View Full Version : Get swamped

15-10-2010, 05:59 AM
Get Swamped!
Posted Oct 15, 2010 Furni News

New Swamp Furni now on sale.
Between the crazy dreams and creepy Furni I’m beginning the wonder what’s next - a surprise visit from the Candy Man?.. And I’m not talking about a guy that hands out free lollipops.
If anyone knows what’s going on they better speak up because the staff are becoming increasingly nervous. All I can say is thank goodness it’s easy to change our pants in Habbo ;)
Brand new Swamp Furni has now flooded the Voodoo section of the Catalog! Wade through items such as spooky Teleports, a Tree of Lost Souls, murky Water Patches, Fog and more.
A mysterious swamp has also appeared in the Navigator. All Teles lead to nowhere so I guess we just hold our breath and wait for more clues to surface on Monday.
- Hotel Staff


I guess the last bit of an article will be another quest then xD

15-10-2010, 06:11 AM
Oh interesting, sounds fun

15-10-2010, 06:15 AM

I'm sure Luke can give you a better picture of them. :P

I'm quite interested in the Dark Water, very expensive but it looks cool. This is going to make some gothic rooms look really really really really cool. Habbox Swamp anyone or is Roxy already working on it. ;P

15-10-2010, 10:42 AM
The swamp stuff is looking really good! :)
but the teleport effect is a bit unhabboween-y lol

image of the official room

15-10-2010, 11:07 AM
The swamp stuff is kind of different for Halloween, never really thought of making decorations that were swamp themed. It's nice :)

16-10-2010, 10:29 AM
The swamp stuff is looking really good! :)
but the teleport effect is a bit unhabboween-y lol

image of the official room

i love how habbo are now starting to make loads of different types of teleporters. i remember when they only had the 4 and the tree teles look alright

hc teles (imperial)
wardrope teles
portaloo teles
phonebox teles

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