View Full Version : LimeWire Shuts Down After Losing Court Battle With The RIAA

26-10-2010, 11:56 PM
Yeah that's right, limewire has been forced to shut down!


LimeWire's days of file-sharing are over after a court ruling today is forcing the company to stop distributing and supporting LimeWire's P2P file-sharing service.

As per the court ruling, LimeWire "intentionally encouraged direct infringement" and that they were well aware they were endorsing piracy; they were marketing the program to Napster users who were known copyright infringers.

The immediate shutdown notice will prevent any users from using their software and when you try to use it, you will be promoted with a notice about the court order takedown.

Although LimeWire alerted users with a warning about illegally sharing and distributing copyrighted material, it wasn't enough to prevent the courts from forcing the owners to shut the service down. LimeWire now joins a long line of other P2P filesharing applications like KaZaa and Napster that have both faced the same demise.

But KaZaa and Napster did find success after their court ordered shutdowns from major record labels to sell and promote music, but according to sources, LimeWire has been turned down by all of the major record labels and will face a complete shutdown.Source: http://www.neowin.net/news/limewire-goes-sour-court-orders-immediate-shut-down?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter

Well bye bye Limewire.

Threads merged by Bolt660 (Forum Super Moderator)
Edited by HotelUser (Forum Moderator): Discussion has turned into an argument no longer related to limewire. Thread closed.

26-10-2010, 11:56 PM
The Gnutella-based download client LimeWire has ceased all its operations after a U.S. federal judge granted a request from the RIAA. Limewire was ordered to disable all functionalities in the current application to prevent users from sharing copyrighted material. The verdict is expected to have an unprecedented impact on the P2P file-sharing landscape.http://torrentfreak.com/limewire-loses-court-battle-with-riaa-shuts-down-101026/

27-10-2010, 12:00 AM
goodbye limewire, hello tbp & utorrent ;)

27-10-2010, 12:06 AM
what am I meant to use now


27-10-2010, 12:13 AM
oh crap :(
i <3 limewire

27-10-2010, 12:15 AM
Good news.

27-10-2010, 12:15 AM
Ohwell, i can still find places to download new movies and music :D

27-10-2010, 12:17 AM
what am I meant to use now



27-10-2010, 12:20 AM
wahey one less thing destroying the music industry

27-10-2010, 12:22 AM
It won't be long until another program is created which is as big as limewire.

watch this space

27-10-2010, 12:44 AM
wahey one less thing destroying the music industry

It wasn't destroying it anyway, its a well known fact illegal down loaders are more likely to actually buy music and so on then other people.

27-10-2010, 01:32 AM
There are such a vast handful of other free--much safer ways to satisfy your music downloading needs.

Grooveshark - http://grooveshark.com - I use this, it has a mobile app, computer app, and streaming through their site. The latter is free and it's just awesome.

Then Spotify which isn't internationally accessible but of course works for the vast majority of you guys across the pond, and what ever happened to plain old fashion youtube to mp3 converters :P

27-10-2010, 01:35 AM
Aw, I use that to download singles. Will take longer to select the songs I want now :l

27-10-2010, 03:21 AM
People still used Limewire? Lolllllllll.

Good riddance to it, the thing was a piece of crap that only 9 year olds use.

27-10-2010, 03:53 AM
People still used Limewire? Lolllllllll.

Good riddance to it, the thing was a piece of crap that only 9 year olds use.

It won't be long until another program is created which is as big as limewire.

I think this pretty much sums up my response to LimeWire being forced to shut down.

27-10-2010, 06:12 AM
Quicker to get music directly from youtube anyway.

27-10-2010, 06:53 AM
Alternative: FrostWire!!




27-10-2010, 06:59 AM

person above beat me to i t :(

27-10-2010, 07:29 AM
I didn't know people still used LimeWire?

You're better off using Spotify or some alternative that uses free streaming anyway.

27-10-2010, 08:06 AM
Finally! Brilliant news this!

27-10-2010, 09:03 AM
Fantastic news, brb stealing Chris' Usenet and Matt's Rapidshare.

27-10-2010, 11:46 AM
oh hot dayum...............

k over it

27-10-2010, 11:59 AM
Good news, Limewire was horrible. Much better methods of getting music if you don't want to pay for it (but if you claim to be a fan then surely you want to support the artist?).

