View Full Version : HCs on the way back up

20-08-2010, 03:13 PM
When will HCS start being on the way back up.

When they hit rock bottom of like 1C each there will be an increased demand and so the price will raise?

20-08-2010, 03:15 PM
I doubt it, HC's were only popular because they were a currency, now they are just like any other rare because people don't really accept HCs for rares now. Besides, I've seen them going for 2c for a few weeks. Rarely higher or lower.

20-08-2010, 03:23 PM
I completely hate how the market fairs now compared to the Habbo of yesterday. It still feels like my HCs should be worth something but now that I have so many due to a lacking in value it sort of ruins the trading aspects of the game for me.

I do hope eventually they go back up.

20-08-2010, 03:52 PM
I have been away of habbo for about a year, and returned not long last month, coming back to having HCs worth nothing was a bit wierd, so im still not over the fact there worth nothing and still view them as my form of currency, i hope the hc will go back up =/

20-08-2010, 03:57 PM
Can I just ask, what made the price crash?

20-08-2010, 04:01 PM
Can I just ask, what made the price crash?

It was the marketplace mainly. Everyone put them in for cheaper and cheaper until they totally failed.

20-08-2010, 04:02 PM
Everyone just constantly paying less and sellers wanting to sell quickly.

20-08-2010, 04:02 PM
i think it's ever so sad that hcs are basically worthless nowadays. when i first started playing habbo like 2004, they were worth so much. it was like 25 hcs to a throne. and hcs were 25c.
i think the crash happened with the introduction of credits being tradeable. i guess before a hc was a sign of wealth because you had to actually buy credits to get credits and like buy hc and get hcs and stuff.

the market is a strange place nowadays on habbo.

20-08-2010, 04:29 PM
surely by supply and demand, they'll go up.

20-08-2010, 04:48 PM
who wants something worthless, im just waiting for the day a noob with 15 credits comes back to habbo after 4 years and whats to buy my hc sofa <3 *dreams of the day whilst cuddling up to colin the dog*

20-08-2010, 05:57 PM
People like hc sofas.. so if they're cheap loads of ppl wanna buy.

22-08-2010, 11:38 AM
surely by supply and demand, they'll go up.

There must be hundreds of thousands of HC's in the hotel, maybe even millions. I don't think the demand will ever out-do the supply. Thus I can't see them rising much again.

22-08-2010, 11:42 AM
I can't see them rising tbh, they will probably stay at 2c maybe go to 3c but thats it!

22-08-2010, 11:49 AM
good thing i sold a lot of my hcs off at 3-5c :(!

22-08-2010, 11:51 AM
good thing i sold a lot of my hcs off at 3-5c :(!

Lucky, you probably won't sell them for that now! Last time I checked they were 4c in the marketplace, I don't know what they are now though

22-08-2010, 12:20 PM
If i'm honest only probably less than 1 percent of the habbo community will think about paying 3c's for a hc they would rather just pay 2c as loads of people sell for that price. and i have seen people sell hcs for 1c each. i think HCS are in trouble at this point in time.

22-08-2010, 01:09 PM
At the moment I can't see them rising but eventually I think they may.

22-08-2010, 01:11 PM
By next year they will be like 8-10c i think

22-08-2010, 11:06 PM
When I started stopping playing hc's were 5-7c. This really confused me, as even now when I read threads on habbox I translate everything in to what it used to be worth. I fail at getting use to credits and not hcs

22-08-2010, 11:11 PM
When I started stopping playing hc's were 5-7c. This really confused me, as even now when I read threads on habbox I translate everything in to what it used to be worth. I fail at getting use to credits and not hcs

Yeah it can get really confusing.

As now if you see something for 30C and you forget HCs arn't 5C anymore, you'd think it's work 6HC. But it's not, its actually worth 15HC.

Being assistant rvm though i have to get used to trends, and after the merge i have completely switched to credits/coins (hence the change on Habbox currency too)

22-08-2010, 11:19 PM
i think hcs are going to be the furni laughingstock before too long.

22-08-2010, 11:20 PM
Just to think that once they were worth 70 rubber ducks! It's quite a shame to be honest, it wasn't triggered by any event in particular though. The causes are obviously exchange and marketplace being introduced but it took many months for it to have an affect. Once they started going down in value they just wouldn't stop.

I personally can't see them rising again which is a real shame. It also makes it difficult to compare trading in the past, for example when I bought my pink marquee just a few months back I paid 28 HCs for it. Now with the HC being valued at 2 credits compared to the old 10 credits, and the rise of the pink marquee, I could sell it for 1010 HCs. Unthinkable at the time.

22-08-2010, 11:25 PM
I know someone (Ugawa, ex assistant rvm) she left in 2008 and came back to see me a few months ago.

Before she left she sold all her thrones for HC's. She had like over 3000 HCs or something stupid on her account. Considering before the merge, you could buy a throne for 100HC (i bought 4 at that price) So she would have been worth 30T. Then after the merge thrones made it to 1000C and HCs were 2C, this meant a throne was 500HC, Meaning she is now worth 6T.

So she had gone from being worth a fortune (ish) to being worth something average. She don't play anymore so it doesn't matter, but it's shocking. If this situation was irl people would be bankcrupt left right and centre.

It's like Habbo's own little recession.

22-08-2010, 11:32 PM
What the hell dan?

You think you had problems thinking 30c was 6hc?

I still think of 30c being 2hc ish xD

22-08-2010, 11:55 PM
What the hell dan?

You think you had problems thinking 30c was 6hc?

