View Full Version : Are you happy with the condition of your skin?

28-07-2010, 01:52 PM
Are you happy with the overall condition of your skin? Like for example do you think you look too pale, would you like to be a bit more tanned and healthy looking, do you have dry skin in any certain places, do you have any visible scars or birth marks you do not like etc.

I'd say I am happy with my skin, still got an okay tan from when we had the heatwave. In the winter my hands sometimes go really dry feeling and looking but moisturiser sorts that out. :)

28-07-2010, 02:27 PM
im pathetically white lol. kinda, anyway, i wish i was a bit more tan. its really evident how white i am in winter when i dont get as much sun. but otherwise im happy with my skin, i havent had virtually any acne for a few years now and my freckles are pretty limited.

28-07-2010, 02:29 PM
Im certainly not happy. As i sometimes go on about a bit, i have eczema in a lot f areas, quite badly. So if that was from my face,neck, arms, hands and back of knees, i'd be happy. Atleast i wouldnt have to go through the tedious task of treating it everyday and having that constant uncomfort + inability to do certain things because of my own consciousness, and the fact that it'll get worse (like i havent gone swimming in 5 years, despite loving it).

Ah well, atleast i dont have acne...

28-07-2010, 03:09 PM
hell yeahh, dont really have any spots or anything and my face and arms are tanned nearly all year round haa. everywhere else is pretty much pale but thats ite its not like i expose myself often (tom dont make any jokes)

28-07-2010, 03:29 PM
i hate that i tan easily, i LIKE being pale
i am sensitive to so much stuff, i have to be careful with clothes and soaps or i'll get a rash which kinda sucks. if my hands get sweaty they get irritated and itchy.
i also have hyper-pigmentation on my neck, collarbones and chest which is noticeable. i hate this the most >.>
plus my birth mark is a big brown mark on the top left of my face, it looks like a tea stain ;l thank god my fringe covers it.
omg don't even get me started on my moles everywhere, i don't really mind but i'd get rid of the one under my eye and on my cheek they're just stupid

the only thing i like is my face & body doesn't get too dry or too oily

oh & i rarely think tans look healthy

28-07-2010, 03:31 PM
No. I have acne, but it's slowly going away. I'm pale as well and don't tan, I go red.

28-07-2010, 03:32 PM
my face is alright, would want it to have been left with less small marks but meh. skin wise i'm white, but I like it that way.

28-07-2010, 03:35 PM
I know Buttons, some people prefer to be pale but I think that when someone looks too pale they can look ill. In fact people do go a little pale when they are ill. :P I know that the Japanese and Chinese HATE being tanned, you see a lot of them with umbrellas in hot countries, or I don't know perhaps they have really sensitive skin that burns easily. So personally I prefer skin that is a little tanned, not so you look like the king/queen of the sunbeds but just so you look better and healthier. :)

28-07-2010, 04:35 PM
yeah i dont have any spots .. im quite pale but i like it :)

28-07-2010, 05:27 PM
I'm really pale like srsly ghostlike pale..i wish i was more tanned, thats about it.

28-07-2010, 07:34 PM
Not entirely happy with it. I'm quite pale, I don't mind too much but when I'm stood next to someone really tanned I look like a but silly. Atm I have really bad tan lines on my back and it's actually a pattern lolol looks so odd.

I have a few spots too but I wash my face everyday and I'm sure I'll grow out of them at some point.

28-07-2010, 07:40 PM
I'd rather be more tanned and get rid of this like small mark on my chin, apart from that I don't mind my skin :)

Also when I'm stressed I get like proper dry skin on my scalp so I wish that went away too.

Glen Coco
28-07-2010, 08:52 PM
Not really, my skin isn't the best although I'm trying to clear that up.

28-07-2010, 08:53 PM
I'm quite pale so would like to be more tanned but other than that my skin doesnt really bother me, so yeah, im quite happy with it :)

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