View Full Version : Absolutely stumped. +rep? D:

12-08-2010, 06:59 PM
Basically, im trying to setup a server for a game. The port is 25565. I've added it to the portforwarding part of my router, for both UDP and TCP. Using PFPortChecker, it shows that everything is fine with both the TCP and UDP. Now here the issues arises, i load up the server, and using PFPortChecker, i checked to see if the UDP and TCP 25565 ports are working since it isn't allowing me to choose the server in the game. So i use the PFPortChecker and it says "Your post is not open or unreachable" for JUST TCP. UDP is fine.

Now im confused since i have put both of them in my portforwarding bit, i have added them both to every exception on every firewall i can find (windows and AVG), and even turned off windows firewall and AVG. So there is either a hidden firewall, or something i have no idea about. Any ideas?

12-08-2010, 07:27 PM
Add yourself into the DMZ.

12-08-2010, 07:30 PM
Add yourself into the DMZ.
did that already, but ermm okay seemed to somehow fix the last problem and got a new one. The TCP and UDP are now fine and the portchecker says that's all fine when the server is running, now when i go to the game, java asks if it can run (did so before), and when i click yes, then my server loses connection and my mozilla crashes. when this pops up for other servers and i click yes, it works fine. so now im like err what.

13-08-2010, 10:49 AM
did that already, but ermm okay seemed to somehow fix the last problem and got a new one. The TCP and UDP are now fine and the portchecker says that's all fine when the server is running, now when i go to the game, java asks if it can run (did so before), and when i click yes, then my server loses connection and my mozilla crashes. when this pops up for other servers and i click yes, it works fine. so now im like err what.
Tried running as admin?

13-08-2010, 01:42 PM
Tried running as admin?
Tried running firefox on admin and the server on admin, still same issue. :(

13-08-2010, 02:49 PM
Okay well just tried setting it up so that it excluded my router (nothing was connecting my router to my modem or pc, so it was just pc <-> modem), and im getting the same issue, so i suppose that means that its definitely my PC. Great. :l

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