View Full Version : For anyone who says Kazopark is like Habbo...

12-08-2010, 08:16 PM
You're a genius, really, captain obvious strikes again.

I hope Kazopark aren't offended by this, in fact they might agree if I'm lucky. Kazopark is like Habbo because it's in the exact same MMOCC Market, competing for the same users. Habbo is the main MMOCC for teens nowadays, I guess you could say Club Penguin, IMVU or Second Life but they've all got their own target ranges. Kazopark has a flash client and provides a similiar interface because if it isn't similiar, then users who go on Habbo will have teething issues on coming on from one to another game. In fact, Kazopark are right to try and be similiar, else they'd be doomed.

I say doomed, they'll be doomed until they can make a name for themselves & get out in the press. It's pretty basic guys, say it's like Habbo and you're right. Only different is Kazopark is smaller, and probably has a different Business plan as Habbo is ran by a multi-million company (Sulake) who have different avenues like Bobba Bar & IRC Galleria to maintain. Kazopark has less to worry about actually, it's lucky in a sense.

Oh and for anyone who has a problem with the actual game, there's a reason why it's in BETA. Habbo took 2 years to come out of BETA and another 10 years to become what it is now. Don't knock it straight away, that's just being presumptious. Errors happen, especially when a game has been out for what, just over 24 hours now? Come on, give it a chance.

So there's your lesson, say it all you want, but you're supposed to say its like Habbo, because for Kazopark's owners, that's probably the best compliment they're going to get for Kazopark right now.

I hope a few people who have their heads screwed on about this market agree, and even more so, I hope Kazopark's owners aren't insulted by this. I don't mean anything hostile by it, and I hope all the best to more competitors and variety in the market.

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