View Full Version : Black ops multiplayer trailer.... TODAY 6PM BST!

09-08-2010, 03:55 PM
Omg, i surprised my self when i got so hyped when i saw the words. "mp trailer today" anyway...

he first Multiplayer gameplay footage is incoming, get ready! That's right. We've been waiting weeks and weeks for Multiplayer news and now the wait is over.
The Call of Duty YouTube channel » (http://www.youtube.com/callofduty) hasn't been online since a month, until now. This led to us thinking that the Multiplayer trailer is very very close.

We were right. MTV Multiplayer » (http://twitter.com/mtvmultiplayer) have confirmed that the first Multiplayer gameplay footage will be arriving today at 1pm ET. We believe that this translates to about 6pm BST which means we have to wait for just under 2 hours.

First gameplay footage from Call of Duty Black Ops multiplayer coming at 1pm ET. Stay tuned! #callofduty #callofdutyblackops
We will update this article when the trailer arrives. So check back in 2 hours for the video!

Source: http://blackops.digitalwarfare247.com/news/multiplayer-reveal-trailer

09-08-2010, 04:20 PM
lets hope it looks good
ill be interested to see how create a class is.

i wish theyd tell us collectors edition(s) already.

09-08-2010, 04:22 PM
I refuse to hype myself up for this game. Did it loads for the last one, and whilst the story was very enjoyable, i quickly got tired of the MP because of how good i made it seem

Although ill probably watch this still since im weak

09-08-2010, 04:28 PM
lets hope it looks good
ill be interested to see how create a class is.

i wish theyd tell us collectors edition(s) already.

They have. Hardened and prestige just like mw2. xD

09-08-2010, 04:39 PM
Looks pretty sweet, although I thought it looked a little bit like Battlefield. The theatre mode thing is an awesome idea though

The remote controlled car thing is just stupid though

09-08-2010, 04:43 PM
i mean whats in them :L

is that a video editor i see?
video aint bad, that car does look completely stupid though. Also tbh multiplayer doesnt concern me as much.

callsigns look cool too.

damn, camera will help campers :(

Last edit, does anyone know if there's actually british people in this? Like confirmed by treyarch.

09-08-2010, 04:52 PM
Holy cow, I'm gonna have to watch it again. And did that look like pre-set kill streaks? Glad to see care package too.

09-08-2010, 04:58 PM
I re-watched it, and that camera thing at the start is a pretty neat idea if you're a sniper/defending an objective but like Selena said, not keen on the corner campers using it.

09-08-2010, 05:01 PM
looks great, but again that camera wont help when playing campers :(

09-08-2010, 05:02 PM

Aww didnt see u posted it haha

09-08-2010, 05:02 PM
Maps look interesting, guns look like crap though. The camera is a nice addition, but will just create more camping zones and everyone will probably have it (and will be overused like the silenced ump) The remote control car is just stupid, too.

09-08-2010, 05:05 PM
You guys are so qukc to judge it negativly. Ima give it a chance.

09-08-2010, 05:07 PM
Looks great

09-08-2010, 05:09 PM
Woah, woah. I didn't notice that the first time round, but a video/clip editor?! Now it gets interesting!

09-08-2010, 05:10 PM
im not gonna lie, looks pretty good.

I actually like the car thing, can imagine people running endlessly from it

09-08-2010, 05:12 PM
Woah, woah. I didn't notice that the first time round, but a video/clip editor?! Now it gets interesting!

Yeah, now hopefully you can save it to the system and transfer it over :D

Also I think the guns look nice but just crammed.

09-08-2010, 05:14 PM
I noticed a rocket in the background, all maps stem from campaign right?

Space race.

That is all.

09-08-2010, 05:23 PM
according to treyarch alot of them are vice versa where mp maps go to campaign
or so im aware.

09-08-2010, 05:28 PM
Something i didnt notice is that at the end, it says FULL MULTIPLAYER REVEAL 1ST SEPT. I'm glad that they have given a deffinate date for it and that it's not far away.

09-08-2010, 05:39 PM
Very similar to Modern Warfare 2 but then again Treyarch have always just added on to what has been beforehand. One things annoy me so far, the camera will probably help campers to watch their back but that is about it so far. The players will decide whether this game is good or bad based on the way they play it.

09-08-2010, 05:54 PM
I hope Modern Warfare 3 is the last game to use the game engine.

09-08-2010, 05:55 PM
The camera does disable the map, although thats not a huge disadvantage.

09-08-2010, 06:09 PM
I hope Modern Warfare 3 is the last game to use the game engine.
I hope mw3 is the last mw3, but guessing activision theyll say "make more money with mw4".
Makarov kept Michael in check, but for no longer. I can just see it coming :l

Also yeah the cam disabling map is no real disadvantage, its either no where someone from the other side of the map or someone right behind you. Maybe the cam has a timer? Doubt it but still.

