View Full Version : burns!

22-07-2010, 09:04 PM
bit of a question really, since i keep getting conflicting answers from my parents / websites.

i work at a popular fast food chain (bahaha) and yesterday i managed to give myself a second degree burn on the back of my hand in a fryer.

it did blister, but i accidentally burst the blister last night and ever since, it's been hurting beyond belief.

i don't really know what to do with it // stop the pain.
work told me to put vaseline on it, which i did; but it just hurt more than ever. i wanna put a plaster on it, cause it keeps weeping but my dad told me not to so yehhh bit stuck ahah :(

help!? +rep available (yay!)

22-07-2010, 09:07 PM
Put sudocrem on it :)

22-07-2010, 09:07 PM
I wouldn't put a plaster on it but maybe a loose bandage with gauze over the burn.

22-07-2010, 09:07 PM
Okay you're probably going to be like "oh god Nicola you what" but I've had a few burns (because I'm useless with hot things), and my grandad has this Aloe Vera plant and you squeeze the goo out of it and it helps to relieve the pain and stuff.

I have no idea where you'd get one and things but just thought I'd let you know :P

Did you run it under cold water when it happened btw?

22-07-2010, 09:09 PM
Put sudocrem on it :)
i put some on last night and it bubbled loooollll... think my skin was a bit hot.

I wouldn't put a plaster on it but maybe a loose bandage with gauze over the burn.
ahh thank you!

Okay you're probably going to be like "oh god Nicola you what" but I've had a few burns (because I'm useless with hot things), and my grandad has this Aloe Vera plant and you squeeze the goo out of it and it helps to relieve the pain and stuff.

I have no idea where you'd get one and things but just thought I'd let you know :P

Did you run it under cold water when it happened btw?

naa, i wasn't allowed i was on front counter, so i had to wait like 20 minutes... ahah health & safety of mcdonalds here kids. LOL.

22-07-2010, 09:10 PM
i hate it when my wounds weep O.o

i wouldnt advise you put a plaster on it, but as someone said maybe a bandage.

unless it really is unbearable pain, id leave it to dry out on its own

23-07-2010, 07:06 PM
Taking this from bizarre er, you have to drain the blisters and then bandage it.

23-07-2010, 07:09 PM
okay so like, had to put a blue plaster on it for work today and it's gone weird. it literally looks like a massive bruise with a hole in my hand. errr help.

23-07-2010, 10:04 PM
You could always try E45 cream, I think it's supposed to have nothing in it at all that is harsh on your skin (so basically it's gentle), you'd probably have to read the label but when I have extremely dry skin after having my hands soaked in alkaline water all day E45 cream pretty much sorts it out overnight.

23-07-2010, 10:22 PM
You should never pop a blister, unless it's done so by a health care professional. The risk of infection from breaking a blister is very high. If I was you I wouldn't put any type of lotion on the burn unless it's just a coolant (such as water or a specialist burn treatment gel). Correct me if i'm wrong but vaseline is a oil based product, oil based lotions do not ease painful burns, for obvious reasons!

Since you said the blister has been burst, then the burn does need to be dressed. The best way of doing this is exactly what Catzsy said in her above post.

You say it blistered however it's also painful, so i'm going to guess its a partial thickness burn and since the blister has burst, I strongly recommend you get it seen to at a minor injuries unit, especially it being on your hand.

Also for future reference, if you get a burn keep it under cold running water for a minimum of 10 minutes. This helps stop the burn as believe it or not a burn will keep burning you until around 48 hours after the incident!

24-07-2010, 03:57 PM
how about you just man up bethie? 8-)

24-07-2010, 07:34 PM
You should never pop a blister, unless it's done so by a health care professional. The risk of infection from breaking a blister is very high. If I was you I wouldn't put any type of lotion on the burn unless it's just a coolant (such as water or a specialist burn treatment gel). Correct me if i'm wrong but vaseline is a oil based product, oil based lotions do not ease painful burns, for obvious reasons!

Since you said the blister has been burst, then the burn does need to be dressed. The best way of doing this is exactly what Catzsy said in her above post.

You say it blistered however it's also painful, so i'm going to guess its a partial thickness burn and since the blister has burst, I strongly recommend you get it seen to at a minor injuries unit, especially it being on your hand.

Also for future reference, if you get a burn keep it under cold running water for a minimum of 10 minutes. This helps stop the burn as believe it or not a burn will keep burning you until around 48 hours after the incident!

thanks so much for this, it's basically degenerating because of work making me wear a plaster on it, and it being peeled everytime the plaster has to come off etc.
my mom's gonna get me some burns gel and pad or something for it tomorrow from boots.

24-07-2010, 07:41 PM
thanks so much for this, it's basically degenerating because of work making me wear a plaster on it, and it being peeled everytime the plaster has to come off etc.
my mom's gonna get me some burns gel and pad or something for it tomorrow from boots.

Thats really bad for work to tell you to do that, shame really because if your work place did follow first aid procedures your burn would probably be a lot better by now! :(

24-07-2010, 07:44 PM
Thats really bad for work to tell you to do that, shame really because if your work place did follow first aid procedures your burn would probably be a lot better by now! :(

mcdonalds are heroes at health and safety ;)

24-07-2010, 07:46 PM
thanks so much for this, it's basically degenerating because of work making me wear a plaster on it, and it being peeled everytime the plaster has to come off etc.
my mom's gonna get me some burns gel and pad or something for it tomorrow from boots.

Might be worth taking Josh's (flatface) advice and having it checked as he has undertaken paramedic training.

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