View Full Version : Do you think homosexuality should be accepted?

06-08-2010, 09:42 PM
I just want to see what the general attitude towards homosexuality is. Do you think it's right or wrong and why so?

06-08-2010, 09:49 PM
I don't think its right

not gna post agen coz im 1 infraction off a warning and if i start arguing about this ill be rude and get infracted init

06-08-2010, 09:49 PM
It should be accepted, yes. I can understand that it annoys people when you see people like Sean from Coronation Street that gives gays a bad name though. When you start splashing the fact you're gay everywhere and telling people, you can't be expected to be treated the same when you're going to the bother of singling yourself out. There's plenty of things for people to worry about and homosexuality shouldn't be one of them.

06-08-2010, 09:52 PM
I don't understand the poll. Considering the question, surely the options should be 'I think it's right' and 'I think it's wrong' instead of yes and no. Anyway, I don't personally agree with homosexuality but to each his own. At the end of the day it doesn't concern me and if one of my male friends starting getting close with another guy I wouldn't get in his way.

06-08-2010, 09:54 PM
of course. doesnt do anyone any harm, i dont see why anyone should go out of their way to rally against homosexuals when it doesnt effect their lives in the slightest.

06-08-2010, 09:54 PM
It should be accepted, yes. I can understand that it annoys people when you see people like Sean from Coronation Street that gives gays a bad name though. When you start splashing the fact you're gay everywhere and telling people, you can't be expected to be treated the same when you're going to the bother of singling yourself out. There's plenty of things for people to worry about and homosexuality shouldn't be one of them.

I'll give my opinion in a minute, but my friend showed me this video she saw online of this guy giving an inspirational talk and he basically said why is it OK for straight people to flaunt it by snogging in public and touching and not letting go every two minutes, then why can't homosexuals do it?

That's not my opinion, but it just reminded me of that video.


My opinion:

Aye, times have changed so I don't see why it shouldn't be accepted, it's not hurting anyone, if they choose to live like it (some will say it's not a choice, god knows if it is or not) then why shouldn't other people accept it? :)

06-08-2010, 09:58 PM
it's fine by me but if you think it's gonna be accepted anytime soon you're an idiot
was talking to this boy yesterday and he said when he was 16 him and his friends were in paris, couldn't get into a club anywhere and they finally got into one and were so happy with themselves, he saw two men kissing and felt so disgusted by it that he had to leave the club....

when i heard that i was just like wowwwwwwww

06-08-2010, 09:59 PM
I think it should, however i voted i dont know in the poll because the poll didnt make any sense.

06-08-2010, 10:03 PM
I don't expect it to be accepted fully any time soon (and yes i was a ****** when making the poll just assume yes = right and no = wrong) but i just want to see

06-08-2010, 10:06 PM
I'll give my opinion in a minute, but my friend showed me this video she saw online of this guy giving an inspirational talk and he basically said why is it OK for straight people to flaunt it by snogging in public and touching and not letting go every two minutes, then why can't homosexuals do it?

well i think thats more about people who say "i dont mind gay people i just dont wanna see them kissing" which is contradictory, cause if you really didnt mind gay people you wouldnt mind seeing them hold hands or kiss or whatever. i think caution was talking about homosexuals who go far out of their way to make sure everyone knows they're gay, way more than any straight person would go to let everyone know they're straight. you know, its like the types of people who have some sort of special attribute and they take any opportunity to squeeze it into conversation even though its really not that interesting. like i know someone who spent the first 4 or so years of his life in japan, and every time he meets someone new he'll try very hard to let everyone know that only slightly interesting bit of information.

basically its one thing to be gay and proud thats fine, but some gay people go way beyond just being "proud" and just want attention for being different, which is just annoying.

07-08-2010, 04:18 PM
I think peoples opinions on homosexuality should be accepted and that homosexuals themselves need to accept that people have opinions on homosexuality that they may not like - but we live in a democracy and people have every right to air those views. In terms of 'should it be allowed' - of course, what people do in their private lives is none of my business and is not the business of the state.

I agree with what Caution said earlier on greatly, militant homosexuals I find are the biggest setback in 'normalising' the issue.

07-08-2010, 04:30 PM
I think homosexuality should be accepted because people cannot help their feelings. However like RedStratocas said I don't like people who go way beyond being proud about their sexuality.

07-08-2010, 04:33 PM
I feel that homosexuality was accepted by the majority of the population a long time ago - it really is no big deal anymore.

07-08-2010, 04:43 PM
Really, why shouldn't it be accepted it's a normal relationship with the same sex, obviously some people are attracted to the same sex and it's really unfair if people don't agree with it.
The video Myke posted about; I think the person is 100% right in saying what they said.

