View Full Version : Why do some people have desktops AND laptops?

25-07-2010, 11:37 PM
Well? Fair enough if its a household and the desktop is for everyone and the laptop is your own personal one BUT i've seen desktops in bedrooms and then they also have a laptop

What is the point of this? I'd like to be enlightened por favor.

25-07-2010, 11:39 PM
Sometimes people have a gaming desktop and then a laptop they take around for work/school.

25-07-2010, 11:41 PM
Sometimes people have a gaming desktop and then a laptop they take around for work/school.

Oh okay, well this explains a lot. Gracias :)

25-07-2010, 11:46 PM
I have a fixed windows desktop and a macbook and a laptop... although the laptop gets no use now (pile of junk).. I mainly like the size of my desktop screen but also need something portable to carry around.. hence the Macbook.

26-07-2010, 12:12 AM
My desktop is a bit of a beast so I used my laptop for any light work (i.e. something not requiring 3 screens lol!).

26-07-2010, 12:12 AM
Fixed windows desktop with 2 screens, and I just got my laptop working again which is pretty hot... battery life is awful but meh.

26-07-2010, 12:37 AM
I have a laptop for uni stuff and when I'm not hiding in my room. The desktop is for gaming and general use. Raw computing power is awesome :D

26-07-2010, 01:05 AM
I have a desktop because they're better bang for the buck in terms of power.

I have a laptop for portability when I travel around (mostly in the summer months)

26-07-2010, 03:30 AM
I just use my desktop for spare, never use it. But I got my desktop before my laptop.

26-07-2010, 06:36 AM
I use my desktop when i want to stay in my room in my pj's and i use my laptop when i want to travel around with it :D

26-07-2010, 06:59 AM
I got a laptop because I wanted a Mac to have a play around on, now I can use all three OSs. Also, now I can do all my overclocking, upgrading, game playing, downloading, movie watching, virtualisation on my desktop PC, and I carry my MacBook around to school, on holiday and around the house, sitting on the balcony with a cold beer ftw.

Luckily a MacBook has a good enough GPU to play some games on when im in Windows :8

26-07-2010, 02:29 PM
My laptop is only used for work (eg. coursework) and sometimes to come on HxF whereas my computer is used for gaming and basically everything else my laptop isn't for :P

26-07-2010, 03:06 PM
Well I just never got rid of my laptop when I got my imac so at night when it is getting late (1am or later usually) when I am in bed I go on my laptop. Also I do all the dirty work on my laptop such as things like illegal downloads (films/music etc) or downloading dodgy programs knowing that the chances are it will contain some kind of virus. My mac owns though, only thing wrong with it is the white keyboard which if you are like me in and out of the house all day working and I just pop on to check something my hands dirty the keyboard.

26-07-2010, 03:11 PM
Desktop is for when i'm up, laptop is for when i'm in bed

26-07-2010, 07:14 PM
My desktop is mainly for burning DVD's and most of my xbox modding for friends etc.
I use my laptop for on the move and do most of my eBay buying and selling and banking related things.

26-07-2010, 08:33 PM
From what I remember most people on HxF don't need a laptop, no offence but some people on here never leave the house or take their laptop with them which begs the question, why have a laptop? Probably because they're too lazy to get out of bed, and we all know smartphones/tablets/netbooks are more appropriate for that sort of computing :P

26-07-2010, 08:45 PM
From what I remember most people on HxF don't need a laptop, no offence but some people on here never leave the house or take their laptop with them which begs the question, why have a laptop? Probably because they're too lazy to get out of bed, and we all know smartphones/tablets/netbooks are more appropriate for that sort of computing :P

True, I normally take my work netbook with me now, the only time I take my MacBook out of the house is pretty much if I know I'll want to play some games like on a plane or something.

26-07-2010, 08:50 PM
From what I remember most people on HxF don't need a laptop, no offence but some people on here never leave the house or take their laptop with them which begs the question, why have a laptop? Probably because they're too lazy to get out of bed, and we all know smartphones/tablets/netbooks are more appropriate for that sort of computing :P

Didn't get chance to congratulate you before. So congrats on living the habbo dream - meeting up with your long time habbo mates in real life and having some fun at alton towers. Real inspiring, gonna give people the belief that it IS possible! :P

o/t Yes laptops are better suited than desktops when you are in your bed.

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