View Full Version : [Request] HabClouds.net - Hiring More DJS!

02-09-2010, 07:50 PM
HabClouds.net is hiring more djs! We need International and UK DJs from all ages and all background whether this is your first time or you've had a lot of experience.

All you need is:
-Minimum of 200-300 Songs
-Know how to use Sam Broadcaster 2,3,4
-Have a working microphone
-Be able to be on air a few times a week and also maybe do covers

If your interested PM me on HabboxForum with these details...

Habbo Name:
Required DJ Name:
UK or International:
Amount of Songs (rough estimate):
Which broadcasting software do you use to DJ?:
Do you have any experience? (if yes, please list all sites you work(ed) for):

Optional: If you can add a 60 (or less) second voice clip of your djing it will help you get the job :)

Please apply as we really need DJs, Thanks!

HabClouds Team

Thread moved here by Bolt660 (Forum Super Moderator): From ' Show Off Your Website Here - Including Habbo Fansites'.

02-09-2010, 11:15 PM
In my opinion, you need a better graphics team


The black area in there is a huge turn off. Some of the pages dont work, and the working pages aren't designed nicely. I'd rate this site a 4/10, I honestly don't like it. Not being rude, just honest

03-09-2010, 03:30 PM
Thanks for your honesty! :) I realise that the site is badly updated and designed but we just started a few weeks ago and we had to do something quick :) V2 is coming VERY soon and the design for that is excellent... Just now were working on hiring staff so when we do improve we atleast have some staff

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