09-08-2010, 06:17 PM
I hope mw3 is the last mw3, but guessing activision theyll say "make more money with mw4".
Makarov kept Michael in check, but for no longer. I can just see it coming :l

I wouldn't be surprised if Black Ops becomes a separate COD franchise a la Modern Warfare. I don't know what Infinity Ward will do, keep it fresh maybe.

09-08-2010, 06:26 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if Black Ops becomes a separate COD franchise a la Modern Warfare. I don't know what Infinity Ward will do, keep it fresh maybe.

Personally, and I know this replys kinda off topic, but id love for them to revisit from cod4 except youre on the opposite side. Obviously you couldnt relive every mission from the other side so theyd have to make new ones. It would be interesting to be a spetsnaz.
Or maybe a prequel (sp?) back to price/macmillan.
or maybe theyll keep milking it which i dont think they will unless ordered by activision which im sure they cant do.

09-08-2010, 06:31 PM
Was that video of MW2?

09-08-2010, 07:12 PM
I hope its actually worth the money :D

09-08-2010, 07:24 PM
Was that video of MW2?
Obviously not.

09-08-2010, 08:18 PM
Personally, and I know this replys kinda off topic, but id love for them to revisit from cod4 except youre on the opposite side. Obviously you couldnt relive every mission from the other side so theyd have to make new ones. It would be interesting to be a spetsnaz.

You mean a parallel story?

Would be interesting.

09-08-2010, 09:26 PM
Someone does a dive thing at around 36 seconds (on the right).

09-08-2010, 09:38 PM
Analysis here.
It's in code tags cause its quiet long.

Source is: http://blackops.digitalwarfare247.com/news/first-black-ops-multiplayer-footage

Quick Analysis

@00:06 - Following an enemy on a Russian snow map with a Silenced T2 MK5 » (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T2_MK5_rifle) assault rifle with a Red Dot Sight. Notice the smiley in the Red Dot Sight? Put a smile on our face :) -- UPDATE: Or is it the "tmKS" clan tag on the back of the rifle? (thanks @JamesMRios » (http://twitter.com/JamesMRios/status/20727211787)) Probably the Commando Assault Rifle, NOT the T2 MK5. Confirmation still needed though.
@00:09 - Enemy is on camera (thermal), a new gadget in multiplayer and is shot in the back. A callsign is shown of the killer.
@00:13 - A Smiley is on the side of the weapon, customized or default?
@00:14 - The MP5k is confirmed when walking over it, it's equipped with a suppressor.
@00:15 - The player picks up his camera on a tripod, so he can deploy it elsewhere. It's done with the D-pad "UP"
@00:17 - Vahn on another kill, showing the callsign of SlyMonkey. At first sight it looks to be the CAR-15.
@00:18 - Killing MatTks giving Vahn a 3 kill Killstreak, a remote controlled explosive car. We'll see this in action later on.
@00:18 - In his inventory he as 2 flashbangs and one Semtex sticky grenade. It's still unknown what the D-pad "UP" is at this point in time.
@00:19 - There is actually a rocket taking off.
@00:22 - After killing another one, Vahn is rewarded with a 4 kill streak which looks to be a crate (care package in MW2?). It replaces the 3 kill streak (R/C car) but that will probably be stacked for later use like in MW2.
@00:24 - Equipping the Crosshbow with Explosive Tip.
@00:28 - The explosive tips looks to be at a timer of 2 seconds.
@00:29 - 5 kill streak, looks to be the missile shot at @01:10.
@00:30 - Killing an enemy with the Ballistic Knife.
@00:31 - Inventory: Smoke / Semtex. D-Pad Unknown equipment (claymore?) and unknown killstreak (big bomb)
@00:32 - Killing a second one right after, with a "regular" knife attack to the back. This is a nice animation with both knifes, the ballistic one and the "default" knife. We think it might be different than a "regular" attack when not equipped with the Ballistic Knife.
@00:32 - AUG confirmed by dropped weapon on the ground.
@00:33 - Ballistic knife has an ammo counter, 0/1 on @00:33 and 1/0 on @00:34 (thanks Firecap » (http://forums.digitalwarfare247.com/index.php?/topic/28702-bo247-first-multiplayer-footage/page__view__findpost__p__454949))
@00:36 - Chinook helicopter (double rotor) drops care-package (thanks A55A55IN8R » (http://forums.digitalwarfare247.com/index.php?/topic/28702-bo247-first-multiplayer-footage/page__st__50__p__455060#entry455060))
@00:37 - More interesting though, look at the air/drop-shot! Player at the right runs and dives flat on his belly in air.
@00:41 - Looks like an early version of the FAMAS.
@00:41 - A create on the ground, could be a care package kill streak?
@00:44 - New custom camouflage, with canvas belts and a custom snow paint.
@00:50 - Large caliber shooting through glass ceiling, probably a helicopter kill streak?
@00:50 - Throwing semtex grenade, killing for a 3 kill streak (R/C car)
@00:55 - R/C Car kill streak deployed, user controlled.
@00:57 - Driving straight through window....
@00:59 - RPG-7 confirmed on the back for the enemy, right before detonation, killing both.
@01:00 - Looks to be the Harrier kill streak on D-pad "RIGHT"; Equipped with 2 flash and 1 frag grenade
@01:02-01:04 - Enemy plane flying over with a Napalm Strike (Thanks PSN:Somedude94 » (http://forums.digitalwarfare247.com/index.php?/topic/28702-bo247-first-multiplayer-footage/page__view__findpost__p__455013))
@01:05 - Shooting the CAR-15, switching to "Python Snub Nose" revolver (thanks @joshuadowley » (http://twitter.com/joshuadowley/status/20728735736) and SnipeyPike 24 » (http://forums.digitalwarfare247.com/index.php?/topic/28702-bo247-first-multiplayer-footage/page__st__50__p__455115#entry455115))
@01:06 - Enemy taking slug to the head, with an L96AW (aka. AWM) sniper rifle (thanks Lyght » (http://forums.digitalwarfare247.com/index.php?/topic/28702-bo247-first-multiplayer-footage/page__view__findpost__p__454953) and @bro_brat137 (http://twitter.com/bro_brat137/status/20729017055)) OR maybe the SV-98 (thanks JJCRYSIS » (http://forums.digitalwarfare247.com/index.php?/topic/28702-bo247-first-multiplayer-footage/page__view__findpost__p__455091))
@01:08 - Mini Map updates; showing grid reference, B4 / C4 etc.
@01:08 - Also showing a bleeping thing/bulls eye on the map (motion detector?), possible the location of the portable tripod cam (D-pad "UP" equipment)?
@01:10 - Getting killed by a missile, what looks to be either homing to body heat or controlled by camera.
@01:16 - Full multiplayer Reveal on September 1st!
@01:17 - SWEET! You can now record gameplay in-game, which was requested by many many machinema film makers. You can switch between 1st person/ Free Camera, take a screenshot, toggle HUD (Heads Up Display) and play in Slow Motion.
@01:22 - Even more control, you can manage segments of the match. By the looks of it you can reorder them easily, or remove unwanted segments.
@01:22 - Between segments, you can choose your custom transition (cut/fade/etc)
@01:22 - "FREE-FOR-ALL on Launch" - Map name? Probably (Thanks Predator » (http://forums.digitalwarfare247.com/index.php?/topic/28702-bo247-first-multiplayer-footage/page__view__findpost__p__454993))
@01:23 - Save your film with a title and description.

