View Full Version : Apple Media Event ~ OSX Lion?

13-10-2010, 04:19 PM
Apple have started sending out invites to another one of their events and it seems this time it is focusing on the "Mac" side of things. There is also an image that also clearly contains a lion, hinting to Apple talking about the next release of their operating system. OSX Lion maybe?


Engadget reports that Apple has issued invitations for a special media event to be held next Wednesday, October 20th at 10:00 AM Pacific Time. The invitation for the event, which is to be held at the company's campus in Cupertino, California, carries the tagline "Back to the Mac".

The invitation also contains an image of what appears to be a lion peeking out from behind the Apple logo, hinting at discussion of Mac OS X 10.7. "Lion" has been one of the most commonly-suggested "big cat" names for the next-generation operating system.

As shown in our Buyer's Guide, much of Apple's notebook line with the exception of the entry-level MacBook is due for a refresh, and Apple has refreshed at least a portion of its notebook line each October or November for the last several years. Apple's desktop offerings have all been updated relatively recently, suggesting that the company's media event may focus on notebooks if new hardware is included on the agenda.

Soruce: http://www.macrumors.com/2010/10/13/apple-to-host-back-to-the-mac-media-event-on-october-20th/

13-10-2010, 04:25 PM
I hope it's an improvement over 10.6, 10.6 was a broken 10.5 IMO :(

13-10-2010, 05:45 PM
That image looks really weird lol

13-10-2010, 05:46 PM
now introducing

osx aslan lol

13-10-2010, 05:51 PM
can't wait :D

13-10-2010, 06:01 PM
That. Lion. Looks. Photoshopped. Nah jks.

It doesn't look like an apple invite to me, looks fake.

13-10-2010, 06:28 PM
Never had any problems with 10.6 unless it was installed on top of 10.5 (but even then, it was mostly okay)

I am hoping for them to upgrade the 13" MacBook Pros with i3's and possibly some upgrades to the 15" MBPs too :)

13-10-2010, 06:47 PM
Should be interesting to find out what this is :P

13-10-2010, 07:37 PM
That. Lion. Looks. Photoshopped. Nah jks.

It doesn't look like an apple invite to me, looks fake.

engadget don't normally lie about this sort of thing though.

13-10-2010, 07:41 PM
engadget don't normally lie about this sort of thing though.
I know, it just doesn't look like something which apple would do, I think the 3D depth is off a little bit, it's like the foreground is 3d with loads of depth and the background is flat but somehow right behind the foreground.

13-10-2010, 07:43 PM
I know, it just doesn't look like something which apple would do, I think the 3D depth is off a little bit, it's like the foreground is 3d with loads of depth and the background is flat but somehow right behind the foreground.

Yeah, but then their last event was a guitar, with the apple logo - that surprised me.

13-10-2010, 09:37 PM
Finally something new! Though I'm thrilled with the iOS updates I have to admit my iMac has been feeling a little left out lately. I wish they'd give us a new interface like the Tiger -> Leopard transition. Don't get me wrong--I love the look of Leopard; I just want something new :P

13-10-2010, 09:58 PM
It was around this time Leopard officially went on sale back in the year of 2007 I believe, so the next version of OSX should be about now to be honest. I can actually see Apple and Steve Jobs bringing the success from their iOS devices and bringing it to the Mac. So are we finally going to see touchscreen iMacs? Who knows.

14-10-2010, 07:40 AM
The name is classy, lets just hope it lives up to expectations!

14-10-2010, 09:04 AM
I know, it just doesn't look like something which apple would do, I think the 3D depth is off a little bit, it's like the foreground is 3d with loads of depth and the background is flat but somehow right behind the foreground.

Well, the way i see it; There are 2 apples there, Ones a picture of a lion in the shape of a lion, and ones an apple.

Now the front apple seems to be going INTO the lion picture, like on a 3D axis. Maybe symbolising that OSx is going into the lion 'phase'?

14-10-2010, 09:33 PM
;6771586'] There are 2 apples there, Ones a picture of a lion in the shape of a lion, and ones an apple.
Lions do usually tend to be in a lion shape?

There are 2 apples there, Ones a picture of a lion in the shape of a lion, and ones an apple.
Apples do tend to be apples..

Now the front apple seems to be going INTO the lion picture, like on a 3D axis. Maybe symbolising that OSx is going into the lion 'phase'?

