View Full Version : i-frames help

10-08-2005, 09:23 AM
If anyone can sort me out with iframes. I'm new to website building and could do with a little help to get me sorted.

Also, Is it possible to design a website in notepad? If so, can you send me a tutorial or something along those lines.

Much Appreciated

10-08-2005, 01:12 PM
yep building a webpage with notepad is just proper html codeing, athogh slightly out of date i still think the primers on html goodies are some of the best html tutorals on the net


follow that threw and it will give you more aless all u need to start codieng sites in notepad, it aslo has more advnaced bits in it else where on the site if wanted.

It also covers ifraims on there, but if you want quick help, what particalr problem are you haveing with your ifraims?

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