27-10-2010, 12:04 PM
ahaha i liked limewire, it was nostalgic to me being 13 and waiting to download lil bow wow or something LOL.
but yeh i've been torrenting for years so no big news for me...

27-10-2010, 12:10 PM
At least it will stop the idiots who can only understand the simplicity of LimeWire but not uTorrent and such.

27-10-2010, 12:46 PM
Meh, didn't know it was still around. I remember using it when I was in Year 7 or 8 I think, to find a song which didn't exist in a pay-for form, but most of the time the things on there were low quality rubbish. So all in all, it was a pretty lousy program anyway, so I doubt it'll be missed ;)

27-10-2010, 01:05 PM
i tell you what i will miss, typing in (for example) "kickstarts - example" and getting as my top result "girl has shaking ******"


27-10-2010, 01:19 PM
Alternative: FrostWire!!




darn beat me ;[ lol i sometimes use frostwire

27-10-2010, 02:35 PM
Alternative: FrostWire!!



Or an even better alternative; don't be a **** and buy your music/films/TV instead of illegally downloading them. If you can't afford whatever then wait until you can or don't buy it, just like how everything else in life works.

27-10-2010, 02:36 PM
Shame. They used to give out viruses anyway :@

27-10-2010, 02:47 PM
It wasn't destroying it anyway, its a well known fact illegal down loaders are more likely to actually buy music and so on then other people.

no? that statistic doesnt mean anything. they key part of that 'fact' is more likely. the internet has in a way helped the industry (promotion etc) but it has also taken a lot of money of it. just look at the average sales for albums. since 2000, sales have been absolutely bombing, because people can download an album for free instead of forking out £9 or whatever

27-10-2010, 02:48 PM
no? that statistic doesnt mean anything. they key part of that 'fact' is more likely. the internet has in a way helped the industry (promotion etc) but it has also taken a lot of money of it. just look at the average sales for albums. since 2000, sales have been absolutely bombing, because people can download an album for free instead of forking out £9 or whatever
And even so, artists are rolling in money. Honestly i dont see what the issue is. Unless its an indie artist, then i see no reason not to pirate.

27-10-2010, 03:15 PM
And even so, artists are rolling in money. Honestly i dont see what the issue is. Unless its an indie artist, then i see no reason not to pirate.

not as much as you think, thats quite ignorant. unless you sell a lot you dont get barely any money from record sales. most artists get the majority of their income from touring. its especially difficult for new artists to break through and earn a living, because they won't have a loyal fanbase yet that will run out to the shops and buy their records, people will just download them

27-10-2010, 03:18 PM
not as much as you think, thats quite ignorant. unless you sell a lot you dont get barely any money from record sales. most artists get the majority of their income from touring. its especially difficult for new artists to break through and earn a living, because they won't have a loyal fanbase yet that will run out to the shops and buy their records, people will just download them
Exactly, they make most of their money from touring anyway so it doesn't matter if they lose a few sales. I'm not saying its a good thing that people pirate but there's no need to get super angry over it.

And for a new artist to think they're going to make their living off music through record sales is incredibly naive so that doesn't really matter

27-10-2010, 03:22 PM
Exactly, they make most of their money from touring anyway so it doesn't matter if they lose a few sales. I'm not saying its a good thing that people pirate but there's no need to get super angry over it.

And for a new artist to think they're going to make their living off music through record sales is incredibly naive so that doesn't really matter

im not getting angry about it, it doesnt affect me. but its a fact that the internet and illegal downloading is harming the music industry. its not even just the artist, its all the people that work for the labels. where do you think their money comes from? and its not just a "few" sales, its a very large percentage.

that last sentence of yours basically sums up what im saying. if this was 30 years ago it wouldnt be naive to think that, but today it would. because of the internet.

27-10-2010, 03:30 PM
Exactly, they make most of their money from touring anyway so it doesn't matter if they lose a few sales. I'm not saying its a good thing that people pirate but there's no need to get super angry over it.

And for a new artist to think they're going to make their living off music through record sales is incredibly naive so that doesn't really matter
Its the same with movies, they make profit just from the box office, before decent illegal copies are even available.

