View Full Version : Remember me - Ends 16th November

07-11-2010, 08:12 AM
http://www.habbox.com/scripts/fontgen2/index.php?text=Remember me&style=Plasto2

This is the day a lot of us recall as Rememberance Day, 11/11 every year. We all wear poppies and we all have two minutes of silence on the day.

In relation to this event, I'd like you to tell me someone you want to remember and why. It might be good ol' Michael Jackson or your lovely grandmother. The why bit is important though because otherwise you've got not very much chance of winning! The entry which highlights the best reason (ie most creative, unique idea and reason etc.) will get the prize, just post your entry in this thread.

Prize: 15 credits + 10 rep
(kindly donated by Catzsy)

11-11-2010, 10:35 PM
My great uncle he always used to give me money to buy him 'milk' from the little shop at the end of his road when really it was for sweets, he loved fruit pastels and when he died we left one on his bed <333 RIP
Hes the reason i have an addiction to sweets xD

11-11-2010, 11:24 PM
Okay my great great grandad died because of world war 1 and basically these people put a bomb on a ship, he was fighting, the ship came and then BANG he was dead cos the ship washed up on shore

11-11-2010, 11:29 PM
My best friend who died aged 13. He was the only person to truly understand me because we had the exact same condition. We only knew each other for four months before he died

I want to make sure I never forget him because I was the last person he ever saw conciously and he will always be with me.

12-11-2010, 07:54 AM
To be honest, memories shouldn't be based on death and passing, a memory can be anything you think sentimental that has already occurred in your life.

My best memory is when I first went to a football match -

Manchester United vs West Ham United
13th December 2003
3 - 0
West Ham had a goal dissallowed when me and my Father went to the toilet.
We were in the West Stand in seats 94 and 95.
I think actually remembering such a significant day for me is enough. I spent sometime with my Dad, and got to see a football match.

12-11-2010, 07:27 PM
My uncle who was in the World War 2 (WW2) but i don't know what he looks like i never met him but i wish i had :'(

13-11-2010, 12:10 AM
While it wasn't the best day of my life, it was certainly a highlight.

18th July 2010 - Blackpool, for the Northern Rail Cup Rugby Final.
My Dad has been a follower of Batley Bulldogs since he was born and they've never really won anything before. We've always had bad players, bad management, lack of fans, etc. However last season, we had a brand new manager who brought an exceptional team with him. We managed to fight our way through the tournament and end up in the final against Widnes Vikings, who have a massive stadium, massive fan base, brilliant players, etc.

Well, literally in the final 60 seconds of the game, on 18th July 2010 we managed to score that final try, which put us one point in front of Widnes. We'd finally won the Northern Rail Cup after decades of trying! Widnes had lost against small, almost un-noticed town called Batley. Obviously this was a massive achievement and piece of history for my Dad, as he has been such a large follower; committed.

It made me happy to see his "rubbish, losing team" become the winner. Damn we had a story to tell my Mum when we returned home! :P


13-11-2010, 08:08 AM
My Grandfather, Who passed away a day after world war 2 from prostate cancer :'(. Who I also never got to meet. But in memory of him I have the same Middle name as him

13-11-2010, 10:00 AM
THE DINOSAURS )': Because they would have been good transport and wouldnt be adding to global warming.................

13-11-2010, 10:10 AM
My dog died to cancer. :(
She fought it for ages, and she finely had to be put down because it was cruel for her to stay alive.


13-11-2010, 12:18 PM
One of my Grandads.

He died of Arthritis a couple of months ago. I only met him once.. I wish I had met him before he couldn't walk and talk properly.
He wrote lots of poems, and that has inspired me to write poems too.

RIP <3

14-11-2010, 03:07 PM
My granddad was in world war 2 so he was living in his house when one of the flying bombs went past him over his house and landed on the street opposite him and the whole street was demolished, his street luckily survived but i was an amazing experience he said to me ;)

14-11-2010, 07:24 PM
My childhood bestfriend as he was the kindest and coolest mate I have EVER had from sharing sweets to getting me other freinds and girlfriends he was like the cherry of the cake. After my childhood days I have had a bit off a bad time and not much fun I wish I could go back in time and have the most fun of my life!

14-11-2010, 07:37 PM
Madeleine Mccann

Kidnapped while on holiday in portugal, we must remember her, there's still the chance she may be alive.

Out of the news but not forgotten.

We all got to remember that what happened to her can happen to anybody.

15-11-2010, 11:20 AM
I want us to remember Global Bank in Habbo because it was the biggest bank and provided most people with jobs!

15-11-2010, 05:01 PM
My uncle who was in the army. He sadly got shot and passed away. ;[
He was a great man, I loved him so much, miss him alot.
R.I.P to those who fighted and gave their lifes <3

15-11-2010, 06:22 PM
me uncle hes always was happy i never seen him angry or unhappy at all. hes always played with me and he loved kids. he died like 4 moths ago for cancer :'(

15-11-2010, 06:47 PM
My Grandad,

He died not long ago due to cancer, in the month of March and it was probably one of the worst moments in my life, seeing my family and relatives be in that state.

When he was younger he was in charge of a railway station and was a well known guy in the area of Swinton, he really inspired me because he wasn't someone who wanted to make a fuss and earn loads of money to bring home, he just wanted to live a normal life and put food on the table for his family. He retired from the railway station quite a while ago now and one of his favourite hobbies to do was either watch the wrestling on the tv or go line dancing with his wife. A few weeks before he passed away he was in quite a large amount of pain but he didn't tell anyone because he didn't like the fuss, but the pain started increasing and he finally went to the doctors with his wife and the doctors said it was just a virus...

A few weeks later he was rushed into hospital where his daughters joined him, he then died due to cancer becuase the doctors were wrong, but it was too late to save him, the cancer already spread.

The main reason I would like to remember my Grandad is becuase he was always a happy, jolly person and never gave up without a fight.

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