View Full Version : [Building] [Lost] DHARMA Initiative Stations - Nyxs

05-08-2010, 10:16 PM
Ok, Antoher 2 Rooms i have made to add to my Lost Roleplay

The Orchid Station:

Basically there is a Large Abandoned Greenhouse where Botantical Reasearch was caried out, There is a well placed nearby which leads down into the heart of the island, So i put as much as i could into this room to make it look like it should

The Arrow Station:

During Season 2 the survivors used this "Hatch" for shelter. It too is long since abandoned and is located within a hill, so i have made the hill and cutway the front most wall so able to see inside.

Tell me what ya think :D

05-08-2010, 10:21 PM
Really like the arrow station, i love what you've done with the patches as a roof and the chairs inside. Aswell as the like flowers around the edges giving it that jungle feel. Really creative +rep.

05-08-2010, 10:49 PM
As a big fan of lost i am loving these rooms! The only thing i would say is, the orchid station is too dark with the moodlight, maybe lighten the intensity.

With the orchid station, why don't you make it in two rooms. Make one room looks like the greenhouse, with plants and the well etc. Then have like a lift teleport hidden that goes down to the second room which is all set out like the lab which is the real orchid station.

You could even go further and have a third room and try and reconstruct the donkey wheel, as this was one of the main aspects of the story line. Maybe make it all icy and then make a wheel some how?

05-08-2010, 10:53 PM
I have thought Long and Hard about how to make the frozen wheel, except habbo has not got a furniture good enough yet for it, so that room will have to wait

The Actual Orchid base is also being planned atm, so should be done soon, and its dark becasue i still needed to black out the floor and keep it set in the night time lol

But thanks for the awesome comments so far :)

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