Illegal downloading hardly harms the music/movie industry.

27-10-2010, 03:38 PM
Illegal downloading hardly harms the music/movie industry.

well it does


27-10-2010, 04:05 PM
Studios and recording companies were worried tapes and VHS were going to see the death of them, the same went for CDs and now they're worried about the internet.

It's same old, same old. They moan and moan yet still roll in money. If anything, the corporations are to blame for giving so little of the sales money to the artists themselves.

27-10-2010, 04:26 PM
Or an even better alternative; don't be a **** and buy your music/films/TV instead of illegally downloading them. If you can't afford whatever then wait until you can or don't buy it, just like how everything else in life works.


i am not going to pay for something i don't have to, end of.

27-10-2010, 04:48 PM
I only pay for movies and games. Music isnt that good that i'd pay £8-£9 for about 9 songs which in all seriousness id only like 1 for half a week.

WinMX was the ultimate music download client back in the day.

27-10-2010, 04:51 PM
Only pay for games, and films in the cinema but barely buy dvds or cds but still theres thousands of people that do so there still making more money then the average guy who has to work much harder for his money.

27-10-2010, 04:56 PM
I only pay for movies and games. Music isnt that good that i'd pay £8-£9 for about 9 songs which in all seriousness id only like 1 for half a week.

WinMX was the ultimate music download client back in the day.

winmx ohmydaysss, ahaha best program ever. was so basic LOL.

27-10-2010, 05:08 PM
Limewire brings back memories of searching it all night trying to find the latest songs when I was like 12. But in reality, most of the songs were crap quality and it was full of viruses. I moved onto the likes of Utorrent about 2 years ago.

27-10-2010, 05:14 PM
Only pay for games, and films in the cinema but barely buy dvds or cds but still theres thousands of people that do so there still making more money then the average guy who has to work much harder for his money.

you think musicians work harder than "the average guy"? so constantly flying around the world with jet lag and playing shows every night whilst writing and recording music on the road is harder than sitting behind a desk in an office? i dont think thats fair.

Studios and recording companies were worried tapes and VHS were going to see the death of them, the same went for CDs and now they're worried about the internet.

how is that?

27-10-2010, 05:14 PM
I remember searching for Habbo on it coming up with DJ Mint and Mizki ahaaa

27-10-2010, 06:41 PM
you think musicians work harder than "the average guy"? so constantly flying around the world with jet lag and playing shows every night whilst writing and recording music on the road is harder than sitting behind a desk in an office? i dont think thats fair.

how is that?

It's a known fact, you should read up on it.

27-10-2010, 07:01 PM
Its been shut down :O

27-10-2010, 07:47 PM
Its been shut down :O

that was the idea..

27-10-2010, 09:16 PM
Thought I'd add my stuff in.

Firstly I occasionaly download stuff to see if i like it - but i seem to be one of the few people who gets cds - when people have asked me they've often went what you get cds still?

I don't mind people trying out - but it does annoy me when people claim they are a fan, just like my dad, of many bands, yet own not one legal cd by them - if you do like them that much you should show it, I mean if everyone decided to do the same they would make hardly anything.

When using LimeWire i never found much of a problem - the so called viruses on LimeWire where pretty easy to spot and if you didn't download software most of the time you where fine. Most people who got viruses just downloaded whatever they could find without really checking.

LimeWire may have closed but someone else will come

27-10-2010, 09:21 PM
Surely the issue with "they don't get much money through sales" is that record labels and companies are simply taking too much money from each song and album? It's difficult with digital music, because it doesn't have any physical worth, therefore little worth at all because people only find something worth while when it exists in reality, not some virtual picture on a screen. Digitial music has made it easy to obtain music, the only reason album sales have plumetted is because the songs are so easy to obtain, and it's not just through illegal downloads, people give out their CDs to let their friends borrow them. It's a difficult subject, because some people don't want plastic clutter around if they only want music, yet people don't want to buy something that doesn't physically exist and holds little value, so illegal downloads exist. It'll never be solved.

27-10-2010, 09:56 PM
Meh i don't use it anyway so it's not a problem. Prefer Spotify. :D Need to get my premium though ;[

Good news.

