View Full Version : Did the compensation furniture compensate well enough?

30-09-2010, 07:18 PM
In other words, was the compensation furniture which Habbo gave out really enough to compensate for the item you were going to lose value on? Habbo gave out eight compensation items, ranging from a Red Ultimate Box to a Carp to an Ultramarine. The values of the compensation items now range for 2-400c and they all seem to have decreased slightly since the merge.

For those of you who were compensated with one of the eight items, or know of someone who was, do you think that the compensation items were really enough to compensate the items from the UK hotel, as well as all other hotels which merged with us. I know there were some items which people may have paid up to 25000-30000 credits for, if not more, on the UK hotel, yet none of the compensation items were above 1500 credits at any time, as far as I'm aware! However, is that just a one off or were all the items poorly compensated?

30-09-2010, 10:45 PM
the ultramarine wasnt good enough for the purple dragon obviously the thing was the most valueable rare on habbo UK.... before the merge it was like 20T was it not? the sky dragon was about 12T and the pink mono was basically what the americans call "priceless".

i think the owners of such supers got slapped in the face with a wet fish..... literally lol

hmm was they thinking of that saying when they thought of carp fountains?

30-09-2010, 11:10 PM
I was thinking about this recently and I think it has been more of a case of the currencies collapsing because they were inflated (worth more than they were actually worth). Of course with the merge, gold has become a stable thing to invest in (much like real life) but has still 'lost' value because everything has done so - I have 'lost out' but not really because everyone has lost out, meaning that overall we have done pretty well.

01-10-2010, 09:56 AM
I didnt get any compensation furni, however i think it was no where near enough.
The carps and ultramarine box where worth next to nothing after merge, especially once the other hotels merged first.

So ye, i dont think they compensated well enough

01-10-2010, 03:47 PM
The only decent item of compensation really given out was the Ultramarine, but even this could only have covered for some of the lesser value items of furni that got affected by the merge. Plus with the fact that they gave out the same for every country, there were too many of the same thing. I mean i remember Junius getting like 500 blue carps (think it was blue) because he had so many typo's (yet typo's went up?) There was just too much of it given out.

They should have done what i have always said:

Create like 10 new sets of furni, with 8-10 recolors in each and a few random pieces of furni (like the Ultramarine). Then they should assign a certain number of sets to each of the merging hotels, show them the furni and get them to vote their favourites from each set of furni (they would number each piece of furni in the set from 1-10 depending on their favourite) the item of furni in each set that proved to be the favourite should be given out the least to the highest value owners and then there is a sliding scale to people with the lower value items.

This way you are creating expensive items, something that is really popular and thus in demand but with a really low supply, normally creates high value items.

01-10-2010, 04:04 PM
I mean i remember Junius getting like 500 blue carps (think it was blue) because he had so many typo's (yet typo's went up?) There was just too much of it given out.

Yes I agree with your suggestion, that would have been better or even my suggestion of simply compensating with credits :P

02-10-2010, 09:28 AM
Given I wasn't given compensation I'll have to say 1.

02-10-2010, 10:25 AM
I gave a 1, basically because the staff don't realise about the people on the US and Uk habbo, if you think about it, only the Singapore, Australian and Canadian managers kept their job which left Lost_Witness and Cresthawk, I feel they would have been much better Managers.

On the other hand, the compensation wasn't near good enough. Take an example of Powzaa, he must have had almost every super known on Habbo Uk (Apart from the black chair, a twilight trophie etc) but then he hardly got compensated for some of that, meaning he was at a dramatic loss. He also lost on the Super Rare flags too. However, I feel the staff should have got their fingers out and put their creative minds to the test and assigned a lot more ranges of furni that would be valuable and actually rare. E.g Making like 3 grey carps and giving them out to 3 people, which would increase the rare value. Then same with all the other furni, then some more beside. Merging the hotel was a bit stupid, and as you know Habbo only want you for your money. They should have been a lot more unique compensation items.

02-10-2010, 02:07 PM
Got to be 1 since people who had purple drags didn't get even 1t worth back? :P

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