Also something interesting i read on their forum.

I have noticed something interesting in the new multiplayer footage. In the video, you can see a RC that you control. I have noticed that the RC has a C4 strapped to it, and it reminded me of what Treyarch has mentioned in previous interviews. They said that Call of Duty: Black Ops will be heavily based on character customization and personalization. Also they mentioned that these special forces would use their own weapons which they created for a mission. I.E you see the grenade launcher strapped on to the rifle instead of it railed onto the rifle in the E3 2010 demo. So I am speculating that they are taking a whole new jump to killstreaks. I'm talking about customizing killstreaks. Not just arranging what killstreaks you want but creating killstreaks. Such as the RC with a C4 or a helicopter drone with a motion sensor. If this is true, I believe that it will bring this game to a whole new level. That would be pretty awesome. xD

09-08-2010, 10:00 PM
Looks pretty good if you ask me, I'm looking forward to it, and like others have said - I will give it a chance. Im gunna preorder it pretty soon :)

09-08-2010, 10:15 PM
That speculation looks cool but i highly doubt it tbh, it seems too much for the game with the campaign, co-op etc.

10-08-2010, 12:11 AM
The theatre mode look great, I probably won't use it to edit beyond cutting up the awesome clips I rarely get, but I can see how it'll help people when getting gameplays/clips for montages, I was surprised MW2 didn't have it after seeing how successful it is in Halo 3

10-08-2010, 01:56 AM
What would be interesting would be Clan leaderboards and you have to create a clan with designated clan tag (no more noobs copying your tag thinking theyre cool) aswell as custom logos made via ingame or pc editor which could then be placed as emblems, on clothing or weaponary.
Gun customization where you can customize how big the clip is what caliber bullet what kind of bullet where the scope is what grip it has, all calculated and a gun is made visually which looks like this. or those who are good at modelling can make a model of a gun (3d or 2d) which then is submitted to the developer and they incorporate it into the game which is then made as dlc for you via an account ingame. this for a small fee (£5 or so).