07-08-2010, 04:49 PM
People don't have a problem with straight people so why should they with gay people??? Perhaps if there wasn't such a big thing made of it, in terms of 'coming out' then it would be more widely accepted throughout society. You don't come out as straight so you shouldn't bother coming out as gay... Also, you don't see straight pride parades.. Why do we have gay ones? It's pointless, perhaps some of the gay community don't help themselves. Just my two pennies worth! (A)

07-08-2010, 05:05 PM
I don't mind at all lol , everyone talks about the so-called 'freedom' so why can't this be part of that lol?

07-08-2010, 05:42 PM
i really can't understand why people don't 'agree with homosexuality'. it makes literally no sense to me.
it's not effecting you in any way, so why should you have to agree or not? it's not happening in your bedroom & it's not happening to you.

i voted yes i think being gay should be accepted. of course it should.

07-08-2010, 05:51 PM
I don't know. Fair enough, you take it up the butt but why does that mean you need to walk around with that stupid voice some put on? And what's with these gay pride marches, walking down streets and licking lollipops in straight guys faces. I declare titty day for the straight man.

07-08-2010, 06:01 PM
YES. I think it should be accepted. You can't help who you fall in love with and if other people don't respect that it's their own problem. Everyone has their own opinion though.

07-08-2010, 06:03 PM
I don't know. Fair enough, you take it up the butt but why does that mean you need to walk around with that stupid voice some put on? And what's with these gay pride marches, walking down streets and licking lollipops in straight guys faces. I declare titty day for the straight man.

the thing is that "titty day" is 365 days a year.

07-08-2010, 06:22 PM
the thing is that "titty day" is 365 days a year.
where am i lookin then coz i aint seein it >;l

07-08-2010, 06:23 PM
Yes, It has not reason not to be accepted. If people want to be gay then that is there own choice and people should respect it!

07-08-2010, 06:39 PM
Why do people care if gay exists anyway it's not them that's gay so you know people should grow up.

07-08-2010, 06:41 PM
yesyesyesyes. and i'm not even gonna bother reading the posts that said no, because that opinion angers me more than anything.

07-08-2010, 06:45 PM
where am i lookin then coz i aint seein it >;l

lolz my point is that that people against homosexuality always say "why do they have to flaunt it in front of me," and ignore the fact that heterosexuality is flaunted in front of homosexuals constantly.

07-08-2010, 06:46 PM
I do think it should be accepted, and I think it's accepted a lot more now than it was in the past :)

10-08-2010, 11:33 PM
"Do you think homosexuality should be accepted?".. like it's not already?

On the forum, definitely. One of the GM is gay.

Outside world? It depends what country.

10-08-2010, 11:58 PM
Where exactly in civilized countries is it rejected?

11-08-2010, 07:31 AM
Yes, It has not reason not to be accepted. If people want to be gay then that is there own choice and people should respect it!
Agreed, and I think that it is not accepted by "older" people, just because back in the day homosexuals weren't as common, and therefore people didn't like them because they were "different". Young people are now growing up with different morals, some good, some bad. Homosexuality is one of these morals where its being noticed more, so its being accepted. Why not "agree" with something thats not hurting anyone else?

11-08-2010, 08:03 AM
I Don't really mind Gay People its not like there animals its just they have different feelings for different people i don't see why they shouldn't be accepted but some people think otherwise , and i dont think that will ever change.

11-08-2010, 03:06 PM
lolz my point is that that people against homosexuality always say "why do they have to flaunt it in front of me," and ignore the fact that heterosexuality is flaunted in front of homosexuals constantly.

I never see hetro rights/hetro parades and equality ministers constantly catering to the needs of hetrosexuals, so I totally reject what you have just said.

11-08-2010, 05:18 PM
yeah and i think it is accepted by the majority of the population and it should be accepted.

i think that 'gay pride' demos though only really segregate gay and lesbians more and so does accepting and conforming to the stereotype.

11-08-2010, 05:24 PM
It's so wrong its naughty, so very very naughty...

11-08-2010, 07:52 PM
I would say it pretty much is already accepted, I don't personally like the idea of it, but people can do whatever they want.
I do however really dislike the gay people that play up the stereotype, with the girly voice etc and try to rub the fact they're homosexual in your face all the time.

11-08-2010, 08:09 PM
This poll doesn't make sense but anywhoo, I think it should be accepted, theres nothing wrong with it IMO and I don't understand why people don't like it...except the god squad who are just barmy anyway.

