View Full Version : WTF(riday)

10-09-2010, 07:07 AM
Got something on your mind? Then ask the staff!
WTF(riday)? gives you the opportunity to get your questions answered! Get to know the Hotel Managers better by shooting your queries in their direction (Habbo related or not). Who's their celeb crush? Favorite color? How much wood does a Woodchuck chuck?... you get the gist.
Every Friday Puffin, SmoothCriminal and Fozzie will pick a handful of questions to answer and the lucky winners will score the week's hottest prize. That's right, we're shaking things up a little by handing out a different prize every week!
Last Week’s Winners
Well done to the Habbos listed below!! You've each scored a Kitchen Furni pack! When more than one Habbo sends in the same question, the staff will pick the one they’re going to answer randomly.
What is the most embarrassing thing your Mom has ever done to you? Sent in by aangeroo1 (http://www.habbo.com/home/31825776/id)
Puffin: It was a long weekend and we had family friends staying with us, including a boy my own age. I was in my awkward early teens and that very weekend I happened to get my first period. My mother found out, squealed with glee, and proceeded to announce the news to everyone in the house, including the boy. I still have not forgiven her.
SmoothCriminal: She took away my Dreamcast when I was young because I didn't do the dishes...in front of my friends!
Fozzie: I can’t actually think of anything really embarrassing my Mom has done to me… I’ve probably blocked it out of my mind. She’d kill me for saying this but she farted when she sneezed once while we were waiting in line together to buy groceries. She was probably more embarrassed than I was though!
You know that little indestructible black box that is used on planes? Why can't they make the whole plane out of the same material? Sent in gr8horse (http://www.habbo.com/home/29527157/id)
SmoothCriminal: We'd have thousands of indestructible planes roaming the skys? They could do whatever they want...they must be stopped!
Fozzie: Whoa, way to change my whole perspective on things! I had never thought of that before... I think you’re on to something here. Conspiracy much?
Puffin: You should get on that right away! And while you're at it, can you also make me one of those Iron Man suits?
You have ten seconds to live. What are your last words? Sent in by rudolf10. (http://www.habbo.com/home/17136121/id)
Fozzie: It’s been a wicked ride!!
Puffin: For some reason, all I can hear in my head right now, is the lead-up to Europe's Final Countdown (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jK-NcRmVcw)! Oh no, those are totally gonna be my last words, aren't they? "We're leeeeaving togeeeetheeer.. but still it's faaareeweeeell! And maybe we'll come back... to earth, who can tell?!" Gotta love Swedish poodle rockers... no?

Puffin's Question - Say Eminem was under a waterfall dancing the macaraina, and he said to you, "Hey Baby, how's it goin'?" What would you say? Sent in by justdazzleme (http://www.habbo.com/home/24175865/id)
That would make my day. Not sure I would be able to say anything accounting for the fact that I would be busy taking photos and laughing (ROFL for sure), but.. yeah, I'd throw a "how YOU doin" in there, for good measure. ;)
SmoothCriminal’s Question - Say you were on the train to.. Manchester, and a 70 year old mentally confused lady threw a custard pie in your face, how would you react in front of all those passengers? Sent in by Restus (http://www.habbo.com/home/31452860/id)
We'd go 10 rounds of Back Ally Brawl with the attendants of the train viewing the match. I'd presumably lose 2 - 8, but throughly enjoyed the face dipped custard pie.
Fozzie’s Question - My grandma loves you, can you say hi to her? Sent in by Heatherette? (http://www.habbo.com/home/36040633/id)
Lol! Hi Heatherette?'s grandma!!!

Yet again, a lot of nooby questions. Seriously which staff would want to say hi to someone's Grandma. Better yet, why tell your Grandma about Habbo?
Habbo is seriously turning Habbo.COM into a noob central.

Also, they don't even pick people withe correct spelling. Macaraina?

10-09-2010, 07:11 AM
That last one is barely a question at all, if that gets in then anything can IMO

Gonna start entering nooby questions now

10-09-2010, 08:33 AM
I wish they'd answer more embarrassing questions, the questions are sometimes really lame.

10-09-2010, 08:36 AM
Omg how lame can they be? ;L

10-09-2010, 09:27 AM
Yet again, a lot of nooby questions. Seriously which staff would want to say hi to someone's Grandma. Better yet, why tell your Grandma about Habbo?
Habbo is seriously turning Habbo.COM into a noob central.

Also, they don't even pick people withe correct spelling. Macaraina?

How ironic, lmao.

10-09-2010, 11:07 AM
The last question is an awful choice

I'd much rather them pick questions related to habbo.. not like we care about them a whole lot irl, unless you're some staff stalker..

10-09-2010, 01:38 PM
The last question is an awful choice

I'd much rather them pick questions related to habbo.. not like we care about them a whole lot irl, unless you're some staff stalker..

ino its not even a proper question. . its just can you say hi to this person -.- useless

i think they should just give up on the WTFriday because its not even worth reading no more

10-09-2010, 05:25 PM
How ironic, lmao.

LOL IRL! I spelt the 'Macaraina' wrong at first! Thanks for pointing it out.

I submitted a nooby question :)

12-09-2010, 01:57 PM
I actually just started reading the WTF(riday) and I find it rather boring.

14-09-2010, 09:04 PM
What is the actuall point of it anyways?

14-09-2010, 09:07 PM
I think it just lets us (Habbo's) find out a little more about the staff. But I think it's turned into something it's not meant to be... random questions. Should be about habbo in my opinion

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