View Full Version : I must be blind

30-08-2010, 05:46 PM
I haven't seen any announcements about certain forums being removed, its a shame some of them got removed. Some of them were actually good.

For example the animal forum

Other forums are more inactive than sections like this such as the joke section etc. I don't see why it was removed.

30-08-2010, 05:48 PM

Here it is :)

I wasn't really a fan of cutting down the forums either mainly cos I didn't have much of a problem with it though :D

30-08-2010, 05:49 PM
There was an announcement made for it in last weeks forum updates ~ http://www.habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=662979

30-08-2010, 05:52 PM
Oh okay, still sucks though :( we'll have all topics crammed into one forum eventually

30-08-2010, 05:54 PM
Well the food and drinks forum was hardly used as well as the animal and pets forum so instead of having 2 forums taking up space that were hardly used I think it was a good idea to merge it into Discuss anything and use well Discuss anything to discuss anything :p

31-08-2010, 05:19 AM
In my view it's more you needing to promote the forum even further to add life into these categories rather than cutting back, was never a fan of some of these cutbacks. There is a fine limit that needs to sometimes be drawn even when the forum category may not be the most popular of all.

31-08-2010, 10:26 AM
In my view it's more you needing to promote the forum even further to add life into these categories rather than cutting back, was never a fan of some of these cutbacks. There is a fine limit that needs to sometimes be drawn even when the forum category may not be the most popular of all.

Agreed. Habbox seem to go through phases of trying to get people to sign up - Welcome Committee, events week (with giveaways and DJ shows), etc - but there are no actual long-term plans to actually bring people in constantly. This needs to be looked at and considered imo.

Discuss Anything is too busy now in my opinion. I enjoyed looking through the specific forums, now everything is just jumbled in one..

31-08-2010, 10:42 AM
Agreed. Habbox seem to go through phases of trying to get people to sign up - Welcome Committee, events week (with giveaways and DJ shows), etc - but there are no actual long-term plans to actually bring people in constantly. This needs to be looked at and considered imo.

Discuss Anything is too busy now in my opinion. I enjoyed looking through the specific forums, now everything is just jumbled in one..

I agree with all of this. I, in all due respect, thought the Jokes and the Food & Drink sections were fine. Why cut them? It's just as if you want to make a change so you remove a couple of forums. So be it, I guess, but if so why is the Forum Games section there? I believe that the Jokes was far more popular.

Attracting users needs to be an all year thing. I believe that theres a month or so where you try extra hard to attract more people (wd on getting people to join from HxSS btw but that's more for all of the people who hosted events) but then after that it's just standing there. I still go by what I say in the sense that the WC will die.

I guess the Discuss Anything section is used, but now it just feels like they've all been moved into one and it really is just something and something else together.

31-08-2010, 11:33 AM
It was a mistake removing the Jokes section imo. I disagreed with removing post count in that section too. Jokes are NOT spam, you're posting genuine things for people to laugh at - whether it be a knock knock joke or a YouTube video. If you wanted more posts in the Jokes section - simply turn the post count on again. I would have posted more, but I thought what's the point when you're not getting anything out of it :S

I agree with all of this. I, in all due respect, thought the Jokes and the Food & Drink sections were fine. Why cut them? It's just as if you want to make a change so you remove a couple of forums. So be it, I guess, but if so why is the Forum Games section there? I believe that the Jokes was far more popular.

Attracting users needs to be an all year thing. I believe that theres a month or so where you try extra hard to attract more people (wd on getting people to join from HxSS btw but that's more for all of the people who hosted events) but then after that it's just standing there. I still go by what I say in the sense that the WC will die.

I guess the Discuss Anything section is used, but now it just feels like they've all been moved into one and it really is just something and something else together.
Well I've only noticed one guy who joined from HxSS but yeah, the Events Organisers should be getting people to sign up in events anyway. It's just a phase a couple of times per year, whenever a feedback thread is made by someone raising the issue, may I add.

31-08-2010, 11:48 AM
HabboxForum gets complaint after complaint after complaint that our index is too long and a lot of these complaints come from new members on Habbo and members have said this in the "New Members Only" forum too - they just don't know where to begin.

