View Full Version : http://www.GameRex.net - For Hardcore Gamers

04-10-2010, 08:33 AM
Hi guys,

GameRex.net is an online community for the video game enthusiast. We opened our doors in August 2010 and are now on the long road to success.

Our main attraction is our vBulletin forum with a custom made skin (Which is still currently a 'work in progress' but still looks great).

Please register even if it doesn't interest you - you may decide to come back one day :P

Check us out at http://community.GameRex.net

We are currently hiring moderators with experience in video gaming. So if you are interested, please PM me here or on GameRex.net (Rec0rd).

04-10-2010, 03:19 PM
Looks good, ima register now. =]

04-10-2010, 05:15 PM
Looks promising enough, the skin isn't groundbreaking but for vB 3 it's well suited. Have a look at Skinbox (http://www.skinbox.net/skins/vbulletin-4-0-5-styles/25) and you'll see what I mean!

Best of luck with it, only other thing I would change design wise for now would be the Console Icons- a PSone and Windows 98esque PC don't quite promote hardcore gaming! :P

07-10-2010, 10:08 PM
Thanks for feedback

I have made some updates

Tell me what you think


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