View Full Version : HTC Desire

30-07-2010, 08:49 PM
I ordered one from Three earlier today, I got it for £25 a month with 500 mins, 5000 3 to 3 mins, 5000 texts and 500mb internet (I'll probably upgrade it to 2GB if it turns out I use the mobile web access a lot). It's a nice upgrade from my Nokia E63 which now is driving me up the wall, it is sooo sluggish now.

I'm pretty chuffed and can't wait for it to arrived! Anyone else got one? I'm curious of your experiences of it.

30-07-2010, 09:07 PM
I got one 6 weeks ago and its brilliant :) Took me a day or so to get in to the swing of things but theres nothing it cant do. I am sure you will love it (Used an iPhone for a short period and the desire in my opinion is far better)

31-07-2010, 07:53 AM
I have one and love it :), So far as I can see, it's beating the iPhone hands down. If you get a custom ROM on there you can unlock the 720p video (coming in an official update sometime in September... on T-Mo at least). The only thing I'd say is, in the first few days, you definitely learn how to save your battery life!

31-07-2010, 07:01 PM
I have one and love it :), So far as I can see, it's beating the iPhone hands down. If you get a custom ROM on there you can unlock the 720p video (coming in an official update sometime in September... on T-Mo at least). The only thing I'd say is, in the first few days, you definitely learn how to save your battery life!

Yes, I've hear a fair amount of battery life issues, maybe I'll purchase a spare if I go on long trips and so on.

I know I am going to be terribly parnoid about breaking it. I'm wondering, is it very strong, like would the screen break easily? Anyone recommend insuring it as I wouldn't be able to afford to get it replaced myself?

31-07-2010, 07:22 PM
Not sure if it's the same on the Desire, but with the Xperia you can save alot of battery life switching off roaming and wi-fi (if enabled). It would be worth getting BatteryTime Lite, Automatic Task Killer and maybe Android System Info to cut down on apps activating and it helps moderate what the phone is doing :)

Not sure if I've spouted crap, but that's what I seem to have to keep usage down and battery life up :P

Yes, I've hear a fair amount of battery life issues, maybe I'll purchase a spare if I go on long trips and so on.

I know I am going to be terribly parnoid about breaking it. I'm wondering, is it very strong, like would the screen break easily? Anyone recommend insuring it as I wouldn't be able to afford to get it replaced myself?
Definitely worth getting a silicon skin or another type of case. It's hard to say if it will break easy or not, it really depends where you drop it from and how it lands, but mostly you'll get a few scratches on the corner (judging by my friend's Nexus One hitting the floor) :P

31-07-2010, 07:54 PM
I had mine stolen 5days after I got it ;D

31-07-2010, 08:11 PM
Not sure if it's the same on the Desire, but with the Xperia you can save alot of battery life switching off roaming and wi-fi (if enabled). It would be worth getting BatteryTime Lite, Automatic Task Killer and maybe Android System Info to cut down on apps activating and it helps moderate what the phone is doing :)

Not sure if I've spouted crap, but that's what I seem to have to keep usage down and battery life up :P

Definitely worth getting a silicon skin or another type of case. It's hard to say if it will break easy or not, it really depends where you drop it from and how it lands, but mostly you'll get a few scratches on the corner (judging by my friend's Nexus One hitting the floor) :P

Thanks for the advice, I'll most certainly do all those once I get the phone, I expect to get atleast a few scratches. I just spoke to my dad and found out my mobile is covered by our home insurance when I am out and about which is a relief. I'll have to get a case soon.

I had mine stolen 5days after I got it ;D
Wow, that was bad luck, did you ever get it back or replaced?

01-08-2010, 12:08 AM
What I do is have widgets so I can easily turn off Bluetooth, GPS, Wifi and mobile internet, I have the screen brightness on auto and I make it so Apps only check for new stuff (e.g. Twitter) every 30 mins or so.

I don't know how strong it is, It feels very sturdy and has a nice weight to it, but I haven't dropped it or even let go of it 10cm above a table.. lol. I have a screen protector on mine and keep it in my old leather G1 pouch when it's in my pocket, not as obtrusive as a case but it offers just about as good protection :)

Also, no scuffs, scrapes or scratches since I've had it in these couple of months ;D

01-08-2010, 05:22 PM
What I do is have widgets so I can easily turn off Bluetooth, GPS, Wifi and mobile internet
Do you have one to recommend? The one that came on my phone only has Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS and Call Settings (Vibrate, sound and no sound). It doesn't have the option to turn of roaming/mobile internet which would be useful as that's the one that tends to eat away at battery. It's a shame you can't just tell the phone to only use E, G and 3G when you need it, so you can allow for MMS all the time :P

01-08-2010, 06:27 PM
Unfortunatly not :( The widgets I use for them are part of HTC's Sense UI

02-08-2010, 08:28 AM
Do you have one to recommend? The one that came on my phone only has Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS and Call Settings (Vibrate, sound and no sound). It doesn't have the option to turn of roaming/mobile internet which would be useful as that's the one that tends to eat away at battery. It's a shame you can't just tell the phone to only use E, G and 3G when you need it, so you can allow for MMS all the time :P

I'm sure you will be able to find one in the market or something? Although I use the built in ones so I cant' exactly recommend any. Maybe check out an android forum or something?

02-08-2010, 10:54 AM
I'm sure you will be able to find one in the market or something? Although I use the built in ones so I cant' exactly recommend any. Maybe check out an android forum or something?
The Market brings up poor widgets or individual widgets which do not look so good :( Suppose I could just keep with the current set-up for now though :/

02-08-2010, 11:06 AM
The Market brings up poor widgets or individual widgets which do not look so good :( Suppose I could just keep with the current set-up for now though :/

Mine are individual too:

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