View Full Version : Google Adsense

04-08-2010, 12:06 AM
For google adsense do you need to install anything? I went onto google and was going through their policy and this crept up http://www.doubleclick.com/privacy/faq.aspx once I register to google adsense do I just create the ads and display them on the site or must I install anything or add copyright.

I have had google adsense before and I got banned because people were clicking my adverts over and over again (I didn't ask them to but they thought it would help me out) how can I stop / monitor this?

Any additional information is appreciated,

04-08-2010, 09:15 AM
The only real way to stop it is to increase your visitor count on your site, and no, you don't have to install anything, you just have to sign up, verify your bank or whatever with Google and put the code on your site to display the adverts.

04-08-2010, 11:36 AM
The only real way to stop it is to increase your visitor count on your site, and no, you don't have to install anything, you just have to sign up, verify your bank or whatever with Google and put the code on your site to display the adverts.

thanks +rep

During registration if I put my primary domain as www.stancefm.com could I use the same adverts on different sites? also is there no way to monitor who clicks your ads and how many times they have clicked them?

04-08-2010, 07:39 PM
I use the same ad code on 20+ different domains.

04-08-2010, 07:41 PM
I use the same ad code on 20+ different domains.

Awsome thanks, if someone purposely, is there a way to track the clicks?

04-08-2010, 08:14 PM
Something like this might help a little bit to prevent fake clicks (although using cookies would be 100x better):

<span onclick='if(!window.clicks)clicks=0; clicks++; if(clicks>=3)this.style.visibility="hidden";'>rofl</span>
<!-- Ad code here -->
Then here's a bodge script to track who clicks them (put this all inside the one above if you want to try them both):

<span onclick='el=document.getElementById("adTracker");el.src="/pixel1.gif?t="+Math.random();'>
<!-- Ad code here
<!-- Monitor hits to the pixel2.gif -->
<img src='/pixel1.gif' alt='' id='adTracker' />

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