11-08-2010, 10:10 PM
I never see hetro rights/hetro parades and equality ministers constantly catering to the needs of hetrosexuals, so I totally reject what you have just said.

thats not the point. think of a right that heterosexuals dont have that everyone else does, and then maybe they should have heterosexual pride parades and protests. heterosexuals have no "needs" past what everyone else in the world has needs for. my point is that if say, there were a billboard with two men kissing, it would draw complaints from lots of people, many of whom will claim to be tolerant of homosexuals but just "dont wanna see it, cause it's flaunting homosexuality." but then there's beer commercials, victorias secret stores, pop music, all basically "flaunting" heterosexuality that dont get any complaints. if you're really tolerant of homosexuals, then you would allow them to show their love in public the same way straight couples do.

11-08-2010, 11:12 PM
i dnt have a problem with it rlly its all about whatever ur inta

12-08-2010, 02:08 AM
thats not the point. think of a right that heterosexuals dont have that everyone else does, and then maybe they should have heterosexual pride parades and protests. heterosexuals have no "needs" past what everyone else in the world has needs for. my point is that if say, there were a billboard with two men kissing, it would draw complaints from lots of people, many of whom will claim to be tolerant of homosexuals but just "dont wanna see it, cause it's flaunting homosexuality." but then there's beer commercials, victorias secret stores, pop music, all basically "flaunting" heterosexuality that dont get any complaints. if you're really tolerant of homosexuals, then you would allow them to show their love in public the same way straight couples do.

also I'm gay so yeah I don't see why people have a problem with it, no one gets hurt..

12-08-2010, 02:14 AM
Should it be accepted?

Well it is accepted. If a person has strong feelings for another person that same sex.. it's fine.

12-08-2010, 08:20 AM
But in some places all over the world is still isn't legal to marry someone of the same sex & same sex relationships are frowned upon ^

I don't have a problem with it. I mean, you can't help who you like, it's pretty hard if you've ever tried.

12-08-2010, 11:21 AM

I's not whether it should be accepted as the majority of people always accept it however if your emotionally attached and in love with the same sex you wont care whether people accept it or not.

I'm 17 and I came out as gay when I was around 15 however I'm only now in love. I've been with my boyfriend for nearly 8 months and we've had no problems... We don't pretend we're not together in the streets as we love one another. If two hetrosexuals can go around showing their love, I and my boyfriend can.

Gender is not an issue when it comes to love so whoever thinks it is, is very small minded!

However everyone to their own opinion I suppose...

The poll should completely be changed.

How I see it, Everyone to themself! <3

13-08-2010, 02:51 PM
I think it should be accepted, I don't think it's right when people (gay&straight) eat eachother in public. It has been accepted by many people but there will always be someone who won't accept it.

14-08-2010, 10:59 AM
i don't know why, but i absolutely hate the phrase 'i dont mind gays'. :\
and i can't even explain why. i really wish i could. :\

and another thing is how people are always like 'fair one if you swallow sausage with your batty. long as i don't see it'
why can't you just say 'fair one, you're gay.' :\ don't like a lot of people opinions of this. they make me angry.

14-08-2010, 12:55 PM
I dont think it is anyone elses business whether someone is gay, it's their life not yours. If you don't like it don't look and stop moaning.
I personaly think it should be accepted, because last time I checked we are in the 21st century not the dark ages, so what is the big deal with it all?

14-08-2010, 12:59 PM
it's obv not natural, but i think it should be accepted because sexuality it can't be helped (i'm gay)

14-08-2010, 01:02 PM
it's obv not natural, but i think it should be accepted because sexuality it can't be helped (i'm gay)

When your in love... Regardless the gender. It's natural.

14-08-2010, 06:16 PM
I don't think there will ever be equality

Homophobics aren't always to blame its also the vast majority who advertise that they're homo

14-08-2010, 08:25 PM
Homosexuality is a mental health problem.
Is what someone like Nick Griffin would say.
But I completely disagree, being a gay man myself I think homosexuality should be accepted and we should not be looked at as the ones who "EAT DA POO POO!!" but rather the ones who are good at interior design and have celebrity icons such as Alan Carr and Gok Wan.

14-08-2010, 08:39 PM
I think it should be accepted; barely because it's you, and it's how you feel, that you should be going out with people of your own sex. The only time I don't think it should be accepted is when people spread it around all the time that they're gay, and that people should treat them like they're better, or different, just because of their sexuality. I don't think most people are really bothered about people's sexuality at times, unless they find the right man/woman, of course.

14-08-2010, 09:08 PM
Hmm... Well I don't know how big the case got publicized in the UK, but Prop 8 (an amendment to the California Constitution which banned gay marriage within the state) has recently been overturned by a conservative-appointed judge.