Or symbolising that we're leaving OSX and moving to iOSX Lion! It's more awesome because it has an I in front.

14-10-2010, 09:35 PM
iWont call it iOSX if they attempt to rename it as such :P

14-10-2010, 09:38 PM
You are entitled to your opinion iHotelUser, but I, iChippiewill, will gracefully accept this iAwesome iName.

14-10-2010, 09:38 PM
Oooo Excited for this if it's real :) I shall be upgrading, sick of the stupid trackpad update bug that Apple still needs to fix!!! (it randomly makes the mouse select everything it hovers over and you have to reboot to fix it, started occuring to people after the trackpad update and there's yet to be a fix)

14-10-2010, 11:31 PM
It'll only be impressive if it's a new look to the OS, but seeing as it seems to be "OSX" Lion it won't be anything "new" per say, other what us Windows folk will call a "Service Pack" upgrade that costs monies. But obviously answers will come eventually to put us sceptics at bay :P Either that or Apple love the "X" too much to let it go, and will have a new look to the OS but for some reason keep the X adding a spanner in the works.

14-10-2010, 11:48 PM
It'll only be impressive if it's a new look to the OS, but seeing as it seems to be "OSX" Lion it won't be anything "new" per say, other what us Windows folk will call a "Service Pack" upgrade that costs monies. But obviously answers will come eventually to put us sceptics at bay :P Either that or Apple love the "X" too much to let it go, and will have a new look to the OS but for some reason keep the X adding a spanner in the works.

Yeah, I would only get super excited if it was redesigned too. I didn't notice hardly any difference when SL came out other than the spring folders being able to browse subfolders.

On a sidenote I don't think you were a Habbox God last time I saw you. So--congrats, love the sparkly name :P

14-10-2010, 11:53 PM
When ever a new windows OS came out it looked different. ( maybe not vista and 7 ).
But when ever a new OSx came out itlooks exactly the same..

15-10-2010, 12:17 AM
Yeah, I would only get super excited if it was redesigned too. I didn't notice hardly any difference when SL came out other than the spring folders being able to browse subfolders.

On a sidenote I don't think you were a Habbox God last time I saw you. So--congrats, love the sparkly name :P
I saw Snow Leopard as a SP for OSX that cost money, obviously you know I don't use Macs but usually when an OS is released you get a flurry of information and hype, but there didn't appear to be any with SL. I'm not sure what Apple can do if they did make a new user-interface, it's not exactly boring unless they did what Windows have done with Vista and 7 and that is have the option to customise more.

And neither did I, I'm sure it was VIP not long ago :P Bow down to me ;)

When ever a new windows OS came out it looked different. ( maybe not vista and 7 ).
But when ever a new OSx came out itlooks exactly the same..

I don't know, I think Vista and 7 were quite different on the outside (and alot more on the inside). The taskbars are very different at least, 7 looks alot neater than Vista and 7 incorporates the date into the taskbar, while I *think* Vista only had the time, unless you expanded the taskbar. I see XP, Vista and 7 as a steady transition. XP kept to one design, Vista opened up a little while 7 opened up further in terms of colour and customisation.

15-10-2010, 12:42 AM
When ever a new windows OS came out it looked different. ( maybe not vista and 7 ).
But when ever a new OSx came out itlooks exactly the same..

Yeah. Grant it I think OS X is really nice looking I want a facelift. Something to look forward to!

I saw Snow Leopard as a SP for OSX that cost money, obviously you know I don't use Macs but usually when an OS is released you get a flurry of information and hype, but there didn't appear to be any with SL. I'm not sure what Apple can do if they did make a new user-interface, it's not exactly boring unless they did what Windows have done with Vista and 7 and that is have the option to customise more.

And neither did I, I'm sure it was VIP not long ago :P Bow down to me ;)

I don't know, I think Vista and 7 were quite different on the outside (and alot more on the inside). The taskbars are very different at least, 7 looks alot neater than Vista and 7 incorporates the date into the taskbar, while I *think* Vista only had the time, unless you expanded the taskbar. I see XP, Vista and 7 as a steady transition. XP kept to one design, Vista opened up a little while 7 opened up further in terms of colour and customisation.

maybe something Apple could do is make it easier for the user to customize everything. Instead of one theme allow the user to customize the theme and choose between a selection without use of third party applications like their Windows counterparts.

