View Full Version : 0x00000124 - help.

30-10-2010, 04:34 PM
Yes, its been ages since I've been here, but I'm not getting answers on OCN right now.

Last monday, I was browsing the web via Chrome, about 5 tabs open (likely Habbo, OCN, eBay, Gmail and Grooveshark), and the screen froze, the cursor was corrupt (the top of the cursor repeated itself several times, the sound looped, and 5 seconds later it rebooted. Upon booting, it said it was an 0x00000124 error, and there was an Event ID 20 in the Event Viewer, reading this:

A fatal hardware error has occurred.

Component: AMD Northbridge
Error Source: Machine Check Exception
Error Type: HyperTransport Watchdog Timeout Error
Processor ID: 0

Its just done it again.

Some forums recommended changing my Vcore, but not what to change it to and how to change it. I know its in the BIOS, but I can't work out where. What's the problem with my PC, I can't work it out? This is a NON-OC'ed machine. And the rig in question is in my sig. All parts are still under warranty.

How do I fix this? Is it a hardware fault? Just seriously need help now. I'm 2 weeks away from my English exams, and this is stressing me out big time.

30-10-2010, 04:48 PM
I know its in the BIOS, but I can't work out where
Check your hard disk setting in your BIOS. Look for something about 32-bit Disk Access and check that it isn't turned off, if it is turned off you need to turn that back on and then give a reply.

30-10-2010, 04:51 PM
if you aren't overclocking at all, then you should not have to alter any settings in the BIOS.

Since the northbridge handles communications between the CPU and the RAM, I would suggest running a full memory test.


Run that for at least one 100% test and report back. If you get ANY errors, your RAM is bad. It should take around 40-50 minutes on 4GB to complete.

30-10-2010, 10:15 PM
I've got a UBCD I can use, but I might need to burn a new one, so will try memtest. I'm gonna check disk access in a second

The last things I changed on this system were about 3 weeks ago. I installed a front panel LCD display, LCD Smartie, and started using a second monitor (a Dell E171FP)

Tomorrow, i'll post a list of all the BIOS settings, and then you should be able to see any anomalies.

31-10-2010, 07:38 PM
Right. i can't find 32-bit Disk Access in my BIOS. What other names could it be under?

31-10-2010, 07:42 PM
Disk configuration.

31-10-2010, 07:43 PM
found that, its turned on.

31-10-2010, 07:54 PM
That's disappointing, good luck trying to find a fix.

31-10-2010, 08:27 PM

Right, it went off after 45 minutes, black screen, no error upon reboot though, even in event viewer (beside the usual "unexpected shutdown" malarkey)

Confused, don't know where to turn, no spare PSU to test it (none of mine have the right connectors).

All I want now, is a computer that works. This is really stressing me out.

Just give me an idea about what components I need to RMA.

31-10-2010, 08:49 PM
I think I'm gonna RMA the board through Ebuyer at some point within the next 3 weeks (yes this computer is one of the most important things right now, but English exams still come first, surprisingly)

EDIT: How much of an idiot AM I? It's from CCL. LOL.

02-11-2010, 04:29 PM
Following Stephen's advice now and running Memtest. (after a bit of a foot up the backside on OCN).

02-11-2010, 09:24 PM
xD I didn't want to sound hostile :D.

03-11-2010, 06:42 PM
Well, I reckon its sorted now, thank christ.

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