View Full Version : Habbox Dedication Award!

22-08-2010, 07:22 PM
Habbox Dedication Award


Since the introduction of the HabboxForum awards system, the dedication award has been sat altogether neglected and unused. For a while now, we have debated what it could and should be used for and now we have decided it best to announce our policy on it's use and issue.

We are keen for this particular award to be the subject of exclusivity and conservatism in its issue - we want this award to be something people respect, rather than something that becomes very quickly devalued like other systems we have in place for recognising our members, of both the community and staff teams. As a result, the below points have been put into place to prevent its overuse.

The award can only be issued and not requested.
The award can only be issued by General Management, and the ultimate decision on who gets it rests with them.
The award will be issued for special contributions and dedication only. How we define this can be found later in the post.

There are three ways an individual can be issued the award, these processes are strictly moderated and checked throughout.

Nomination by Members - Members are able to nominate others for receipt of the award. If they believe an individual has made special contribution to Habbox, they may nominate them by private messaging a member of General Management giving their explanation of why they believe the member should receive the award. General Management will then discuss the nomination and choose whether or not the award should be issued.
Nomination by Managers - Each month, during the Manager's meeting, the dedication award will be placed on the agenda for discussion. Managers will be able to submit the name(s) of individuals they believe to be worthy of the award and this will be discussed during the meeting.
General Management - Members of General Management are entitled to discuss the issuing of the award to anyone and issue it as they see fit, regardless of any nomination.

These are the only three ways the award can be issued, and they will be thoroughly vetted before the award is issued. Remember: you cannot nominate yourself!

What is a "special contribution"?

This is the key question surrounding this question - what warrants "special contribution"? This is quite an ambiguous phrase which could mean a great many things! This is why the process of nominating members is quite stringently discussed.

Broadly speaking, a special contribution is giving something big and significant to Habbox - for example, if someone wins the recent "layout competition" and has their layout used for Habbox.com, this warrants a significant contribution to Habbox. Furthermore, the dedication award can be given for long term commitment to Habbox giving more than you could ever hope to get back. This does not include the creation of a few feedback threads, or managing a department for a few months, but really taking your time to make Habbox a better place. For example, Jamesy was given the award for his brilliant technical contributions and creation of skins.

It can be broadly interpreted, but that is why there are several layers of discussion and judgement any nomination must first go through.

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