15-10-2010, 07:54 AM
I saw Snow Leopard as a SP for OSX that cost money, obviously you know I don't use Macs but usually when an OS is released you get a flurry of information and hype, but there didn't appear to be any with SL. I'm not sure what Apple can do if they did make a new user-interface, it's not exactly boring unless they did what Windows have done with Vista and 7 and that is have the option to customise more.

And neither did I, I'm sure it was VIP not long ago :P Bow down to me ;)

I don't know, I think Vista and 7 were quite different on the outside (and alot more on the inside). The taskbars are very different at least, 7 looks alot neater than Vista and 7 incorporates the date into the taskbar, while I *think* Vista only had the time, unless you expanded the taskbar. I see XP, Vista and 7 as a steady transition. XP kept to one design, Vista opened up a little while 7 opened up further in terms of colour and customisation.

You can tell the differences between Windows Vista and 7 with ease and isn't what the user sees either, changes were made under the hood and that is why it is such a good operating system. I'm not going to call OSX Lion a service pack until it actually feels like it is going to be one, Leopard > Snow Leopard > Lion, there's a bit of a change in the cat family there. What's next, MOUNTAIN LION?!?! :P

I do wonder what Apple are going to do for their Mac side of things as they have really been concentrating on their iOS devices quite a lot recently.

15-10-2010, 11:28 AM
maybe something Apple could do is make it easier for the user to customize everything. Instead of one theme allow the user to customize the theme and choose between a selection without use of third party applications like their Windows counterparts.
What do you mean exactly? Windows 7 seems to allow users to change themes effortlessly, or do you mean one step further where you can customise more than just the taskbar and background, but symbols as well, log-in and more? That would be interesting, and would remove barriers that Apple do not let their users customise their machines.

You can tell the differences between Windows Vista and 7 with ease and isn't what the user sees either, changes were made under the hood and that is why it is such a good operating system. I'm not going to call OSX Lion a service pack until it actually feels like it is going to be one, Leopard > Snow Leopard > Lion, there's a bit of a change in the cat family there. What's next, MOUNTAIN LION?!?! :P

I do wonder what Apple are going to do for their Mac side of things as they have really been concentrating on their iOS devices quite a lot recently.
I think I mentioned at the beginning that Vista and 7 are very different, but I may have written it wrong :P It's hard to say what Lion will be, because it does look as though they're sticking with OS "X" which would imply that huge change won't be coming. Interesting to see though whatever happens, as Snow Leopard kinda dampened OSX, but that maybe because of other contributing factors like Android taking away some Apple thunder, Apple concentrating on their hand helds and Windows releasing 7 so any Mac related changes didn't really amount to anything.

15-10-2010, 11:36 AM
What do you mean exactly? Windows 7 seems to allow users to change themes effortlessly, or do you mean one step further where you can customise more than just the taskbar and background, but symbols as well, log-in and more? That would be interesting, and would remove barriers that Apple do not let their users customise their machines.

Nono I was talking about Apple here. I want them to allow for more customization out of the box :P

15-10-2010, 11:41 AM
Nono I was talking about Apple here. I want them to allow for more customization out of the box :P
Ahh, was going to say, I'm sure you've seen Windows 7 before now :P That would be good if Apple did it, they're behind as it is!

15-10-2010, 11:54 AM
Ahh, was going to say, I'm sure you've seen Windows 7 before now :P That would be good if Apple did it, they're behind as it is!

Yeah. To do any serious redecorating on OS X you need to use third party apps. On Windows you can do more theming out of the box, but I think to change anything drastic still you need to patch the uxtheme (or something like that) library.

15-10-2010, 06:24 PM
Touchscreens. Just sayin'.

15-10-2010, 07:00 PM
Lions do usually tend to be in a lion shape?

Apples do tend to be apples..

Or symbolising that we're leaving OSX and moving to iOSX Lion! It's more awesome because it has an I in front.

Excuse me kind sir. There is no need to mock my misspelling.

But yeah, I hope its good.

17-10-2010, 02:59 PM
When ever a new windows OS came out it looked different. ( maybe not vista and 7 ).
But when ever a new OSx came out itlooks exactly the same..

OSX 10.4:

OSX 10.5:

looks exactly the same my ass :/

Touchscreens. Just sayin'.

it's highly likely this will happen, as there's patents on a touchscreen imac.