I seriously believe that homosexuality not only should be accepted, but needs to be accepted for the continuation of the concepts of freedom and love to be possible. It is simply not the state's business to be placing limits on people's love lives. Two hundred years ago, it would have been socially unacceptable for an African American to marry a Caucasian, and I think in another two hundred years, we will look upon any law that bans homosexuality with as much scorn as if someone would suggest returning to our racial segregation ways. While there is still racism in the world, it is a big step forward when the government stops forbidding people from following what they feel in their hearts.

Even so, I've never been a big fan of PDA (public display of affection), but it really doesn't matter if they are straight or homosexual. I just don't like watching two people going at it in parks or malls. I've always managed to deal with any discomfort as long as things stayed within reason, and I will continue to do so, be it a straight couple or a gay couple.

14-08-2010, 09:41 PM
I never see hetro rights/hetro parades and equality ministers constantly catering to the needs of hetrosexuals, so I totally reject what you have just said.

Okay so there may not have parades, but you have to admit it's everywhere. In the media if a family is protrayed it will always be your nuclear family (ie Hetrosexual parents and 2 children) If i ever see anyone making out it's always a hetrosexual couple (and sometimes lets face it, when two people are going for it in public its disgusting whether their straight or not). On adverts if couples are shown it's always a hetrosexual couple.
So yeah okay it may not be displayed in the sense that there are parades and what not, but you can't reject the fact that hetrosexuality is splashed about everywhere. It's just because it's seen as a 'norm' that it comes across as not being in your face.

14-08-2010, 10:37 PM
Everyone should be treated equal. Recently in california they took away prop 8 and in like a week gays can start marrying again depend on if its not repealed again before that time.

14-08-2010, 11:16 PM
+1 at the above :)

Agreeing with the % of you, Homosexuality is just a normal thing, whether or not you are attracted to the same sex shouldnt impare peoples judgement upon you but should instead allow them to accept you for what you are rather than that they think you should be.

15-08-2010, 11:42 AM
i can't even believe the question 'should homosexuality be accepted' is being asked. people see it as such a huge part of thier personality when it should be one of the smallest things. being gay is a sexual choice, and thats it. they shouldn't have to go on about it & neither should we. it's just what it is, other than that they're just the same as us. *REMOVED*

it's obv not natural, but i think it should be accepted because sexuality it can't be helped (i'm gay)

Edited by scott (Forum Moderator): Please do not be rude towards other forum members, thanks.

16-08-2010, 11:00 AM
no, not at all

17-08-2010, 03:18 PM
it's obv not natural, but i think it should be accepted because sexuality it can't be helped (i'm gay)

its debatable whether its "natural." firstly love itself (not sex) is an entirely human concept. animals indeed have emotions but they probably dont feel "love" the same way we do. they choose mates without means of real communication (imagine how hard it would be to marry someone without ever having said a word to them). nevertheless, there have been cases of homosexuality in animals, most notably penguins.

and anyway the "it isnt natural" argument is bogus, if you asked me to make a list of all the things us humans do that are "unnatural" i probably wouldnt even think "gay sex" at all.

17-08-2010, 07:18 PM
of course. doesnt do anyone any harm, i dont see why anyone should go out of their way to rally against homosexuals when it doesnt effect their lives in the slightest.

I'll give my opinion in a minute, but my friend showed me this video she saw online of this guy giving an inspirational talk and he basically said why is it OK for straight people to flaunt it by snogging in public and touching and not letting go every two minutes, then why can't homosexuals do it?

Thas' true, why should people in homosexual relationships have to be worried about whether they are accepted or not on top of all the other relationship worries?

I feel that homosexuality was accepted by the majority of the population a long time ago - it really is no big deal anymore.
I disagree with that. I think it's getting there, more and more people at the moment are accepting it but not everyone, and I think it is still a bit of a big deal..

Yeah I think it should be accepted.

17-08-2010, 07:29 PM
I feel that homosexuality was accepted by the majority of the population a long time ago - it really is no big deal anymore.

I disagree with that a lot too. I accept it's more accepted than previously but to say it's no big deal is ignorant, in my opinion. People kill themselves because they don't understand their homosexual feelings or because their family and friends don't accept them. It really isn't easy. Last week when I went to a gay club in a local town I saw people being verbally abused outside. I don't think a volley of abuse is "no big deal anymore". I don't think it's your ignorance by the way, it's a general thing. People accept homosexuality so they just assume everyone does and forget that it's still a 'sin' punished by death in some countries.

I don't think it's accepted in society. More so than it used to be, yeah. Accepted, no. A long way to go :)

17-08-2010, 07:31 PM
this confuses me loads, tbh i think it should

17-08-2010, 07:37 PM
I think it should be accepted.