And OMG will you stop commenting like this on everything about piracy. You're not some massive director who has millions of movies stole . Nobody wants to steal any movie you produce.

27-10-2010, 10:01 PM
Meh i don't use it anyway so it's not a problem. Prefer Spotify. :D Need to get my premium though ;[

And OMG will you stop commenting like this on everything about piracy. You're not some massive director who has millions of movies stole . Nobody wants to steal any movie you produce.

so what? I think its good news, it was a pile of **** to be honest.

27-10-2010, 11:09 PM
hello has anyone heard of Frostwire? all the features of Limewire Pro?

27-10-2010, 11:20 PM
hello has anyone heard of Frostwire? all the features of Limewire Pro?
I prefer just finding the torrent files I need on random sites and downloading them through utorrent. At least then you can read the reviews/rating/details etc.

Mininova got shut down so now I use isohunt.

27-10-2010, 11:30 PM
The fact is
Piracy GREATLY damages the film industry. And do you people know how hard it is to make a film? How much effort it takes? Pirating a film is the same as stealing the wallet of someone who spent 18 hours a day for 6 months to a year with no let-up just to do what they love. The piracy warnings on electronic media are COMPLETELY correct. You wouldn't shoplift, but you'd cowardly hide behind your computer and STEAL a film. Studio execs make the most money by far from movies, and the film-makers DON'T. So you steal from the percentages that they make. It's stealing and there is NO excuse for it.

27-10-2010, 11:42 PM
The fact is
Piracy GREATLY damages the film industry. And do you people know how hard it is to make a film? How much effort it takes? Pirating a film is the same as stealing the wallet of someone who spent 18 hours a day for 6 months to a year with no let-up just to do what they love. The piracy warnings on electronic media are COMPLETELY correct. You wouldn't shoplift, but you'd cowardly hide behind your computer and STEAL a film. Studio execs make the most money by far from movies, and the film-makers DON'T. So you steal from the percentages that they make. It's stealing and there is NO excuse for it.


Paranormal Activity 1, $11,000 budget, profited around $107,906,283. HARDLY GOD DAMNED DAMAGING. jdich euikjhgu tyfytvtyvgv yvhbhjbhjbhjbhjbjhb cheice! :P

27-10-2010, 11:44 PM
The fact is
Piracy GREATLY damages the film industry. And do you people know how hard it is to make a film? How much effort it takes? Pirating a film is the same as stealing the wallet of someone who spent 18 hours a day for 6 months to a year with no let-up just to do what they love. The piracy warnings on electronic media are COMPLETELY correct. You wouldn't shoplift, but you'd cowardly hide behind your computer and STEAL a film. Studio execs make the most money by far from movies, and the film-makers DON'T. So you steal from the percentages that they make. It's stealing and there is NO excuse for it.
Actually there is an excuse for it, this is the internet and i have anonymity over what i download, therefore i shall take full use of that

27-10-2010, 11:53 PM
The fact is
Piracy GREATLY damages the film industry. And do you people know how hard it is to make a film? How much effort it takes? Pirating a film is the same as stealing the wallet of someone who spent 18 hours a day for 6 months to a year with no let-up just to do what they love. The piracy warnings on electronic media are COMPLETELY correct. You wouldn't shoplift, but you'd cowardly hide behind your computer and STEAL a film. Studio execs make the most money by far from movies, and the film-makers DON'T. So you steal from the percentages that they make. It's stealing and there is NO excuse for it.

I feel so sorry for actors when I see them high rolling in their range rovers/bentleys/ferrari's etc then arriving at their multi-million pound house in LA. Them darn piraters!!

27-10-2010, 11:58 PM
The fact is
Piracy GREATLY damages the film industry. And do you people know how hard it is to make a film? How much effort it takes? Pirating a film is the same as stealing the wallet of someone who spent 18 hours a day for 6 months to a year with no let-up just to do what they love. The piracy warnings on electronic media are COMPLETELY correct. You wouldn't shoplift, but you'd cowardly hide behind your computer and STEAL a film. Studio execs make the most money by far from movies, and the film-makers DON'T. So you steal from the percentages that they make. It's stealing and there is NO excuse for it.