17-10-2010, 03:12 PM
Apple being late to a 'new' technology. Still, it will be magical and revolutionary touch screen technology!!

Will be interesting to see what they come up with, although the patent for their iMac was only made a few months a go - will they release it this time, or next year?

17-10-2010, 04:01 PM
Apple being late to a 'new' technology. Still, it will be magical and revolutionary touch screen technology!!

Will be interesting to see what they come up with, although the patent for their iMac was only made a few months a go - will they release it this time, or next year?

it's less so that they're late to a technology, but that the tech they release is sufficiently of a high quality i.e. the iPhone's touchscreen was the best on the market for 3 generations.

Here's my blog post on the patent.


17-10-2010, 04:05 PM
it's less so that they're late to a technology, but that the tech they release is sufficiently of a high quality i.e. the iPhone's touchscreen was the best on the market for 3 generations.

Here's my blog post on the patent.


It isn't always exactly that much better lol

Edited by HotelUser (Forum Moderator): Accidental double post merged due to forum lag.

17-10-2010, 04:09 PM
I think a multitouch imac would be swell. However if there's one thing I've learned from Apple releases it's that when you're expecting a cat they give you a lion and the reverse holds true as well. I've said a touch Mac would be cool but I am not going to count down the days until it might possibly maybe might sortof come out :P

17-10-2010, 08:14 PM
Apple being late to a 'new' technology.
You can't be late to something new?

Also Apple may never release a touchscreen iMac, they have loads of patents which they don't use.

17-10-2010, 09:26 PM
You can't be late to something new?

Also Apple may never release a touchscreen iMac, they have loads of patents which they don't use.

Compared to the wheel, touch screen is relatively new.

17-10-2010, 09:39 PM
Compared to the wheel, touch screen is relatively new.

But touchscreen desktops at the moment are irresponsive, awkward and kind-of annoying. Not to mention they're not capacitative, they're resistive, which is still a weak technology.

Not that Apple will do it it better, but its like saying you can be late to the television market - no you can't; there's always something to improve.

Just because they had ****** touchscreens in the 1990s doesn't mean they were good.

Agnostic Bear
18-10-2010, 02:15 PM
So basically Apple are going to attempt to do something about Windows 7 then get it thrown back in their face again? This should be fun.

18-10-2010, 07:43 PM
So basically Apple are going to attempt to do something about Windows 7 then get it thrown back in their face again? This should be fun.

The annoying thing is they'll do it properly :/

19-10-2010, 01:12 AM
The annoying thing is they'll do it properly :/
It's fine, they'll be chucked back into the background when other companies go one step further than what Apple have done, followed by faster updates which aren't limited to yearly ones :P

19-10-2010, 03:33 PM
The annoying thing is they'll do it properly :/

You mean like the Snow Leopard transition? IMO that was worse than MS' Vista transition, even if they do both have to be done.

20-10-2010, 04:38 PM
http://events.apple.com.edgesuite.net/1010qwoeiuryfg/event/index.html - its being streamed live again like the ipod event :D, macs only btw.

20-10-2010, 04:54 PM
http://events.apple.com.edgesuite.net/1010qwoeiuryfg/event/index.html - its being streamed live again like the ipod event :D, macs only btw.

Corny elevator music! Yay! LOL

20-10-2010, 04:57 PM
In class so I can't follow this. I will try to sneak a look later!

20-10-2010, 04:58 PM
If people want some commentary:

Edit: According to the commentary you can't watch with chrome?

Or on windows?!? Meanies!

20-10-2010, 05:15 PM
I love the new iPhoto.

20-10-2010, 06:15 PM
Lion looks rubbish and the one more thing is just a new macbook air :/

Edit: There's a small one :D

20-10-2010, 06:26 PM
I thought Lion might of been something actually "good" and a big change with the new name and things. But I guess I was wrong, not too impressed with what Apple have announced today. Their iLife products seem good, OSX Lion doesn't look that amazing, not a fan of Mac App Store but w.e and the new MacBook Air is too expensive.

20-10-2010, 06:26 PM
Can't wait for the app store :)

20-10-2010, 06:32 PM
Can't wait for the app store :)

I hope you enjoy your "Mission Control" what the heck? Stick with Windows if you want proper control haha. I guess the MacBook Air is something that Apple believe or Steve Jobs believes all "notebooks" will look like, does this mean they will be replacing their normal MacBooks in months or years to come with something like the air. Who knows!