17-08-2010, 09:20 PM
It's quite likely that I'll get a lot of stick for this post because people will misunderstand what I'm saying.

I agree with the cliche that homosexuality should be accepted and I'll argue until the cows come home that it should be accepted.

I think flaunting sexuality in someone's face is the most annoying thing anyone can do and I think threads about homosexuality being accepted have outlived their welcome for me because the majority of society these days accepts homosexuality--it's not like it used to be. The big thing people are uneasy about now might be transexuals but homosexuality being accepted is far better now than even ten or twenty years ago. So threads like this only serve to annoy. The non straight jump at every little careless remark another person might have said which could be understood to be offensive, and there might be one or two people (again I'm NOT saying this relates to everyone at all) might be flaunting their sexuality.

Be that as it may I suppose there are some really good down to Earth posts in this thread, some sweet ones about some relationships so kudos for sharing :P

17-08-2010, 09:59 PM
It's quite likely that I'll get a lot of stick for this post because people will misunderstand what I'm saying.

I agree with the cliche that homosexuality should be accepted and I'll argue until the cows come home that it should be accepted.

I think flaunting sexuality in someone's face is the most annoying thing anyone can do and I think threads about homosexuality being accepted have outlived their welcome for me because the majority of society these days accepts homosexuality--it's not like it used to be. The big thing people are uneasy about now might be transexuals but homosexuality being accepted is far better now than even ten or twenty years ago. So threads like this only serve to annoy. The non straight jump at every little careless remark another person might have said which could be understood to be offensive, and there might be one or two people (again I'm NOT saying this relates to everyone at all) might be flaunting their sexuality.

Be that as it may I suppose there are some really good down to Earth posts in this thread, some sweet ones about some relationships so kudos for sharing :P

I don't see how you can flaunt sexuality? That implies that it somehow winds you up - I don't see how it affects you. I think everyone will agree that awareness has improved considerably, it's even legal now :P However, this flaunting argument does my head in. How do you "flaunt" your sexuality? You don't. If you see two people kissing in public are they flaunting their heterosexuality?

Imagine someone said. I'm glad black people have equal rights now but I hate how they flaunt it. The concept is basically the same. Also, you seem to generalise gay people way too much. For example, there are some people on this forum who have confided in me their sexuality and not many others know online and offline. Not all gay people flaunt their sexuality.

I assume you misunderstand the word flaunt.

17-08-2010, 10:09 PM
I don't see how you can flaunt sexuality? That implies that it somehow winds you up - I don't see how it affects you. I think everyone will agree that awareness has improved considerably, it's even legal now :P However, this flaunting argument does my head in. How do you "flaunt" your sexuality? You don't. If you see two people kissing in public are they flaunting their heterosexuality?

Imagine someone said. I'm glad black people have equal rights now but I hate how they flaunt it. The concept is basically the same. Also, you seem to generalise gay people way too much. For example, there are some people on this forum who have confided in me their sexuality and not many others know online and offline. Not all gay people flaunt their sexuality.

I assume you misunderstand the word flaunt.

No that is not what annoys people, what flaunting covers is the parades & the militant groups - that is what pisses people off. 'Look at us we are gay, let's march around in skimpy clothing and act like a bunch of overly-feminine women on floats (because most women aren't even as feminine as some gay people of the type who take part in these parades) - crude but thats essentially what it is.

The same applies for black groups and ethnic groups (although these are minorities within those minorities) - with homosexuality it seems much more prevelent and only serves to fuel people against 'the cause' whatever that cause is. The only cause I see in gay groups and parades nowadays is to flaunt it and make an issue of something thats accepted by most people.

17-08-2010, 10:58 PM
I don't see how you can flaunt sexuality? That implies that it somehow winds you up - I don't see how it affects you. I think everyone will agree that awareness has improved considerably, it's even legal now :P However, this flaunting argument does my head in. How do you "flaunt" your sexuality? You don't. If you see two people kissing in public are they flaunting their heterosexuality?

Imagine someone said. I'm glad black people have equal rights now but I hate how they flaunt it. The concept is basically the same. Also, you seem to generalise gay people way too much. For example, there are some people on this forum who have confided in me their sexuality and not many others know online and offline. Not all gay people flaunt their sexuality.

I assume you misunderstand the word flaunt.

I understand the word flaunt. There's nothing necessarily wrong with being proud to be gay of course but the initial ideology surrounding gay pride was to make being gay more acceptable. Where we now live in a world where it is much more widely accepted. I suppose I just don't understand why it's so necessary.

