View Full Version : WTF(riday)?

15-10-2010, 06:15 AM
Got something on your mind? Then ask the staff!

WTF(riday)? gives you the opportunity to get your questions answered! Get to know the Hotel Managers better by shooting your queries in their direction (Habbo related or not). Who's their celeb crush? Favorite color? How much wood does a Woodchuck chuck?... you get the gist.

Every Friday Puffin, SmoothCriminal and Fozzie will pick a handful of questions to answer and the lucky winners will score the week's hottest prize. That's right, we're shaking things up a little by handing out a different prize every week!

Last Week’s Winners
Well done to the Habbos listed below! You've each scored a Rare Voodoo Doll! When more than one Habbo sends in the same question, the staff will pick the one they’re going to answer randomly.
Note: SmoothCriminal is off on a well-deserved holiday for the next couple of weeks so instead of starting up a new comp form we’re going to hold on to your previous entries. In other words, if you sent a question in last week you’ve now got a better chance of winning!

What's your favorite party song? Sent in by :o?
Puffin: It tends to vary really, but one thing is sure... no matter how bad the party is, ABBA can always turn it around! Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!
SmoothCriminal: I Gotta Feeling by Black Eyed Peas.
Fozzie: My newest fave party song is definitely Clap Your Hands by Sia. So catchy! But my all time fave is definitely Push It by Salt-N-Pepper. Dudes wearing turtlenecks FTW! ;)

What's the last movie you saw at the cinema and what did you think of it? Sent in by Blue:.Bird
SmoothCriminal: Scott Pilgrim. Was extremely fun to watch!
Fozzie: I saw Salt recently. I thought it was awesome! Angelina definitely looks hotter with black hair. I don't rate her as a blonde.
Puffin: I see a lot of movies, and the last one I saw was the film based on Kazuo Ishiguro's book, 'Never Let Me Go'. I really loved the book and although it's a hard one to make a movie out of, I thought it was beautifully made and the actors did a brilliant job. I adore Carey Mulligan!

What's the weirdest thing you've ever found under your bed? Sent in by :.ZackTheGleek.
Fozzie: A wedding dress straight out of the 80's that I wore to a fancy dress party once.
Puffin: A decapitated bird. You might think that it was left there by a disgruntled ex-boyfriend or something dramatic like that, but it was really a gift from my loving cat. And no, I didn't appreciate the sentiment at all (least of all cleaning up after it)!
SmoothCriminal: A sketchbook that I thought was long lost from ages back. Not exactly weird...but man, it was one helluva relief!

Puffin's Question - If you were chosen to entertain a King or Queen for the day, what would you do to entertain them? Sent in by ,Amanduh
Are you kidding me, I can't even tell a joke to save my life. I am the least talented person I know when it comes to anything performance related. I could try doing something Flight of the Conchords related, or possibly Monty Python... Watching someone make a fool of themselves is entertainment, too!

SmoothCriminal’s Question - How do you figure out what you're going to wear everyday? Sent in by KaulitzGirl20
Wake up. Clean up. Reach into drawer. Pray it is clean.

Fozzie’s Question - A film is being made about you! What actress would you want to play you? Sent in by J25T
Scarlett Johansson for sure! I adore her. Ok, so I don’t look anything like her but a girl cant dream right? Right?

Well Done Jord, but im still the best jordan ok

15-10-2010, 10:40 AM
they'll all alright questions this week! congrats jord :)

15-10-2010, 11:13 AM
hehe thanks, didnt get my prize yet tho!!!

15-10-2010, 06:32 PM
You may do after SmoothCriminal is back?

15-10-2010, 06:44 PM
wooo congrats jordan :) :)

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