20-10-2010, 06:32 PM
app store = looks good,
ilife = looks good,
facetime for mac = looks good,

apart from that, nothing was that good,

20-10-2010, 06:35 PM
the new MacBook Air is too expensive.
I thought it was a good price?

20-10-2010, 06:36 PM
I thought it was a good price?

Not really, it's a start for them I suppose.

Agnostic Bear
20-10-2010, 06:43 PM
Excellent news. Nothing really there to do anything to Windows. Microsoft should have an easy time wrapping it all up and throwing out a fantastic Windows 8.

20-10-2010, 07:32 PM
Apple have ruined Mac OS X. Next laptop will be Windows.

20-10-2010, 07:39 PM
So I'm guessing the media event wasn't that amazing then? :P The way Apple is going, they might turn into the biggest handheld device company, they've onyl really mastered the iPod and iPhone events, the Mac and OSX ones tend to fall on deaf ears or never live up to expectation :/

20-10-2010, 07:50 PM
So I'm guessing the media event wasn't that amazing then? :P The way Apple is going, they might turn into the biggest handheld device company, they've onyl really mastered the iPod and iPhone events, the Mac and OSX ones tend to fall on deaf ears or never live up to expectation :/

I think with the successes of their handheld devices that their trying to turn that into the mac instead of letting the mac grow on its own.

20-10-2010, 07:51 PM
So I'm guessing the media event wasn't that amazing then? :P The way Apple is going, they might turn into the biggest handheld device company, they've onyl really mastered the iPod and iPhone events, the Mac and OSX ones tend to fall on deaf ears or never live up to expectation :/

It was slow and boring at the start because they do all of their statistics and it took them like 53 minutes to actually get to the OSX Lion part. A they were going through their iLife 11. I thought Lion would of been "major" and some are even saying it is like from Vista to Windows 7 but I don't really see it at all.

20-10-2010, 09:28 PM
I don't really understand how all the things announced today are enough to call it a new OS but I'm looking forward to trying this out. The springboard and appstore don't appeal to me much (especially because I don't pay for many applications) but I suppose if I don't like them I can not use/get rid of them.

I wish they gave it a new theme :(

20-10-2010, 09:57 PM
I'm really disappointed with Apple now :(

After the let down of Snow Leopard i was looking forward to a new, amazing, updated theme OS. But all we get is some shoddy App store? They could just release this as a side piece of software that you get on your mac, not the central idea to the whole thing. And with a name like OS X Lion (King of the jungle) should have been the best one yet, with an all new GUI etc etc

Apple, you may have found yourself struck off my christmas list this year :(


20-10-2010, 10:08 PM
I have to laugh that a low model macbook air is 1000 dollars - and an iPad is 500 dollars. So basically the macbook air is 500 dollars more - for a keyboard? :S

20-10-2010, 10:29 PM
I have to laugh that a low model macbook air is 1000 dollars - and an iPad is 500 dollars. So basically the macbook air is 500 dollars more - for a keyboard? :S

And a camera. Also it's the same price as the standard macbook so it's not that bad. I believe the old air had bad pricing.

Edit: Also all they've shown off is how they've implemented iOS features?

20-10-2010, 10:39 PM
And a camera. Also it's the same price as the standard macbook so it's not that bad. I believe the old air had bad pricing.

Edit: Also all they've shown off is how they've implemented iOS features?

Basically yes and the whole improved/new "Mission Control". I think we may see more from Apple in regards of OSX Lion but time will tell, if they don't then I'm not really impressed at all. But It's not out until 2011 so we shall see, I suppose.

20-10-2010, 10:54 PM
Basically yes and the whole improved/new "Mission Control". I think we may see more from Apple in regards of OSX Lion but time will tell, if they don't then I'm not really impressed at all. But It's not out until 2011 so we shall see, I suppose.

I think Apple plans to turn the Macs into a closed system with no external access like the iOS devices. Five years down the line and you'll struggle to find programs to install on a mac without going via the app store.

Also, how is full screen a feature?

21-10-2010, 12:29 AM
I think Apple plans to turn the Macs into a closed system with no external access like the iOS devices. Five years down the line and you'll struggle to find programs to install on a mac without going via the app store.