I think it damages the industry but I think it's far too late to close Limewire. People use so many other ways of obtaining music for free anyway that it doesn't really matter I don't think.

28-10-2010, 12:18 AM
Actors are paid FEES. They are NOT the film-makers nor do they suffer from piracy.

Paranormal Activity is an independent film that got a lucky break with distribution. A one in a million.

Oh, and to the glutton for envy who said no one wants to pirate a film of mine. The less people who pirate my movies the better, but I fully expect many to do so when my feature hits cinemas across the UK next year.

28-10-2010, 12:28 AM
Actors are paid FEES. They are NOT the film-makers nor do they suffer from piracy.

Paranormal Activity is an independent film that got a lucky break with distribution. A one in a million.

Oh, and to the glutton for envy who said no one wants to pirate a film of mine. The less people who pirate my movies the better, but I fully expect many to do so when my feature hits cinemas across the UK next year.

A lot of "good" films make a lot of money, want to know why? Oh wait that's because they are good films. To be honest, a lot of people still actually go out to the cinemas to watch movies, buy the DVDs or even a digital download off iTunes or something. Illegal downloading may damage it some sort of speak but it isn't going to kill it off when many of them downloaders actually still buy movies/music and so on. Even with the DVD rips you can download, someone still had to buy it to be ripped. Another thing is that may of already paid to see the film and just downloaded it for a copy to watch it again. Who knows!

Either way you have this view for working in that industry and it does not mean it's the right view. I hope your upcoming film is good then if it's going to be worthy to download by millions of illegal downloaders.

28-10-2010, 12:49 AM
Even with the DVD rips you can download, someone still had to buy it to be ripped.

so if just one person buys it and a million download it...

28-10-2010, 12:52 AM
well it does

Album sales have been dieing for ages... But, NOT because of piracy, people don't buy CDs anymore because everyone has iPods, and most people don't buy the full albums because they don't have to.

you think musicians work harder than "the average guy"? so constantly flying around the world with jet lag and playing shows every night whilst writing and recording music on the road is harder than sitting behind a desk in an office? i dont think thats fair.

Rubbish, it's not like artists are permanently on tour.

The fact is
Piracy GREATLY damages the film industry. And do you people know how hard it is to make a film? How much effort it takes? Pirating a film is the same as stealing the wallet of someone who spent 18 hours a day for 6 months to a year with no let-up just to do what they love. The piracy warnings on electronic media are COMPLETELY correct. You wouldn't shoplift, but you'd cowardly hide behind your computer and STEAL a film. Studio execs make the most money by far from movies, and the film-makers DON'T. So you steal from the percentages that they make. It's stealing and there is NO excuse for it.

Piracy has only ever cause one film problems (rep for the person who works it out) and it was entirely due to gross negligence. 90% of the time piracy helps films out because whilst the first person might have pirated it, the second and third heard how good it was and paid to see the film.

so if just one person buys it and a million download it...
Most of that million would never have bought it anyway, and they are helping because they're recommending it to others.

28-10-2010, 12:54 AM
Well it was a half assed court battle if they forgot to bring in Frostwire which still works.

28-10-2010, 01:03 AM
Thank god! A programme that computer technicians make a lot of money out of... A virus fishtank imo.

28-10-2010, 01:11 AM
Album sales have been dieing for ages... But, NOT because of piracy, people don't buy CDs anymore because everyone has iPods, and most people don't buy the full albums because they don't have to.

Rubbish, it's not like artists are permanently on tour.

erm where does the music on their ipods come from then genius? CD or legal download. its not just album sales that have been going down its singles as well. all sales are falling.

obviously not because they would die from exhaustion, but thats what they do to earn their money?

28-10-2010, 01:13 AM
erm where does the music on their ipods come from then genius? CD or legal download. its not just album sales that have been going down its singles as well. all sales are falling.
*REMOVED*. Album sales are dieing, singles sales are booming.

obviously not because they would die from exhaustion, but thats what they do to earn their money?
What's your point?

Edited by HotelUser (Forum Moderator): Please don't be rude to other forum members, thanks.

28-10-2010, 01:22 AM
*REMOVED*. Album sales are dieing, singles sales are booming.

What's your point?

