View Full Version : Tutorial: Make a simple PHP Login System

07-08-2005, 05:46 PM
:eusa_danc Ever wanted to make a login system were people can register? A admincp? All that stuff? Well now you can. This tutorial it for people to be able make a login system!

1. First of all, make a file called login.php, and fill it up with this:

// This is the login part, login.php

// includes the constants
$name = $_GET['name']; // sets the username
$pass = $_GET['pass']; // sets the password
$r = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE user='$name'");

// logout section
$logout = $_GET['out']; // makes sure their logging out
$user = $_GET['user']; // gets the username
if ($logout == "yes") {
mysql_query("DELETE FROM active_users WHERE name='$user'"); // Logs them out

// Main Login part
while ($ro = mysql_fetch_array($r)) {
$pass2 = $ro['pass']; // sets $pass2 as the actual password
if (md5($pass) == $pass2) { // makes sure password entered is the same as $pass2
$user = $_SESSION['username'] = $name; // starts the session
$ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // Users ip address
$time = time(); // gets the time
// Makes the user an active user!
mysql_query("DELETE FROM active_users WHERE name='$user'");
mysql_query("INSERT INTO active_users (name,timestamp,ip,browser) VALUES ('$user','$time','$ip','$brow')");

// Returns the user after logging in.
header("Location: log.php");

Then, save and close.

2. Second of all, make a file called cons.php, and fill it up with this:

// Constants page, cons.php
define("DB_SERVER", "localhost"); // Server
define("DB_USER", ""); // Username
define("DB_PASS", ""); // User pass
define("DB_NAME", ""); // Database
mysql_connect(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASS) or die(mysql_error()); // Connection
mysql_select_db(DB_NAME) or die(mysql_error()); // Selection of database

$ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // Gets the users IP address
$brow = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; // Gets the users Browser
$reg = $_GET['reg']; // Sets the $reg variable

// Makes sure the user is logged in
$r = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM active_users WHERE ip='$ip' AND browser='$brow'");
$re = mysql_fetch_array($r);
$user = $re['name']; // Sets $user as the users name

// Gets the users personal info
$er = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE user='$user'");
$et = mysql_fetch_array($er);
$fname = $et['name'];
$loc = $et['location'];
$sig = $et['sig'];
if ($et['userlevel'] == 9) { // if the userlevel is 9
$admin = 1;
$mod = 1;
$level = "Admin"; // User is Admin
if ($et['userlevel'] == 7) { // If the userlevel is 7
$mod = 1;
$level = "Moderator"; // User is Moderator
if ($et['userlevel'] == 1) { // If userlevel is 1
$level = "User"; // User is a Member

// Keeps the user in the active_users table
$time = time();
mysql_query("DELETE FROM active_users WHERE name='$user'");
mysql_query("INSERT INTO active_users (name,timestamp,ip,browser) VALUES ('$user','$time','$ip','$brow')");

// Makes sure the user is still active
$ro = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM active_users");
while ($ru = mysql_fetch_array($ro)) {
$act = $ru['timestamp'] + 60 * 5;
$del = $ru['name'];
if (!$del) {
mysql_query("DELETE FROM active_users WHERE name='$del'");
if (strlen($del) <= 3) {
mysql_query("DELETE FROM active_users WHERE name='$del'");
if ($act < time()) {
mysql_query("DELETE FROM active_users WHERE name='$del'");

Save and close.

3 Thridly,m make a file called log.php, and fill it up with this:

<link rel=STYLESHEET href="css.css">
// Require

// If the user exists
if ($user) {
echo "<font face=\"Verdana\" size=\"1\">Welcome, ".$user."<br></font>";
echo "<font face=\"Verdana\" size=\"1\">Menu</font><br>";
echo "<a href=\"login.php?out=yes&user=$user\"><font face=\"Verdana\" size=\"1\">Logout</a></font><br>";
echo "<a href=\"edit.php\"><font face=\"Verdana\" size=\"1\">Edit Account</font></a><br>";
if ($admin) {
echo " | <a href=\"admin.php\"><font face=\"Verdana\" size=\"1\">Admin Centre</font></a><br>";
if ($mod) {
echo "<a href=\"mod.php\"><font face=\"Verdana\" size=\"1\">Moderator Centre</font></a><br>";

Save and close.

4. Now make a file called admin.php, and add this to it:

// Includes the constants
if (!$admin) { // if the user is NOT Admin
header("Location: log.php"); // redirects them
else { // if the user is Admin

// Lets you delete a member while listing them
<form action="del.php">
<table width=50%>
<tr><td width=30%>Username</td><td>Userlevel</td><td align="center">Delete?</td></tr>
$r = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user");

// Gets and displays all the member information
while ($re = mysql_fetch_array($r)) {
$name = $re['user'];
$lev = $re['userlevel'];
if ($lev == 9) {
$lev = "Admin";
else if ($lev == 7) {
$lev = "Moderator";
else {
$lev = "User";
$id = $re['id'];
echo "<tr><td>".$name."</td>";
echo "<td>".$lev."</td>";
echo "<td align=\"center\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"delete".$id."\" value=\"$id\"></td></tr>";
<tr><td></td><td></td><td align="center">
<input type="submit" value="Delete" name="sub">
// Lets you upgrade a members level
Upgrade a user?<br>
<form action="upgr.php">
<input type="text" name="name"> Username<br>
<select name="upgrade">
<option value="9">Admin</option>
<option value="7">Moderator</option>
<option value="1">User</option>
<input type="submit" value="Upgrade" name="upg">

Then save and close.