For a long time I've gone to school with a boy called Derek. He's fairly nice and two years ago he came out as gay. He did this by standing infront of our entire English class and did a presentation in which it all led upto an ending climax where he announced that he's gay--that's how he came out. That year he did the exactly same presentation in three other classes. When our English class that year would engage in a discussion revolving around current affairs due to the nature of the teacher Derek would compare every single topic, whether it be criminal justice or political freedom to being gay. It got to the point where several nicer even most usually quiet girls who were his friends were making comments about it because he was even incorporating it into all of his writing pieces in the class. He read novels in English which only revolved around homosexuality and made sure the entire class was aware of this. Every day he would wear a rainbow belt and carry around a gay pride flag (yes carried: to every class, every single day which was more or less same in size as my 24" computer monitor).

Although I don't generally use the word gay in a derogatory scenario anyway (like saying that's gay) every time anyone at all said something as innocent as that's gay, he would say, excuzze me (intentionally accenting the use as a little child might for emphasis).

Unfortunately for me we even shared several common friends at the time and each one said he incorporated the topic of homosexuality into every conversation he was involved in no matter what it was about to begin with.

To make a long story short it was painfully obvious to all his classmates that he was acting a certain way just to get attention. After he came out he even started talking in what people here call a gay voice. He was doing that on purpose and that's certainly not fair on people who genuinely talk like that. It's boys like this who create and define the stereotype of a gay man--and if it wasn't for guys like this, gay boys and boys in general would receive so much less stick over being gay, or being afraid to be seen as gay because you naturally compare to one of the stereotypical gay attributes guys like Derek tries to follow specifically for attention.

I have absolutely no beef with gay PDA at all, actually I think it's extreme adorable that two people are comfortable showing that sort of genuine affection towards eachother without caring about what other people think of them.

18-08-2010, 12:10 PM
Ok now ive quoted a lot of people because i feel you're missing the point. Please read the following to see what I mean.

I feel that homosexuality was accepted by the majority of the population a long time ago - it really is no big deal anymore.

For many people, it still is a big deal. Yeah great if you're not religious it doesn't apply but through the millions of Christians in Britain homosexuality is wrong - y'know it's said in the Bible - and that book means everything to some people.

Really, why shouldn't it be accepted it's a normal relationship with the same sex, obviously some people are attracted to the same sex and it's really unfair if people don't agree with it.
The video Myke posted about; I think the person is 100% right in saying what they said.

Again read above because "why shouldn't it be accepted"? It's no where near "normal" you know, not to be harsh or mean but it is kinda wrong? If these relationships were meant to be "normal" then there would be Adam and Adam, if you get me.

I don't mind at all lol , everyone talks about the so-called 'freedom' so why can't this be part of that lol?

Freedom is fine, but it's what other people think of your actions that could be seen as the problem. It's very rare that you can change someone's opinion on this subject. I am ok with people having a relationship with the same sex, I just think it's wrong.

i really can't understand why people don't 'agree with homosexuality'. it makes literally no sense to me.
it's not effecting you in any way, so why should you have to agree or not? it's not happening in your bedroom & it's not happening to you.

i voted yes i think being gay should be accepted. of course it should.

I've answered this before but I'd also like to clarify that most religious people in the UK are against the idea of being gay. It's not homophobic because you're not against the gays, you're against the act.

This poll doesn't make sense but anywhoo, I think it should be accepted, theres nothing wrong with it IMO and I don't understand why people don't like it...except the god squad who are just barmy anyway.

That is actually so pathetic. An incredibly bad attempt at attacking millions of people around the globe. I could write pages on that one idiotic sentence, but it wouldn't be worth it. Just be a bit more careful with what you say please...

Ok so these are my views and if you want to debate it, please do, I'd love to hear you feedback.

18-08-2010, 02:10 PM
In my opinion, homosexuality should be accepted. it's your own choice as to who you want to love. no one else should be able to tell you otherwise. if people force you into being straight, you're going to either end up alone and depressed, or with someone who you don't actually love. I personally believe that everyone should look at everyone with open arms. It shouldn't matter if the person is male, female, transgender, etc. I think some people do take their sexuality to an extent though, through public affection, flirtation, etc (including on this forum actually). I think that we've made a lot of progress and a lot more people accept homosexuality and bisexuality than they used to.

18-08-2010, 06:40 PM
No that is not what annoys people, what flaunting covers is the parades & the militant groups - that is what pisses people off. 'Look at us we are gay, let's march around in skimpy clothing and act like a bunch of overly-feminine women on floats (because most women aren't even as feminine as some gay people of the type who take part in these parades) - crude but thats essentially what it is.

