View Full Version : New Xbox 360 Dashboard update released

01-11-2010, 04:31 PM
Today, November 1st 2010, Microsoft have released a new update for the 360 which include a overhaul of the dashboard, and prepares for Kinect, coming November 10th in the EU, November 4th US. For a full list of what has changed with this update go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xbox_360_System_Software

A screenshot of the new Dashboard below:

(Image from www.engadget.com)

01-11-2010, 04:33 PM
Yeah i think it looks nicer although doesnt really suit my theme

01-11-2010, 04:37 PM
mhmmmm avatars look a bit better i guess. cba getting kinect :@

01-11-2010, 04:37 PM
Yeah updated mine dismorning, it's ok i spose could be better.

01-11-2010, 04:38 PM
Had it for a few weeks, it's practically the same.

01-11-2010, 04:38 PM
kinect is pointless cause whatever u do you'll still end up picking up your xbox controller

01-11-2010, 05:02 PM
I hate it. Alot.

01-11-2010, 07:56 PM
Seems to be taking the facebook approach trying to look a bit more basic but modern

01-11-2010, 11:06 PM
It's not too bad, I'm unsure about it, the white parts of it seem to be too bright and hurt my eyes, but apparently there's some way of changing the colour of it.

02-11-2010, 09:12 AM
I love the new dashboard and the overall new look, but I hate how long the boot screen is now. I don't really give a **** about pretty green and purple lines going into the logo, I just want to play a game.

03-11-2010, 01:57 PM
It's not too bad, I'm unsure about it, the white parts of it seem to be too bright and hurt my eyes, but apparently there's some way of changing the colour of it.

Most likely your tv brightness, mine has a game setting which is preset and it is perfect. i adjust brightness through game menus

03-11-2010, 01:58 PM
i really like it, though i'm pretty ocd about simplicity, so the tidier and brighter the better ;)

04-11-2010, 07:26 PM
I love it. And especially the improved codec for XBL chat. Only took them 4 years.

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