View Full Version : Black ops full multiplayer reveal

31-08-2010, 09:30 PM
So with the multiplayer reveal coming up tomorrow or thursday for people in the uk, I thought i would start a thread and ask whatt you guys are really hoping to see.

I want to see some of the multiplayer but not to much that it sort of spoils the surprise. I also really want a beta announcement (no durr) but not for the right reasons. ^.^

So what are you looking forward to the most?

P.S. follow http://twitter.com/jd_2020/mp-reveal on twitter for updates from people at the event.

31-08-2010, 10:04 PM
its at 2 in the morning on thursday if my calculations are correct.

I would like to see:
-Most weapons
-All maps which dont spoil the story
-An indepth look into the customisation, this I cannot wait for (if it's done properly).
-All factions
-Any new multiplayer modes or multiplayer mode updates

Also if there is a BETA, it better be on PS3 too tbh, it wont happen but I can dream :(

Also off topic but I just preordered black ops hardened :D

31-08-2010, 10:14 PM
Yah i really wanna see the crate a class 2.0 too considering how much they've been going on about it.

Haha, knowing cod, ps3 wont be getting the beta.

01-09-2010, 02:36 PM
Hopefully i remember when i wake up for 6th form

01-09-2010, 05:49 PM
Only thing that sucks is the fact I'll be sleeping the whole way through. I dont wanna miss anything goooood. :/

01-09-2010, 06:28 PM
Only thing that sucks is the fact I'll be sleeping the whole way through. I dont wanna miss anything goooood. :/

why not just watch it tomorrow. its still gonna be the same

01-09-2010, 06:52 PM
I cant watch it tomorrow, it's not a live event. Yeah I could catch little bits but until the whole thing is uploaded by jd_2020 it means we have to wait. Hmm it will be late thursday or early friday by the time the he gets round to it.

01-09-2010, 07:00 PM
I cant watch it tomorrow, it's not a live event. Yeah I could catch little bits but until the whole thing is uploaded by jd_2020 it means we have to wait. Hmm it will be late thursday or early friday by the time the he gets round to it.

what so you HAVE to be the first to see it? im sure you can wait a few more hours rather than wasting your time staying up to see something which you can see a bit later on. Or even wait until the game comes out in like a couple months

01-09-2010, 08:04 PM
I think other people are allowed to stream? Well there will deffo be people blogging
ill probably just watch some bbc3 crap whilst checking updates :P

01-09-2010, 10:34 PM
what so you HAVE to be the first to see it? im sure you can wait a few more hours rather than wasting your time staying up to see something which you can see a bit later on. Or even wait until the game comes out in like a couple months

Err no thats not what i meant, it's better to see it sooner rather than after to me.

Anyway, it starts in just 2 hours and 30 mins. Funn.

02-09-2010, 12:22 AM
Is there a stream or something?

02-09-2010, 12:26 AM
Stream: http://www.giantbomb.com/news/live-from-los-angeles-the-call-of-duty-black-ops-multiplayer-reveal/2507/

Only one I can find.

Edited by -L-iam (Trial Forum Moderator): Posts Merged due to forum lag.

02-09-2010, 02:08 AM
watchin it now and there's some fat guy there

awww he not allowed?

02-09-2010, 05:01 AM

Killcams are back, but we will be saying goodbye to deathstreaks and the juggernaut perk.

We now know that our first perk slot selection will reflect what our character looks like.

The first perk selections are the following:

Flak Jacket
Ghost is similar to the cold-blooded perk and Flak Jacket was seen in Call of Duty: World at War, it reduces explosive damage.

Second Perk Slot:

Steady Aim
Sleight of Hand
Hardened is bullet penetration, Warlord is the bling perk seen in Modern Warfare 2.

Third Perk Slot:

Second Chance
Tactical Mask

02-09-2010, 06:30 AM

Meh, nothing special so far. Looks like a mix between Mario Party and CoD for some reason. No BETA either :/

02-09-2010, 08:42 AM
I really like the idea of these Wager game modes. I hope you can join session like in MW2 (not to boost) but to play these against friends while still earning stuff online, because I can see myself playing that one bullet thing a lot.

02-09-2010, 08:59 AM
those wager matches look awesome
glad they stole that pc modded game :L
my fave will be the one where everyone has the same weapon + the one with the pistol bullet

wether i will like the idea of using a form of currency to get my weapons i dunno

anyone know what the default weapons will be though?

http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=308721&id=113143338706669&ref=fbx_album ironic much

02-09-2010, 09:52 AM
Yay no stopping power or jug.