The same applies for black groups and ethnic groups (although these are minorities within those minorities) - with homosexuality it seems much more prevelent and only serves to fuel people against 'the cause' whatever that cause is. The only cause I see in gay groups and parades nowadays is to flaunt it and make an issue of something thats accepted by most people.

I agree that the point of 'pride' has changed over the last few years. Now, it's more of a celebration that homosexuality is accepted rather than a parade to raise awareness and get accepted. I won't see your point as valid until people stop taking their lives, getting bullied and being kicked out of their homes merely for being physically attracted to the same gender.

There are many homosexual people that also hate pride. They would agree with you to an extent. Pride isn't the whole homosexual population. There are many homosexual people who don't attend and isn't their cup of tea. I disagree that pride makes things worse though. When people are battling with their sexuality at say 15 or so it can be a beacon of light to know there are full grown men that are gay and there is nothing wrong with it. Women too, obviously.

Also, I don't think you've ever been to one of these parades. Sure, some of them wear skimpy clothes but they are matched by old men who turn out in good force in their full leathers! Not something I want to see personally but each to their own.

I understand the word flaunt. There's nothing necessarily wrong with being proud to be gay of course but the initial ideology surrounding gay pride was to make being gay more acceptable. Where we now live in a world where it is much more widely accepted. I suppose I just don't understand why it's so necessary.

For a long time I've gone to school with a boy called Derek. He's fairly nice and two years ago he came out as gay. He did this by standing infront of our entire English class and did a presentation in which it all led upto an ending climax where he announced that he's gay--that's how he came out. That year he did the exactly same presentation in three other classes. When our English class that year would engage in a discussion revolving around current affairs due to the nature of the teacher Derek would compare every single topic, whether it be criminal justice or political freedom to being gay. It got to the point where several nicer even most usually quiet girls who were his friends were making comments about it because he was even incorporating it into all of his writing pieces in the class. He read novels in English which only revolved around homosexuality and made sure the entire class was aware of this. Every day he would wear a rainbow belt and carry around a gay pride flag (yes carried: to every class, every single day which was more or less same in size as my 24" computer monitor).

Although I don't generally use the word gay in a derogatory scenario anyway (like saying that's gay) every time anyone at all said something as innocent as that's gay, he would say, excuzze me (intentionally accenting the use as a little child might for emphasis).

Unfortunately for me we even shared several common friends at the time and each one said he incorporated the topic of homosexuality into every conversation he was involved in no matter what it was about to begin with.

To make a long story short it was painfully obvious to all his classmates that he was acting a certain way just to get attention. After he came out he even started talking in what people here call a gay voice. He was doing that on purpose and that's certainly not fair on people who genuinely talk like that. It's boys like this who create and define the stereotype of a gay man--and if it wasn't for guys like this, gay boys and boys in general would receive so much less stick over being gay, or being afraid to be seen as gay because you naturally compare to one of the stereotypical gay attributes guys like Derek tries to follow specifically for attention.

I have absolutely no beef with gay PDA at all, actually I think it's extreme adorable that two people are comfortable showing that sort of genuine affection towards eachother without caring about what other people think of them.

I answered a bit of yours in the bit above Davey. The bit about pride at least. Yeah, ok this one kid has put on stereotypical gay features... how do you know he isn't just now being his true self now he's out. Maybe he was so desperate to come out so he could act himself and that's why he's so obsessed with tell anyone. When I came out, I was a lot more discreet as I didn't want to scream the rooftops down with it. A quiet affair.

Also, don't forget how much pressure he is under, being gay, it's not easy, nor accepted 100%, regardless of what people think. In addition, he is one gay person, you can't generalise millions of others with him.

18-08-2010, 07:15 PM
I don't see how you can flaunt sexuality? That implies that it somehow winds you up - I don't see how it affects you. I think everyone will agree that awareness has improved considerably, it's even legal now :P However, this flaunting argument does my head in. How do you "flaunt" your sexuality? You don't. If you see two people kissing in public are they flaunting their heterosexuality?

Imagine someone said. I'm glad black people have equal rights now but I hate how they flaunt it. The concept is basically the same. Also, you seem to generalise gay people way too much. For example, there are some people on this forum who have confided in me their sexuality and not many others know online and offline. Not all gay people flaunt their sexuality.