LMAO chill babes. and if you insist thats the case (which it isnt) then thats still a big bummer for the industry because the point of singles is to promote the album, which is where the big money comes in for the label.

my point is that someone said that musicians get far more money for working much less than the "average guy". if they are taking a break and not on tour or doing anything, where are they getting their money from? no where ... but when they are working for their money (by touring) - thats much harder work than sitting in an office

28-10-2010, 01:34 AM
Movie piracy causes a total lost output for US industries of $20.5 billion per year, thwarts the creation of about 140,000 jobs and accounts for more than $800 million in lost tax revenue.

28-10-2010, 01:42 AM
i think theres more excuse for movie piracy though. age certificates, the gap between theatrical and home release.. its not right but if you really want to see a movie sometimes theres no other option

28-10-2010, 01:45 AM
Movie piracy causes a total lost output for US industries of $20.5 billion per year, thwarts the creation of about 140,000 jobs and accounts for more than $800 million in lost tax revenue.

There's nothing we can do to stop this. I don't know how big an impact it has on the media industry and to the extent at which it hurts it however it's beyond stopping.

In the future we wont even be paying for cable service anymore. We're going to be paying for just data. Services like Netflix, Apple TV and whatever the heck's running on Google TV are taking over. Youtube and video streaming services alike are going to dominate-- they already are. If anything's hurting the future of the entertainment industry as it is today it's that the end user is being allocated with more freedoms than big companies want to allow for.

We're looking at a setup where revenues are gained through advertising, paying for the actual distribution, which will essentially become digital streaming will be a fraction of the profits earned. I think this is an inevitable fait but a fait which shall be achieved regardless of modern day pirating.

28-10-2010, 01:46 AM
LMAO chill babes. and if you insist thats the case (which it isnt) then thats still a big bummer for the industry because the point of singles is to promote the album, which is where the big money comes in for the label.

The fact is you haven't backed up your case. Also your new point is irrelevant as it has nothing to do with piracy.

my point is that someone said that musicians get far more money for working much less than the "average guy". if they are taking a break and not on tour or doing anything, where are they getting their money from? no where ... but when they are working for their money (by touring) - thats much harder work than sitting in an office
Sure, it might be more strenuous, but they only have to tour for 10% of the time and 'average guy' has to work with only six weeks of time off per year.

Edited by HotelUser (Forum Moderator): Accidental double post merged due to forum lag.

28-10-2010, 01:54 AM
The fact is you haven't backed up your case. Also your new point is irrelevant as it has nothing to do with piracy.

Sure, it might be more strenuous, but they only have to tour for 10% of the time and 'average guy' has to work with only six weeks of time off per year.

what is my new point exactly?

and theres no might about it, its absolutely more strenuous. you cant put a statistic on it because some tour more than others. my point is that touring musicians work harder for their money than the 'average guy'.

28-10-2010, 01:56 AM
Movie piracy causes a total lost output for US industries of $20.5 billion per year, thwarts the creation of about 140,000 jobs and accounts for more than $800 million in lost tax revenue.

i agree with everything you have said but id just like to chip in and say.. It isnt lost if it isnt there.

Maybe the firms losing out on money should perhaps buy say... ISP's and increase prices to account for these losses?

28-10-2010, 01:57 AM
what is my new point exactly?

then thats still a big bummer for the industry because the point of singles is to promote the album, which is where the big money comes in for the label.
Above is irrelevant if you look at it.

my point is that touring musicians work harder for their money than the 'average guy'.
They also get paid more?

28-10-2010, 01:59 AM
Aww that sucks but there's other ways to get music for free and people will find them. Not really going to stop anyone from downloading illegally xD

28-10-2010, 01:59 AM
I'm fully aware that piracy can't effectively be stopped. It just sickens me.

These days movies are in cinemas for extended periods of time and get a home video release quicker than ever, and the gap is closing still. Look at what Disney did with Alice in Wonderland. You can also download legally on demand these days.

