands, the housemates are currently on a total of 41 Points. This is after the following point changes today:

5:28pm - Housemates score 18 points in task 2

21-07-2010, 05:45 PM
Day 7

Today's eviction:

Tonight three more people faced eviction, who got nominated by Wootzeh. These three people were:


All three of these people were deemed to be 'popular' and the result was a shocker for many of the contestants in the house. At 19:02 BST MrPinkPanther was announced safe by Big Brother. This just left buttons and NaughtyNemo. With 40.58% of the vote, buttons was evicted from the house three minutes later.

Housemates Nominations

Today Big Brother stated that the Housemates must nominate two housemates. If they didn't vote they would have automatically been put up for eviction. Then, a normal eviction procedure will occur...well, that's what we think anyway. We do not know how many people will be up for eviction. Housemates also had to post a twenty word reason saying why they nominated that person.

One of the key rules was to NOT DISCUSS NOMINATIONS. And two particular housemates (Shazlouise and MrPinkPanther) did exactly this. The penalty was that ALL housemates were put up for eviction.

Happy Families

Buttons was described as the "mother" of the house by Big Brother and there haven't been any arguments for a long while (ok, exaggeration there). Was it buttons keeping the house in good order? We'll see over the next few days.

As quiet as a mouse

Today we haven't seen much discussion in the house, with no tasks and not so many posts by Big Brother. Big Brother stated that it was his "day off" today and that may mean that the surprises will occur tomorrow. As the amount of contestants becomes less and less, the house becomes quieter and quieter. Something exciting please!

Summary of Events

Shazlouise and MrPinkPanther said sorry to their fellow housemates after breaking the nominations rule. They caused all housemates to be put up for eviction!

At 7:06pm, Buttons posted her goodbye thread, and housemates waved her off back into the real world.

At 6:52pm Shazlouise begged housemates for free baubles

With only 5 housemates remaining it's certainly getting quieter.

Big brother decided to take most of the day off today, and this lead to numerous housemates wondering whether there would be a task. In the end, big brother confirmed that the task would be tomorrow.

Cast your votes!

After the shock nominations twist earlier today, all 5 housemates were put up for eviction:


Who will you vote for? Place your vote by clicking here! (http://www.habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=655463)

Get involved!

It's always nice to get part of the action, even if you aren't participating. The Competitions Department have some wonderful competitions, including this Habbox Forum Big Brother one. Click here (http://www.habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=654869) to try it, or click the Competitions tab at the top to enter all of them, woo!

Daily Points Update:

As it stands, the housemates are currently on a total of 41 Points. There were no point changes today.

21-07-2010, 05:46 PM
Day 8

It's the 8th day of this thrill seeking event right here on HabboxForum, and like any this one had it's fair share of action, tears and evictions.

The Big Boys Come

Yes, you heard right and they came with style. Two members from general management, namely Nixt and xxMATTGXX entered the house with style with their handbags and purses. Big Brother expected such a move to shake things up within the house and stir some needed excitement because let's face it before it was like watching a slug in a race- something needed to be done and it needed to be done fast!

They left the house at exactly midnight and took their smelly aura with them!

Nixt tries to start a Hollywood Motion Picture

Nixt, also known as Garion decided that he needed to create some drama, by insinuating some sparks between MrPinkPanther and ShazLouise and in the views of this reporter, he is a noble soul for doing so. He was echoing the fact that it is not OK and that those two should have a good old fashion bicker with each other.

However, that all failed as the whole thread turned into one big sexual innuendo centered around xxMATTGxx who was enjoying every minute of it. Later, we reached Nixt for a comment and he said that those within the big brother house were too nice and well behaving. Hence, ladies and gents, may I pose the question if the man of drama Nixt couldn't start something juicy then who can?!

The Task

The task was to get those pixel paint brushes out and draw a Picasso like masterpiece of both Nixt and xxMATTGxx. The task was judged both on creativity and accuracy. It was a chuckle to look at some of them, there were those such as Haaaarry that portrayed xxMATTGxx and some sort of mutant animal (which some believe he really is) and others portrayed Nixt is all his homosexual glory. ShazLouise even thought that the two were in some bad romance.

However, when it came to judging it was parallel to a more Simon Cowell like result, with both Nixt and xxMATTGxx judging the numerous entries. Both judges lowered the contestants on accuracy, and this was quite a controversial call as many were unhappy about the low marks in this particular category. MrPinkPanther and this interpretation of the two in their Ferrari like racing cars scored the most points. Haaaaarry trailed in last, maybe because they thought that xxMATTGxx should have been an even more mutant like creature. They ended up winning 109 points in this task.