5. Then make a file called upgr.php, fill it up with:

// Includes the constants

if($_GET['upg']) { // if user is upgraded
$name = $_GET['name']; // users name
$lev = $_GET['upgrade']; // users level

mysql_query("UPDATE user SET userlevel='$lev' WHERE user='$name'"); // upgrade the user
header("Location: admin.php"); // re-direct
else { // if the user is not going to be upgraded
header("Location: admin.php"); // re-direct

Save and close.

6. After that, make a file called edit.php, fill it up with:

// Constants
if ($user) { // if the user is logged in
$msg = $_GET['note'];
<h2>Edit <? echo $user; ?>'s account</h2>
<? echo $msg."<br>"; ?>
<form action="update.php">
<input type="password" name="cpass"> Current Password<br>
<input type="password" name="npass"> New Password<br>
<input type="password" name="rpass"> Re-enter New Password<br><br>
Userlevel: <? echo $level; ?><br>
<input type="text" name="fname" value="<? echo $fname; ?>"> Full Name<br>
<input type="text" name="loc" value="<? echo $loc; ?>"> Location<br>
<textarea name="sig"><? echo $sig ?></textarea><br><br>
<input type="submit" value="Update">
<a href="log.php">Back</a>
else { // If the user is not logged in
echo "You must login before editing your account";

Save and close

7. Then make a file called register.php, and fill it up with:

// Register Process, register.php

// Includes the Constants

// sets all the variables needed to register
$pass = $_GET['pass']; // set $pass as the first pass
$pass2 = $_GET['pass2']; // sets $pass2 as the re-entered pass
$name = $_GET['name']; // sets $name as the name chosen

// Processing the data
if (strlen($name) >= 15) {
$error = "* Username too long, Max is 15 characters";
$err = 1;
if (strlen($name) <= 3) {
$error = "* Username too short, Min is 4 characters";
$err = 1;
if ($name) { // if $name is set
$re = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE user='$name'"));
if ($re >= 1) { // If the username exists
$error = "* Username already in use"; // Set $error
$err = 1; // set $err as 1
else { // user doesn't exist
if ($pass == $pass2) { // If the passwords match
$pass = md5($pass); // Encodes the pass
if (eregi('[<>]',$name)) {
$error = "* No HTML allowed"; // No HTML in name
$err = 1;
else {
if (!$err) { // If there are no errors
if (mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user")) == 0) {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO user (user, pass, userlevel) VALUES ('$name','$pass', '9')"); // Creates the Admin
else {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO user (user, pass, userlevel) VALUES ('$name','$pass', '1')"); // Creates the user
$reg = "Registration successful!"; // Sets $reg as a sucess message
header("Location: log.php?reg=$reg"); // Re-locates to the login screen
else { // The passwords don't match
$error = "* Passwords different!"; // Sets $error
$err = 2; // Sets $err as 2
else { // If $name isn't set
$error = "* Enter a username"; // sets $error
$err = 1; // sets $err as 1
if ($err >= 1) { // if $err is greater than or equal to 1
header("Location: reg.php?error=$error&err=$err"); // re-locates to the registration page with the error!

8. Then make a file called reg.php, and fill it up with:

// Register script, reg.php

// Includes the Constants

// The registration form
$error = $_GET['error'];
$err = $_GET['err'];
<form action="register.php">
<input type="text" name="name"> Username <font size="-2" color="#FF0000">
if ($err == 1) { // Shows username errors if any
echo $error;
<input type="password" name="pass"> Password <font size="-2" color="#FF0000">
if ($err == 2) { // Shows Password errors if any
echo $error;
<input type="password" name="pass2"> Re-type Password<br>
<input type="submit" value="Register!">

Save and close

9. Last of all, make a file called del.php and fill it up with this:

// Includes the constants

if ($sub) { // if deleting a member
while ($o < mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user")) + 5) {
$del = $_GET['delete'.$o];
mysql_query("DELETE FROM user WHERE id='$del'");
header("Location: admin.php");
else { // if deleting a PM
while ($i < 11) {
$del = $_GET['del'.$i];
if ($del) {
mysql_query("DELETE FROM pm WHERE id='$del'");
header("Location: inbox.php");

07-08-2005, 06:07 PM
Y dont people just post the website where people get these from, beacuse most of the people who post tuturials here dont make them there self they just get them from a site

07-08-2005, 06:31 PM
Yea, No way did you right that

07-08-2005, 06:35 PM
It Dont Even Work It Miising Bits

07-08-2005, 06:48 PM
i think you can get a working one at time-2-design.com
its in php tutorials

07-08-2005, 08:12 PM
Ive seen that before on a site "/

07-08-2005, 08:31 PM
LOL I wouldnt expect it to be stickied I certainly aint sticking copied coding

08-08-2005, 08:30 AM
Why the hell are all of you gettin on at him?
Yes he probably did get it off a site, but he posted it on here to help people.
The thing is most of you only point out what people have done wrong to feel good, but you just end up soundin like complete idiots.

08-08-2005, 10:03 AM
No he is claiming credit from others :l not allowed.
yes on time design there are around 5/6 differenet php logins some with and some without admincp :)

08-08-2005, 10:05 AM
Doesn't even use md5 hash to encrypt the passwords, that code is unsafe.

tbh imo no m8
08-08-2005, 10:06 AM
wow ty :) i always wanted that :) +rep

08-08-2005, 05:10 PM
Btw, i forgot to add what you do to add queries, i didnt make it, though i edited it and posted it on here with my own words

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