These are all ideas for mw3 obviously seeing as black ops is almost finished.

10-08-2010, 10:14 AM
Looks exactly like MW2 - They aren't going for anything new and just copying the stuff they did in MW2. I'm not as hyped as I was before this. The car is stupid and probably going to be overused. The video editor is a great idea but I'm dreading 12 year olds fanboys making crappy montages etc. But we'll see. Killstreaks look customisable again which may or may not be great depending on the strength. Weapons look like they kill in a heartbeat and little to no recoil. Hopefully more bolt actions and no SoH so its fairer. Crossbows gonna be overused period.

Doesn't look great if I'm honest.

10-08-2010, 10:33 AM
Ign reqing theatre has their analysis up.

http://uk.xbox360.ign.com/dor/objects/14349501/call-of-duty-treyarch-project/videos/rewind_codblack_mp_080910..html;jsessionid=1wynbl5 1uehsr?show=hi

10-08-2010, 03:40 PM
Im sure there was a sticky grenade in cod5..

10-08-2010, 05:48 PM
Nope there wasnt, just mw2.

10-08-2010, 06:14 PM
Nope there wasnt, just mw2.

There was.

The anti-tank grenade.

10-08-2010, 07:06 PM
There was.

The anti-tank grenade.

Oh yeah of course! That was a bit naff though.

10-08-2010, 07:13 PM
This doesn't look to good to me :S

The camera will be more of an aid to campers as many people have stated, the little car isntantly reminded me of the ticker from GOW. I don't think I'll be getting this.

10-08-2010, 07:22 PM
Camera seems to replace the mini-map.

More than a reasonable payoff. Can see behind you/one perspective but not all around. Without UAV minimap you're screwed, so camera is a risk/reward.

10-08-2010, 07:37 PM
looks soooo good and more like modern warfare not like cod 5 which i think is a good think cant wait to play

10-08-2010, 08:11 PM
The camera will be a nice adition. Maybe the map makers will add in eastereggs and little spots to glitch the camera in so u can see em :)

Itll be nice on snd if you place it apt.

10-08-2010, 09:06 PM
i hope theyre not ******ed and dont put the cam at like level 5
and hopefully they dont increase the 70 levels in mw2 more

10-08-2010, 10:30 PM
Im hoping the rumors are true and the max level is 85 and theres 15 prestiges

11-08-2010, 12:34 AM
Looks exactly like MW2 - They aren't going for anything new and just copying the stuff they did in MW2. I'm not as hyped as I was before this. The car is stupid and probably going to be overused. The video editor is a great idea but I'm dreading 12 year olds fanboys making crappy montages etc. But we'll see. Killstreaks look customisable again which may or may not be great depending on the strength. Weapons look like they kill in a heartbeat and little to no recoil. Hopefully more bolt actions and no SoH so its fairer. Crossbows gonna be overused period.

Doesn't look great if I'm honest.
From what I can see the only thing carried over are some of the guns and a few killstreaks, and why change something that's quite popular (Care Package, Predator, although in Black Ops I think the trailer said 'Ark Angel waiting for deployment').

Im hoping the rumors are true and the max level is 85 and theres 15 prestiges
85 is insane, I personally think 70 is a nice level to reach. I'd like more than ten prestiges, especially if we get up to fifteen custom classes, but then I hope the little icons aren't stupid. The MW2 are nice until you get to the stupid skull **** for 10th.

11-08-2010, 09:13 AM
GT-pop block posted their analysis. Theres is better imo.


They notice something at the sniper part.

11-08-2010, 09:56 AM
From what I can see the only thing carried over are some of the guns and a few killstreaks, and why change something that's quite popular (Care Package, Predator, although in Black Ops I think the trailer said 'Ark Angel waiting for deployment').

It just means that they have no ideas, they are trying too hard to live up to IW standards (although tarnished). They are copying over many things not just "a few guns and kilstreaks". Treyarch have enough minds behind them to create something MORE original. Some things that they have copied are fine it's just its better to see something fresh, new and creative.

11-08-2010, 10:33 AM
Im hoping the rumors are true and the max level is 85 and theres 15 prestiges

I'm defo not prestiging then if that's true, too much tbh. Well I might prestige once in order to get the prestige exclusive challenges (if there are any).

11-08-2010, 12:58 PM
Thought: 10th clip (on the replay editor) is blanked out.

Linked to prestiges?

12-08-2010, 11:02 AM
I just noticed when looking at it again, on the gun that has the smiley face rds at the start, theres also a smiley face sticker on the side of the gun. :L

12-08-2010, 11:02 AM

Sums up what I'm saying.

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