Hutch has posted some commentarys on youtube but they're in lots of little parts, just keep clicking next part. :D


Looks wicked anyway. ^.^

Edit: Forgot to add, there is a new trailer coming at half time during a football match on friday. Beta? Hmm?

Edit 2: No open beta at all. Corr. :/

02-09-2010, 10:05 AM
na probs just a new advert id say
also i hate the layout of the classes.

02-09-2010, 02:34 PM
Another trailer, this time from inside xbox.


I dont get why some ks are being unlocked at lower killes. E.g. carapackage is a 5ks yet they get it at 4? Yes ok they could have hardline on but what about the missile? Thats a 7ks but people get at 5ks. Could be hardline pro allowing 2 kills less but that would be a bit overused? Meh

02-09-2010, 02:53 PM
Another trailer, this time from inside xbox.


I dont get why some ks are being unlocked at lower killes. E.g. carapackage is a 5ks yet they get it at 4? Yes ok they could have hardline on but what about the missile? Thats a 7ks but people get at 5ks. Could be hardline pro allowing 2 kills less but that would be a bit overused? Meh

There's two different kinds of missiles. Tactical (like a javelin) and a predator missile alike one.

02-09-2010, 03:02 PM
There's two different kinds of missiles. Tactical (like a javelin) and a predator missile alike one.

Are you sure?

These are the killstreaks

3 – Spy Plane
3 – RC XD
4 – Counter Spy Plane $1600
4 – Sam Turret $1600
5 – Care Package
5 – Napalm Strike
6 – Sentry Gun $3200
6 – Mortar Team
7 – Attack Helicopter
7 – Valkyrie Rockets $4000
8 – BlackBird $4500
8 – Rolling Thunder $4500
9 - Chopper Gunner $5000
11 – Attack Dogs $6000
11 Gunship $6000

Weather there are more, i dont know. :S

02-09-2010, 03:09 PM
the create a class vid looks awesome, the preview is probably like, something i hope infinity ward does.

OMG IT MIGHT BE 2 PLAYER ONLINE, on the same vid, under the guys name it says "add controller for split screen"

02-09-2010, 03:46 PM
the create a class vid looks awesome, the preview is probably like, something i hope infinity ward does.

OMG IT MIGHT BE 2 PLAYER ONLINE, on the same vid, under the guys name it says "add controller for split screen"

If it is then yeah, that will be awesome! It finally solves the problems you get when you have a friend over and you have to take it in turns. :[

Im really looking forward to the combat training thing cause it'll be fun to mess around and pwn bots.

02-09-2010, 06:35 PM
the create a class vid looks awesome, the preview is probably like, something i hope infinity ward does.

OMG IT MIGHT BE 2 PLAYER ONLINE, on the same vid, under the guys name it says "add controller for split screen"

That's for the Combat Training mode, you can have a buddy hop on with you.

02-09-2010, 06:40 PM
That's for the Combat Training mode, you can have a buddy hop on with you.

but the screen appears as soon as he leaves a game
unless the game he was playing was combat training?

02-09-2010, 07:50 PM
Ohhh yeah it probably was combat training. For combat training you can have as many people on ur team as you want vs bots or you can do splitscreen or w/e you like really.

02-09-2010, 10:40 PM
Its like zombies i guess,but just normal soldier bots.

03-09-2010, 08:53 AM
I like the idea of combat trainning tbh, and also the idea about wagers :P cant wait to get betting

03-09-2010, 07:47 PM
The ad between the footy should be on soon! Could be a previous one, could be new.

Edit: Meh, it was the eminem trailer. Yay. :/

03-09-2010, 08:11 PM
yeah i was hoping for something new

03-09-2010, 09:36 PM
Some new vids from g4tv. (You may have seen parts in montages, but some of these are commenated.)

Showing the revealed maps etc, including flamethrower gameplay. :D

An in depth look at the customization. Looking gurd!

Yet some more new wager gameplay! :D

Notice that the arc angle missile has changed name to valkyrie. Also note that you get two valkyrie missile, not just one!

04-09-2010, 01:11 PM
Im just happy they got rid of the stupid perks and combos e.g. Marathon lightweight... oh wait

04-09-2010, 03:17 PM
I'm suprised the graphics havent been updated, Still looks like a mix between MW2 and WaW.

04-09-2010, 04:19 PM
Im just happy they got rid of the stupid perks and combos e.g. Marathon lightweight... oh wait

yeah, and im sure nobody complained about stopping power?

Anyway treyarch can shovel as many different features as they want but they graphics and art generally suck imo in comparison to IWs CODs. One think that most would agree I think.