There truly is no legitimate excuse for piracy. People assume everybody in these industries are filthy rich and that is completely not the case. What if Paranormal Activity didn't make over $100 at the box office? Writer/director Oren Peli made $6,000,000 out of that and he got a bum percentages deal because he signed into it with eagerness, like you would, and Paramount took advantage of him. They never even expected the film to do as well as it did and he ended up taking a big amount of cash, but look at the comparison to what the studio got. But what about those who pirated the film before it was even a success? They were spiting money going into the pockets of a man who had made his own movie completely by himself, with just three actors, in his own house, for just $15,000. The film took two years to get distribution.

My point is that not everyone in the industry is Tom Cruise. Independent films are getting the best exposure they have in years and yet people are pirating indie movies. People say they love film, yet they steal from it? What if I told you about some independent film that completely blew me away and was made on a shoestring and has an ultra-small distribution deal? Would you still steal it and not support the film-makers? It's theft. It costs money to make a film which is why you pay to see them. It's a business. Life isn't free and if it was there wouldn't be any movies. If you love film, support it, don't steal. It's exactly the same as shoplifting. You may think you're doing no harm, and there are countless others who think the same thing. Next thing you know and people are costing one single film millions upon millions of dollars.

No one can defend piracy. There is no defense for it. Would you defend stealing a woman's purse in the street or pickpocketing someone's wallet on the London Underground? And anyone who tries to prove me wrong is most likely too ignorant living in that bubble of theirs to even bother comprehending how the world works. It's life.

28-10-2010, 02:05 AM
-wall of text repeating himself 20 times-
No. I've. Already. Pointed. Out. Why. This. Isn't. True.

Edited by HotelUser (Forum Moderator): Accidental double post merged due to forum lag.

28-10-2010, 02:07 AM
No. I've. Already. Pointed. Out. Why. This. Isn't. True.

You have no idea. None. You will come out with zero in a discussion with me about entertainment piracy. I have all the facts, I work in the industry. I know EXACTLY what piracy does, and you don't. I'm the film-maker who knows the financial stress of and on movies. And I'm the journalist who writes the articles on piracy that you read.

28-10-2010, 02:07 AM
Above is irrelevant if you look at it.

well it isnt because if the majority of the income for the label comes from album sales and album sales are absolutely plummeting = less money for the label. forget about the artists for a second, its not only affecting them. piracy is getting worse and worse and just imagine if sometime in the future that everybody stopped buying music and just downloaded it. none of the people that are involved in creating the albums would have any money therefore there would be nothing more released.

They also get paid more?

cos they work harder :clap:

28-10-2010, 02:10 AM
Anyone here who spent a week in my shoes would swiftly change their tone.

28-10-2010, 02:10 AM
You have said nothing here.

well it isnt because if the majority of the income for the label comes from album sales and album sales are absolutely plummeting = less money for the label. forget about the artists for a second, its not only affecting them. piracy is getting worse and worse and just imagine if sometime in the future that everybody stopped buying music and just downloaded it. none of the people that are involved in creating the albums would have any money therefore there would be nothing more released.
But less album sales and greater singles sales has NOTHING to do with piracy.

cos they work harder
Would you like a prize for working that out?

28-10-2010, 02:12 AM
You have said nothing here.

But less album sales and greater singles sales has NOTHING to do with piracy.

Would you like a prize for working that out?


Edited by HotelUser (Forum Moderator): Please don't be rude to other forum members, thanks.

28-10-2010, 02:14 AM
This guy has never worked a day in his life. *REMOVED*

You have said nothing here.
This is getting repetitive. Unless you can actually say anything about your argument without resulting to insults then you should probably stop typing.

28-10-2010, 02:15 AM
This is getting repetitive. Unless you can actually say anything about your argument without resulting to insults then you should probably stop typing.

I explained my argument with facts and figures and destroyed any petty defense you have tried to put up. You have presented nothing but complete ignorance.

28-10-2010, 02:16 AM
But less album sales and greater singles sales has NOTHING to do with piracy.

i didnt say the singles sales had anything to do with piracy. its called cherry picking. someone goes onto itunes, listens to all the previews for all the songs on an album and picks out the songs they want and only pay a few quid but if they want the whole album they could just easily torrent it or what ever.

Would you like a prize for working that out?

erm what? so why was you arguing against the touring thing then? youre tapped ahahha

This is getting repetitive. Unless you can actually say anything about your argument without resulting to insults then you should probably stop typing.

that is pretty rich considering your first post to me...