Also, how is full screen a feature?

I don't understand why the fullscreen thing is a feature either. With monitors being larger and especially when they have 27" iMacs I don't want to run my programs in full screen :P

21-10-2010, 12:44 AM
I'm really disappointed with Apple now :(

After the let down of Snow Leopard i was looking forward to a new, amazing, updated theme OS. But all we get is some shoddy App store? They could just release this as a side piece of software that you get on your mac, not the central idea to the whole thing. And with a name like OS X Lion (King of the jungle) should have been the best one yet, with an all new GUI etc etc

Apple, you may have found yourself struck off my christmas list this year :(

Urgh, that's the first time in ages I've been on the Apple website and it's still filled with content written by a company that still has its head up its arse. You're going to give me nightmares now :(

So I'm guessing this is a new step for Apple? Instead of making a Vista Service Pack equivilent for their OS, they've made a Microsoft Essentials download pack for Windows 7 :/ How much will this cost? I sure hope it's free :/

I don't understand why the fullscreen thing is a feature either. With monitors being larger and especially when they have 27" iMacs I don't want to run my programs in full screen :P
It's useful if you're doing word processing (I'd imagine, obvs). I full screen MS Word on this PC so I can write on two pages at once and edit CSS and HTML code for a forum :P
Oh, and photoshop, and if I want to see more content of a website that's got dynamic content that stretches and shows more (OU website for example). It's good as an added option, but nothing to scream about. If anything, it's given Windows users an excuse to say "Windows has had this for centuries and Apple have finally noticed the uses".

21-10-2010, 01:16 AM
I don't understand why the fullscreen thing is a feature either. With monitors being larger and especially when they have 27" iMacs I don't want to run my programs in full screen :P
Well, I like to run my programs in proper full screen (Unlike the silly OSX maximise which cuts off half of the screen for the dock). I just don't get why Apple made such a big deal about it.

If anything, it's given Windows users an excuse to say "Windows has had this for centuries and Apple have finally noticed the uses"
Stop stealing my thunder!

21-10-2010, 01:52 AM
Photoshop didn't cross my mind. There's a lot of applications where it's better to run in fullscreen (like Photoshop). When I got my iMac I hated how it didn't maximise things as I wanted them to. I thought websites looked funny when I could see my desktop and dock surrounding them. I got used to it though and when I got my 24" monitor it didn't matter as much anymore. Now I love it because I can fit lots of everything on my screen knowing that the windows will only maximise to how big they have to be, not how big they should be to be the only window on my screen. I guess it's just personal preference, and something you get used to. If I maximise the forum now (http://davzy.com/screenshots/Screen_shot_2010-10-20_at_10.20.57_PM-20101020-225110.png) I think it looks horrifying and huge, but several years ago this was the norm for me and having a non maximised browser would have horrified me :P

This being said I'm absolutely in love with the feature on Windows 7 where you can drag two windows to either side of the screen and they become adjacent filling up 50% of the screen each accordingly. This is overwhelmingly useful for when I'm typing a document with a reference and doing research. If I did any coding on my Windows machine I would probably make great use out of this in coherence with my 24" display.

21-10-2010, 01:55 AM
This being said I'm absolutely in love with the feature on Windows 7 where you can drag two windows to either side of the screen and they become adjacent filling up 50% of the screen each accordingly. This is overwhelmingly useful for when I'm typing a document with a reference and doing research. If I did any coding on my Windows machine I would probably make great use out of this in coherence with my 24" display.

Mmm, aero snap used to save me before I got my second screen whenever I wanted to web browse and watch a video at the same time.

21-10-2010, 06:26 AM
Its only still in beta, so maybe theirs more to come. its not even fully developed yet

21-10-2010, 07:19 AM
Mmm, aero snap used to save me before I got my second screen whenever I wanted to web browse and watch a video at the same time.

I love aero snap. People have said Windows got it straight away in regards of how to maximum an application window on your screen and it took Apple ages to get that sort of concept into their operating system.

---------- Post added 21-10-2010 at 08:20 AM ----------

Its only still in beta, so maybe theirs more to come. its not even fully developed yet

True, I mean OSX Leopard was first shown to the world looking like Tiger still BUT Apple announced a ton of more features when Leopard was first announced and unlike they have done with Lion, at the moment it feels like another Snow Leopard.

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