04-09-2010, 04:29 PM
If nobody has stopping power then theres nothing to complain about :)

04-09-2010, 04:38 PM
they graphics and art generally suck imo in comparison to IWs CODs. One think that most would agree I think.

Graphics schamfics.

What are you talking about? They look better than MW2, if not then on par. I don't like the art style they're going for but the core game looks more than fine.

04-09-2010, 04:45 PM
If nobody has stopping power then theres nothing to complain about :)

except the fact stopping powers not there :L

Graphics schamfics.

What are you talking about? They look better than MW2, if not then on par. I don't like the art style they're going for but the core game looks more than fine.

I do mean the style more then anything else, not the actual resolution.

04-09-2010, 07:10 PM
I like the graphics although thats not really why I buy cod.

The fact that stopping power and jugernaught arnt returning will really widen the variety of perks used rather than feeling like you have to use stopping power to be on par with the enemy.

My likley used perk setup will be;


I really don't know what hardline pro could possibly be though. It could be 2 kills less or maybe it could extend kill streak time?

04-09-2010, 07:11 PM
I like the graphics although thats not really why I buy cod.

The fact that stopping power and jugernaught arnt returning will really widen the variety of perks used rather than feeling like you have to use stopping power to be on par with the enemy.

My likley used perk setup will be;


I really don't know what hardline pro could possibly be though. It could be 2 kills less or maybe it could extend kill streak time?

maybe 4 killstreaks?

04-09-2010, 07:44 PM
maybe 4 killstreaks?

Ohh yeah. That would be awesome!

04-09-2010, 07:48 PM
My probable set-up:

Skorpian Red Dot and Silencer (the good old CoD4 days)
Warlord or Steady Aim (get rid of silencer),
Tactical Mask

Killstreaks: RC Car/Spy Plane, Care Package, Napalm.

04-09-2010, 09:01 PM
I want this so much right now lol, the customization looks really good from what I've seen, and the wager games modes look awesome. I've never been a fan of ffa game modes, but these could defo persuade me.

04-09-2010, 10:01 PM
new interview, looks like alot of camos will be in this game (you see a few), around 11:20.

04-09-2010, 11:22 PM
New post from vahn over at the cod forums regarding why they took stopping power from the game.

Yes. We took Stopping Power out.

Let's discuss here because their are too many threads for us to keep track of.

Here is a story:

We have one Activision executive who visits the building all the time who is a super hardcore player. Multiple prestige. Insane K:D ratio. And, a Stopping Power user. Total fanboy, as we like to joke with him.

Super hardcore players like this have had trouble adopting to the game initially ... and you know what ... that's ok. Black Ops is not Modern Warfare 2. It's Black Ops.

The direction we took for that was to re-introduce some of the finesse of the "bullet dance." We believe this game is more fun if you can escape an engagement from time to time, out smart someone with a well placed Flashbang, or flanking move, and get the drop on him.

It's still a very deadly game. You still can get waxed in 3-5 shots (depending on range and weapon). Stopping Power confuses the issue all around. It wasn't the right Perk for the direction we wanted to take this game.

Some of you will be happy with this. Some of you will not. Like everything we do, it's literally impossible to please everyone. Someone said to me the other day: "Developers... poor *******s... all you can really hope to do is make the least amount of people unhappy."

David 'Vahn' Vonderhaar

04-09-2010, 11:24 PM
Someone posted this on the PlayStation forums:

two game modes in Black Ops.

-Bones TDM (12 players, Team Deathmatch, everything disabled. No Perks, Kilsltreaks, Attachments, or Contracts)
-Classic TDM (12 players, killstreaks at 3, 5 and 7 levels like MW1 did)


No idea if it's true or not because he didn't post a source.

05-09-2010, 12:42 AM
I love them taking out Stopping Power. On MW2 I'd love to actually use stuff like Hardline a little bit more, but with everyone else using Stopping Power, you can't really not use it. It'll be awesome to see some variety in Black Ops. I for one am glad they're keeping the Marathon/Lightweight combo, I run around all the time, I rarely stay in one place for longer than about ten seconds, so it'll be perfect for my play style

05-09-2010, 08:44 AM
Looks sick so far.

05-09-2010, 09:38 AM
Someone posted this on the PlayStation forums:


No idea if it's true or not because he didn't post a source.

If that is true classic TDM is kinda pointless really, Id rather go play mw1 directly. If anything they should bring back OLD SCHOOL FFA. Why didnt they put that as a wager game :(

05-09-2010, 09:45 AM
Barebones is definitely in, I saw it on a vid but I didnt see the classic one.

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