View Full Version : Is it right to be sexist in life?
20-10-2010, 03:09 PM
I didn't really know how to word the title 'life' generally means in work, school etc etc.
Basically, two years ago I would have chos my GCSE options, and I longed to take Resistant Materials Technology (Woodwork), we had to take one as it was a Technology College (High school really). And resistant materials wasn't on the option list for the technology.
Anyway, I had to settle for product/graphic design, but I'm sure it turns out that no girl was allowed to take woodwork. And I find this really unfair, I was quite good in woodwork, so it would be like I was starved of an option choice. I ended up getting a C for product/graphic design, but to be honest, that isn't the point is it?
Well, I'm sure I aren't the only one to feel discouraged by this, I think that no on should be sexist, I never say Men are superior to Women or vice versa, I do not think that is true in soem aspects. I do generally think that Men are stronger than Women, Men can hold their emotions more, and Women can fly off the handle at any given moment - like myself.
Furthermore, what are your views on the whole sexist thing? I honestly think that some people can be correct when saying Women are inferior, but that is just my opinion as I also think that Men can be inferior with some things as well.
20-10-2010, 03:24 PM
My mum makes me sandwichs, my dad brings in the moneys.
20-10-2010, 03:48 PM
My mum makes me sandwichs, my dad brings in the moneys.
wow you're going far in life, i like doing things for myself & not depending on others.
anyway men and woman are different by nature. men are supposed to be the providers and woman the carers, call me oldfashioned, i just think that's life. i, for one, am not complaining if men get the risky, labouring jobs & bring in the money. i know for sure i'll be earning much more than the guys i know;).
men have advantages, so do woman (hello underage clubbing & free drinks, oh + being the first gender after children that'd be rescued from something). men do get higher positions and men also get better opportunities because woman still stereotypically have to take care of a family, so in retrospect a man would be a better employee in the long-term. ageism against woman could also come in to that i guess, younger = less priorities = no need for much 'leave' = companies don't lose out on money.
however if a woman and a man were interviewed for a job & the woman was evidently more experienced or the better candidate then they should get the job definitely. i don't think sexism is that big of a deal as opposed to racism.
that woodwork thing is ridiculous though btw, they shouldn't be allowed to do that:S
23-10-2010, 04:34 PM
Sexism is valid because is discriminates based on physical strength and human nature - racism on the other hand discriminates based on the colour of ones skin, which is irrelvent mostly. In regards to the sexism argument i'll cite the example by Peter Hitchens - the government has a quota for certain percentage of the fire brigade to be female, now women on average have roughly half the upper body strength as men do, so if you weigh something like 13 stone you would want to be rescused by somebody capable of carrying out the job.
23-10-2010, 05:15 PM
Obviously not, its almost always in a jokey way.
</topic complete>
i am jokingly sexist e.g. when im with friends we usually pull out the odd sexist comment but all in a jokingly manner
The only serious sexist issue i have is violence towards women, i know some of you may not like this but its my opinion - When a man hits a man they dont have lawsuits and huge prison sentences they talk it over and have a night or two in a cell to cool off, when a man hits a woman its classed as battery and the man can serve long periods of time in jail. the part that flabergasts me (does that make sense?) is that women want to be equal to men yet pull stunts like this?
24-10-2010, 12:24 PM
i am jokingly sexist e.g. when im with friends we usually pull out the odd sexist comment but all in a jokingly manner
The only serious sexist issue i have is violence towards women, i know some of you may not like this but its my opinion - When a man hits a man they dont have lawsuits and huge prison sentences they talk it over and have a night or two in a cell to cool off, when a man hits a woman its classed as battery and the man can serve long periods of time in jail. the part that flabergasts me (does that make sense?) is that women want to be equal to men yet pull stunts like this?
I think that goes back to what someone said earlier because generally women are built smaller than men so if a man attacks a woman it's beating on somebody weaker than that said person. I know there has been cases where women have beaten up men and they've gone to prison and stuff, but generally it's because men are bigger and stronger than women (usually anyway) and shouldn't beat on somebody weaker than them, if its with a man then usually they both have a fair chance unless its with somebody much smaller than them in which case it's usually bullying.
I've just woke up so i'm not sure if that makes sense :')
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