28-10-2010, 02:28 AM
i didnt say the singles sales had anything to do with piracy. its called cherry picking. someone goes onto itunes, listens to all the previews for all the songs on an album and picks out the songs they want and only pay a few quid but if they want the whole album they could just easily torrent it or what ever.
I'm not sure what you just said? Are you encouraging piracy now?

erm what? so why was you arguing against the touring thing then? youre tapped ahahha

that is pretty rich considering your first post to me...
Mod edits take things out of context.

I explained my argument with facts and figures and destroyed any petty defense you have tried to put up. You have presented nothing but complete ignorance.
And I defended my argument with logic. Yet all you could produce was a muddled rush of insults and nonsense.


You have no idea. None. You will come out with zero in a discussion with me about entertainment piracy. I have all the facts, I work in the industry. I know EXACTLY what piracy does, and you don't. I'm the film-maker who knows the financial stress of and on movies. And I'm the journalist who writes the articles on piracy that you read.

You have no idea.
You have no Idea that I have no idea.

You will come out with zero in a discussion with me about entertainment piracy.
That's your opinion but it's not for you to decide. But this is mostly just filler to make me feel bad.

I have all the facts, I work in the industry.
False assumption one: Just because you work in the industry does not mean you know all the facts.

I know EXACTLY what piracy does, and you don't.
Please tell me how you have worked this out. Piracy is more than just person doesn't get money. It's far more complex than that.

I'm the film-maker who knows the financial stress of and on movies.
Nice to know, tells me nothing.

And I'm the journalist who writes the articles on piracy that you read.
Oh really? You're rather contradictory aren't you.


This guy has never worked a day in his life. You are a prime example of the ignorant, cowardly kids sat behind their computers without a clue or care in the world.

This guy has never worked a day in his life.
Not quite sure how you found this out?

It's a shame you couldn't think of anything more.. productive?

28-10-2010, 02:28 AM
I'm fully aware that piracy can't effectively be stopped. It just sickens me.

These days movies are in cinemas for extended periods of time and get a home video release quicker than ever, and the gap is closing still. Look at what Disney did with Alice in Wonderland. You can also download legally on demand these days.

There truly is no legitimate excuse for piracy. People assume everybody in these industries are filthy rich and that is completely not the case. What if Paranormal Activity didn't make over $100 at the box office? Writer/director Oren Peli made $6,000,000 out of that and he got a bum percentages deal because he signed into it with eagerness, like you would, and Paramount took advantage of him. They never even expected the film to do as well as it did and he ended up taking a big amount of cash, but look at the comparison to what the studio got. But what about those who pirated the film before it was even a success? They were spiting money going into the pockets of a man who had made his own movie completely by himself, with just three actors, in his own house, for just $15,000. The film took two years to get distribution.

My point is that not everyone in the industry is Tom Cruise. Independent films are getting the best exposure they have in years and yet people are pirating indie movies. People say they love film, yet they steal from it? What if I told you about some independent film that completely blew me away and was made on a shoestring and has an ultra-small distribution deal? Would you still steal it and not support the film-makers? It's theft. It costs money to make a film which is why you pay to see them. It's a business. Life isn't free and if it was there wouldn't be any movies. If you love film, support it, don't steal. It's exactly the same as shoplifting. You may think you're doing no harm, and there are countless others who think the same thing. Next thing you know and people are costing one single film millions upon millions of dollars.

No one can defend piracy. There is no defense for it. Would you defend stealing a woman's purse in the street or pickpocketing someone's wallet on the London Underground? And anyone who tries to prove me wrong is most likely too ignorant living in that bubble of theirs to even bother comprehending how the world works. It's life.
I do kind of understand where you are coming from, however I can't help but think that a lot of the people who download illegally wouldn't of bought it if that was the only option anyway. So it's either them not buying it or them getting it for free but spreading the word. Films like Paranormal Activity wouldn't have been so successful if it wasn't for people recommending it to eachover, basically just word of mouth advertising via social websites and any other forms of conversation. I'm sure a large percentage of illegal downloaders are aged 18 and under so are unlikely to have the cash to afford music/films. Most people I know around my age only choose to download music illegally, films they either just watch on TV or view new releases at the cinema.

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