I assume you misunderstand the word flaunt.

i see your point, but it really is true that a lot of gays are completely over the top in their support of gay rights and if anything only force back progression. they're too aggressive in their pursuit. i'd compare it to the feminist movement; it took so long to get off the ground because people thought a lot of the politics behind it were way over the top. most people agreed that women and men should be treated as equals and get equal pay for jobs etc, that was only logical, but what did peoples heads in was bra burning, feminists publishing books about how men are pigs, etc. why there was so much resistance was because the message they were sending was that a bunch of angry smelly women wanted to rule the world, even though all most feminists wanted was just to be treated as equals.

the message many gays are sending to people by being overly-flamboyant/flaunting, probably without realizing it, is that if homosexuality were to be 100% accepted then the world would be amuck with hyper-aggressive homosexuals, which is also completely false. its not a matter of who they are or how they want to express their sexuality, its just strategy. i think the key to homosexuals winning against discrimination is to highlight how they are similar to everyone else, not how they're different.

18-08-2010, 09:03 PM
I am ok with people having a relationship with the same sex, I just think it's wrong.

This doesn't make sense, if you think it's wrong you're clearly not okay with it?
Also, i'm pathetic because i have an opinion on a religious group? Okay then, if you say so. Also, I didn't attack people, especially of my own religion, i only used the word barmy. If i attacked them i'd call them all homophobic or complete idiots, but I don't think that, I just think its barmy that people don't accept homosexuals. So you're pathetic for making a big deal out of nothing.

18-08-2010, 09:37 PM
Again read above because "why shouldn't it be accepted"? It's no where near "normal" you know, not to be harsh or mean but it is kinda wrong? If these relationships were meant to be "normal" then there would be Adam and Adam, if you get me.

I've answered this before but I'd also like to clarify that most religious people in the UK are against the idea of being gay. It's not homophobic because you're not against the gays, you're against the act.

That is actually so pathetic. An incredibly bad attempt at attacking millions of people around the globe. I could write pages on that one idiotic sentence, but it wouldn't be worth it. Just be a bit more careful with what you say please....

Ok, first of all, theres no set rules on whats 'normal'. 'Normal' is different to everyone, it just depends on what they're brought up to believe, and when they're old enough, what they think themselves.

@ Your Adam and Adam argument, of course theres not going to be an 'adam and adam' in a book from a group of people who are preaching against it.

@ "I've answered this before but I'd also like to clarify that most religious people in the UK are against the idea of being gay. It's not homophobic because you're not against the gays, you're against the act." - I would still say thats the same thing.

@ "That is actually so pathetic. An incredibly bad attempt at attacking millions of people around the globe. I could write pages on that one idiotic sentence, but it wouldn't be worth it. Just be a bit more careful with what you say please...." - How was that an attack, its true, mainly nowadays, its only religious people that have a problem with homosexuality, and I would say that's kind of pathetic, considering they base their beliefs and views on a 2000+ year old book, that contradicts itself at several points. Societys have changed a huge amount since then.

19-08-2010, 11:16 AM
Ok, first of all, theres no set rules on whats 'normal'. 'Normal' is different to everyone, it just depends on what they're brought up to believe, and when they're old enough, what they think themselves.

@ Your Adam and Adam argument, of course theres not going to be an 'adam and adam' in a book from a group of people who are preaching against it.

I don't get what you mean here(?)

@ "I've answered this before but I'd also like to clarify that most religious people in the UK are against the idea of being gay. It's not homophobic because you're not against the gays, you're against the act." - I would still say thats the same thing.

I'm perfectly happy with someone being gay, it's their choice, but what that choice is - I don't agree with. There are many different situations where that comes into play (just replace the word "gay" with something else).

[/QUOTE]@ "That is actually so pathetic. An incredibly bad attempt at attacking millions of people around the globe. I could write pages on that one idiotic sentence, but it wouldn't be worth it. Just be a bit more careful with what you say please...." - How was that an attack, its true, mainly nowadays, its only religious people that have a problem with homosexuality, and I would say that's kind of pathetic, considering they base their beliefs and views on a 2000+ year old book, that contradicts itself at several points. Societys have changed a huge amount since then.[/QUOTE]

Ahhh the good old book that's 2000+ years plus and that contradicts itself at different points. Right seriously, point out to me the bits where it contradicts itself, if you wish to use that in an arguement. Yes society has changed and it always will change. I'll take it you're an athiest putting in an arguement like that then?

This doesn't make sense, if you think it's wrong you're clearly not okay with it?
Also, i'm pathetic because i have an opinion on a religious group? Okay then, if you say so. Also, I didn't attack people, especially of my own religion, i only used the word barmy. If i attacked them i'd call them all homophobic or complete idiots, but I don't think that, I just think its barmy that people don't accept homosexuals. So you're pathetic for making a big deal out of nothing.

No I don't agree with the act of homosexuality, but I'm okay and happy for the people to be gay. You can't expect everyone to accept it...
There are far worse people than me on the topic (not saying an opinion is bad) and they will do anything to put it down your throat what's right and wrong.

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