View Full Version : BobbaVille.NET - New management, Bigger & Better.

17-11-2010, 07:21 PM
dear all,

BobbaVille, has been taken over! But this time, We're bigger and better, we won't let you down!
Currently, I understand, that some pages are not working, but our Coder is working on the un-working pages.

So a little about the site?

BobbaVille, Has been around since June 2009, Hitting off to a great start, then seemed to turn downhill, due to the site being un-looked after, This time, BobbaVille are fighting back! The new owner 'Brandon' has already made lots of future plans in the site, and see's this time round being a greater success, We hope soon, we have a bigger community, to help get the gossip into the forum also.

Links -
www.bobbaville.net (http://www.bobbaville.net)
www.bobbaville.net/forum (http://www.bobbaville.net/forum)

If you have any questions, please either Personal Message, Brandon on BobbaVille Forum, Or reply in this thread, We do consider all improvements, as we know, nothing is ever perfect.


17-11-2010, 09:05 PM
The new owner 'Brandon'
You Are Brandon?
Also Good Luck With The Site =D

17-11-2010, 10:30 PM
yes, I am brandon. :}.

And thankyou<3

18-11-2010, 09:34 PM
Good luck, but it's riddled with grammar and spelling mistakes, there isn't really much of a website except the pretty bare homepage and while your banner helps those with impaired eyesight... it's a little bit tacky.


Doesn't strike me as promising yet, but keep going- especially with the forum which seems fairly nice other than the banner.

19-11-2010, 10:58 AM
The site lives up to its name, ****Ville! :D

19-11-2010, 11:31 AM
I wish you good luck with your website! I like your forum layout by the way, very nice :).. Who says MyBB isn't any good lol. I like it personally :D

19-11-2010, 11:56 AM
The layout is cool, however the banners are horrid!
Good luck

19-11-2010, 08:00 PM
Good luck, but it's riddled with grammar and spelling mistakes, there isn't really much of a website except the pretty bare homepage and while your banner helps those with impaired eyesight... it's a little bit tacky.


Doesn't strike me as promising yet, but keep going- especially with the forum which seems fairly nice other than the banner.

Well, Thankyou, All banners, are getting sorted soon! Thanks.

The site lives up to its name, ****Ville! :D

ha, you're funny? I said, Its a slowly in progressive, tbh, whats the point in slating?!

The layout is cool, however the banners are horrid!
Good luck

Thankyou, I know the banners are foul, I do agree highly on this one.

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