Forums which have posts spanning time distances of over 2 weeks are unneeded if they can fit elsewhere, Animals & Pets had posts from early July still on the front page and Food & Drink had posts from June, what's the point in them cluttering up our index if they are going to get less than 20 posts a month? Jokes was exactly the same - by putting these into 'Discuss Anything' it livens up Discuss Anything which was also beginning to get unbelievably quiet compared to what it was before.

It also adds a better use to 'Discuss Anything' because since 'Discuss Anything' has been around users have just posted things in there because they can't be bothered to search the rest of the index for a suitable forum, Habbox has been way too specific in forums and in the past that worked but it's just too much for new members nowadays (according to the new members themselves may I add).

Those of you saying that we have no "long-term plans to bring users in", what aload of rubbish, I wasn't quite aware you all had insight into Forum & General Management's private forums & minds. HabboxForum does not need to bring new people in, we get around 50 registrations a day and around 30 of those are legit, unique users, around 15 of them actually make a post (this number has actually risen since the introduction of the Welcome Committee which you are quick to slate although can't even see the forums it's used in :S), the job we face is to try and retain some of those 15 users and this has been the job faced at HabboxForum since the beginning.

The "New Members Only" forum has had nearing 200 posts from over 10 new members (this is in the space of just over a week) and what's more I have seen 8 of those members posting around the forums days after posting in the New Members Only Forum. If the Welcome Committee isn't a long-term plan for retention I don't know what is...

31-08-2010, 12:08 PM
Those of you saying that we have no "long-term plans to bring users in", what aload of rubbish, I wasn't quite aware you all had insight into Forum & General Management's private forums & minds.
That's why you're the forum manager and we aren't. We can only see what's in front of us.

HabboxForum does not need to bring new people in, we get around 50 registrations a day and around 30 of those are legit, unique users, around 15 of them actually make a post
Send a memo to the events dept. Advertising is pointless.

(this number has actually risen since the introduction of the Welcome Committee which you are quick to slate although can't even see the forums it's used in :S),
How are we supposed to praise the Welcome Committee if we can't even see a difference being made? It's all well and good posting in their own little section, but if the rest of the members can't see it.. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

The "New Members Only" forum has had nearing 200 posts from over 10 new members (this is in the space of just over a week) and what's more I have seen 8 of those members posting around the forums days after posting in the New Members Only Forum. If the Welcome Committee isn't a long-term plan for retention I don't know what is...
Again, pointless statistic considering we can't see the posts.. :P

Remember we can't see your statistics and I don't go checking everyone's join date and how many posts they've done. What I'm asking is how you expect a special little forum encourage someone to stick around for months after they've joined? I admit it's a nice idea, but the hype will die down eventually.

31-08-2010, 12:17 PM
There is no hype about the Welcome Committee and it will do nothing but improve, it's not something that people put loads of effort into at the start and then it dies down.

There will always be new members and some of these new members will have questions, so they ask them and the welcome committee will respond to them. Yes perhaps some members of the Welcome Committee will get bored but then they can leave the Committee and there will always be people willing to replace them, just like there are in every Habbox Department.

The reason you people cannot see the activity of the Welcome Committee is because the idea was to give New Members an exclusive area of their own and within this forum we've seen members of the Welcome Committee members running competitions for new members as well as answering questions/being nice to them.

It won't die down because there'll always be new members to post there and if the Committee is kept on top of, in terms of people who want to be in it and do the job then it'll always work.

31-08-2010, 12:30 PM
There is no hype about the Welcome Committee and it will do nothing but improve, it's not something that people put loads of effort into at the start and then it dies down.

There will always be new members and some of these new members will have questions, so they ask them and the welcome committee will respond to them. Yes perhaps some members of the Welcome Committee will get bored but then they can leave the Committee and there will always be people willing to replace them, just like there are in every Habbox Department.

The reason you people cannot see the activity of the Welcome Committee is because the idea was to give New Members an exclusive area of their own and within this forum we've seen members of the Welcome Committee members running competitions for new members as well as answering questions/being nice to them.

It won't die down because there'll always be new members to post there and if the Committee is kept on top of, in terms of people who want to be in it and do the job then it'll always work.

That's not really fair because it makes me feel bad I even registered in 2008 :P so it's not exactly fair to give us nothing for staying with this forum yet give new members their own forum

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