I still think of 30c being 2hc ish xD

Wow you are about 2 years behind, when i left in 2008 i left to HC sofas being 10-15C :P

23-08-2010, 12:02 AM
Wow you are about 2 years behind, when i left in 2008 i left to HC sofas being 10-15C :P

Hc's only decreased like 5 months ago dan! And since I haven't properly logged on daily for about a year I cannot adjust!

23-08-2010, 12:15 AM
I hate it that the hc's are so low priced , i have so many in my hand ! :/

---------- Post added 23-08-2010 at 01:16 AM ----------

i think hcs are going to be the furni laughingstock before too long.

I think that to :/

23-08-2010, 06:43 AM
Unfortunately for me and apparently a lot of other people I traded all of my rares for HC sofas... when they were valuable.

23-08-2010, 07:32 AM
By next year they will be like 8-10c i think

You have no idea mate. ;)

I think fansites switching currencies may have had an impact too, all be it not a major one, the marketplace did that. :P

23-08-2010, 08:22 PM
Sad times sad times, HCs worth jackall, currency is creds.

I remember when it used to be opposite!!

23-08-2010, 08:44 PM
Well at the moment i don't think there is a definite answer to whether hcs will rise; I do hope they do.

23-08-2010, 08:46 PM
Unfortunately, the marketplace has killed the hcs :(

I remember when people used to say '1.0' and '2.0' but now they just say '5c' and '10c' :(

23-08-2010, 08:52 PM
Unfortunately, the marketplace has killed the hcs :(

I remember when people used to say '1.0' and '2.0' but now they just say '5c' and '10c' :(

That is true. i totally agree with that

29-08-2010, 05:51 PM
The only way they could go up is if people refuse to sell at the low prices, and hold out for higher.
Eventually people will forced to pay that little bit more..

29-08-2010, 05:53 PM
I dont why Habbox has them at 2. They still go got 4 on MP so that's 3 at least.

29-08-2010, 06:44 PM
I dont why Habbox has them at 2. They still go got 4 on MP so that's 3 at least.

Ive heard HCs have been selling around 30 per gold bar or 2 per 3c :S

29-08-2010, 06:50 PM
I Dont think the problem of the HC going down is because of the Marketplace dont you people see we are International Now theres more than 5k Of Hcs or More than 1 Million why should it be worth 10c or 9c or 8c when theres a Bunch around Hotel it totally makes sense to me.

29-08-2010, 09:59 PM
I reckon they will slowly rise, because they are no longer given out with Habbo Club Membership. slowly, but with time.

30-08-2010, 01:47 AM
I don't think they will go up tbh. New people used to want them because they represented Habbo Club. Now they don't represent anything and they just look like junk tbh.

As club sofas are most likely the most common rare, i'd say they're the least likely to increase in price. I know you can say that eventually with people leaving the supply will decrease, but you can say that about any rare. The fact remains that the sofas are still as common as ever and will most likely remain that way for a very long time.

30-08-2010, 08:33 PM
I sold mine for 1c per today, they are dead for sure.

31-08-2010, 05:20 PM
I Dont think the problem of the HC going down is because of the Marketplace dont you people see we are International Now theres more than 5k Of Hcs or More than 1 Million why should it be worth 10c or 9c or 8c when theres a Bunch around Hotel it totally makes sense to me.

and the merging of population didn't affect this whatsoever??
I believe UK had the most HC members anyway, so the ratio is probably the same or even lower

31-08-2010, 05:41 PM
I sold mine for 1c per today, they are dead for sure.

Well you can still sell them for 3 +1 on MP all the time so selling them for 1c is only giving more profit to the ones that use MP

31-08-2010, 05:51 PM

- People are trying to sell them cheap so that they don't lose as much money
- People are trying to buy cheap to get a good deal.

Surely when everyone has sold cheap or bought cheap, those who bought cheap will try to sell high?

31-08-2010, 07:59 PM

- People are trying to sell them cheap so that they don't lose as much money
- People are trying to buy cheap to get a good deal.

Surely when everyone has sold cheap or bought cheap, those who bought cheap will try to sell high?

That would be the case if the marketplace never occured, what happened was that when people wanted credits quickly, they looked at the price of HC on marketplace and sold one credit lower (or the same) so that there's would be the first (or one of the first) to be sold, each time someone wanted credits quickly they sold for lower and lower until it finally reached it's all time low peak, people deemed it too worthless to use as currency and moved to credits, with HCs not used for currency they are simply used as seating now.

Personally I've always hated the HC, so woo!

31-08-2010, 09:09 PM
If im honest I can't see them pushing anymore that 5c

31-08-2010, 09:09 PM
I know what price will they be at end?

01-09-2010, 08:34 PM
I agree, I don't think they'll ever go past 5c or so now, and even if they do it'll take months and most likely years.

01-09-2010, 08:39 PM
I think it's all down to the rare traders. When they feel its right, they'll start pushing up the value of HC's... It's like Habbos very own Wall Street Bankers. They'll push up the price when THEY want it to go up, which tbh will be a while. They'll hoard HC's before they have enough to push up the price, and if alot of casino owners did that, well they could be back to their normal price, if not more.

02-09-2010, 01:03 AM
But the hc sofa isn't considered a currency anymore ^

No one wants them and I think that opinion will stay put for quite some time.

03-09-2010, 11:17 PM
I'm glad I sold all mine at like 10c. o.o

04-09-2010, 09:38 AM
I just brought 56 for 1c but difrent people do diffrent prices

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