Shaky Shaz

House contestant ShazLouise continued to secretly want to leave the house because of being fed up with the whole process. However, these self created dreams may come true and she is one of the unlucky few put up for eviction tonight.

The Eviction

It seems like a gory scene from a horror movie, the eviction has come to be dreaded by many contestants both young and old.

At 23:01 it was announced that Haaaarry and MrPinkPanther were safe from the eviction. A minute later contestant luce was also safe. This meant that the tenacious NaughtyNemo had been evicted from the house and we say farewell to him and welcome him back to the real world!

NaughtyNemo then also picked Haaaarry and ShazLouise for eviction, still putting strategic play into action as he realized that both of them were very popular contestants. One of the two will be evicted from the house tonight.

21-07-2010, 06:02 PM
The Final Days

As things drew to a close, the activity within the house kept high, even with fewer housemates.

Three housemates made it to the final, and they were:


These contestants had battled through many days, and were obviously a hit among the viewers.

Vote for me!

For one of the final tasks, Housemates had to write a speech, declaring why they should be saved from eviction.

Harry wrote:

During my time in the house I have met people from the forum I would have never spoken to had I not got this opportunity. Some funny, some rude and some just proppa kl lyk.

I am aware that I probably come across as “the nice guy” in the house trying to be everyone's friend, but I can assure you I have been nothing but myself throughout my time as a contestant. That’s just me, and I couldn’t be anybody else if I tried.

MrPinkPanther and Luce are both incredible people and deserve to win, however they are more popular figures on the forum, and everyone loves an underdog!

When I came into the house I’m pretty sure a huge majority of the audience had absolutely no idea who I am. I was just a “nobody” on the forum. However I have been up for eviction more than any other housemate, more times than I can count, yet I have made it to the final three thanks to you. But why should it stop here?

You have the power to crown me the winner, a privilege that I would be honoured and proud to receive. Thank you!

Luce's big speech read:

I have a dream, that every person on habboxforum should follow the rules and respect oli, nahhhhttt. Seriously I entered this to see if I could even get in. I got it and just went with it, i am surprised to be here because i though Jen and Tom would take it but here I am. Now i have come this far and spent so many days of my life trying to win this thing it would be really nice to win it! I can't really think of any other reasons, some of you must have liked me to keep me in this far, i would say I have been one of the better posters and one of the most active people in the contest so maybe you will vote for me because of that.

Anyway, on a serious note - vote for me, even if it is just so the other two don't win :-)

MrPinkPanther wrote:

So why do I deserve to win Big Brother? Well, primarily it's cause my name is pink and pink is cool. You really need to get with the times Big Brother my friend, Red is so 2009.

Anyway, aside from this my primarily legislation is regarding what can only be described as the "UKIP infestation". I am a firm advocate of rehabilitation for UKIP members. We shouldn't needlessly go around imprisoning them like Luce or Harry will tell you because the fact of the matter is prison doesn't work. We need to understand that it is a mental issue, they are not morally bad even though it may sometimes may appear this way, no. They are simply misguided. It is an acute form of schizophrenia that leads them to believe that Europe is after them. I recently even heard a member babbling on about how the EU was after his dozen eggs, are these the words of a sane man? Of course not. On average it costs £25,700 to imprison a UKIP member in a psychiatric ward for a year and in addition just £5,000 to work towards rehabilitating them, a small price to pay for a more stable and prosperous democracy. They currently remain the great taboo, in the shadows, we need to address this problem head on. Don't let Luce or Harry tell you that it's not an issue, let us be clear, it is. It's an issue here and now and we need to fight it before it spreads.

Why am I launching this verbal tirade at UKIP I hear you cry? Well primarily it's because this is the one time I can say something without the likes of Undertaker chipping in quoting the frankly diabolical Daily Mail. So…ummm…thats why I should win HabboxForum Big Brother.

Peace out, stay safe and always use protection.


The final day saw two very exciting tasks being lined up for contestants. The first task was to test their creative skills, and create a poster urging for people to support them.

The second task involved the contestants writing a short summary of why they think they deserve to win/gain the public support. Haaaarry came out top on the tasks.

And the winner is...

The winner of this years HabboxForum big brother was finally announced and after surviving many public evictions, the public were happy to find out that the winner was Haaaaarry! He had clearly played the game well, and had been himself the whole way through.

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