View Full Version : have you ever got caught using your phone in class?

17-11-2010, 09:35 PM
Different thread.

Anyhow, once, in technology, this girl had, had hers took off her, and my friend had, had hers taken off her too.

Anyway, I didnt know my friend still had my phone on her, so I asked for it back when I found out, she purposely waited until the teacher was coming across, then gave me it, and the walkman started playing 'A moment like this' by leona lewis, I was like thinking 'dont hear it dont hear it dont hear it' as i didnt have time to turn it off cos teacher was coming and it got taken off me, even though i sat on it you could still hear it. :(.
after it got taken off me, my fried was like 'you should have pretended to be singing.'
at end of the class, we went to get our phones back and this girl was like 'HAHA SPAM GOT HER PHONE TOOK OFF HER'

So anyone had it taken off them, any stories to go with it?

17-11-2010, 09:42 PM
suprisingly I think not... I used to text quite a lot in school as well.

now I'm in 6th form I just wander around with it out and no one really tells me off aha.

17-11-2010, 09:45 PM
yeah xD all the time

17-11-2010, 09:46 PM
haha, yes. Most teachers would just say put it away, but my maths teacher took my phone off me and kept it for a week then my parents had to collect it from the school.

17-11-2010, 10:10 PM
Yeah, they just turn a blind eye if I'm not on it for long though.

17-11-2010, 10:11 PM
Yeah I did, but they never really minded too much though.

18-11-2010, 12:48 AM
Yeah a few times, just deny you have a phone because they're not allowed to search you ;D

18-11-2010, 01:04 AM
ahah never had it taken off me, used to text bare during lessons though.
always have it out at uni ahaha.

18-11-2010, 01:51 AM
nah i've never gotten it taken away. i hide it in my boots during the winter since they go up to my knees. it actually works really well!
in study hall last year i sat with some of my really good friends and we used to text behind our books and wear fleece jackets with zip up pockets to put them in if the teacher started walking around. he never did though really. i also texted during science class next to the counter while sitting on a chair (which was sooooo obvious but somehow i never got caught) and then during a movie in english once i did. i was really bored and sitting in the desk next to the wall so i was just like eh whatever. most of my classes now are absolutely impossible to text in since i have no study halls and all my classes really are like sitting in rows or places where the teacher can see you no matter what and the desks are mostly open so you can see under them :@ fml but anyways yeah i used to text like every (other) day the whole winter until i couldn't wear boots anymore, which i wore until like may anyways lolol.

the funniest thing is, when my brother was in high school a couple years ago he was supposed to do an internship but he didn't have a car so he called my mom on his cell phone in the hall i guess to talk to her and figure out what to do. well some ****** teacher caught him and gave the phone to the assistant principal. my brother went down there to get it and the guy was like "who are you? i've never even seen you in my life, here's your phone back." i found it so ironic that he got his phone taken during an emergency when he only did it ONCE ever and i used to text like all the time and never got it taken woooooo go me!!

18-11-2010, 06:52 AM
I haven't, but I keep mine in my bag when I'm at school, so I never get caught, in class :P

18-11-2010, 01:18 PM
Yes i have a few times, but i always got told to turn it off and put it away in my bag.

* put phone on silent & in pocket * ;)

18-11-2010, 01:29 PM
yeah i have a few times, lol.

18-11-2010, 03:20 PM
yeah once it started vibrating wildly in French so I turned it off and she took it off me and said my mum has to collect it, and after school I made some sob story about how my mum is at work and is really protective and gets worried if I don't text her as soon as I get indoors so they gave it back haha :)

18-11-2010, 03:29 PM
Mine has gone off in class before. Usually I just say sorry guvna and turn it off or put it on silent, but I have ninja skills so I never got caught using it.

18-11-2010, 07:40 PM
yeah like everyday lol

18-11-2010, 07:42 PM
My teachers just wait until someone takes their phone out so they can confiscate it. I got caught using my phone but the teacher just told me to put it away :P That's the only time I can remember :)

18-11-2010, 07:47 PM
yes all the time
and in the lecture today was told to put my newspaper away infront of 80 ppl

18-11-2010, 07:48 PM
ya, i was quick to inform the teacher she wasn't getting it when she asked..

18-11-2010, 07:53 PM
Yeah, my phone went off in class but it was on silent no1 noticed except my mate next to me, when we got out of class he was like "allow not getting caught"...but a few weeks ago my Chem teacher caught me and was like "Put it away", but I rarely get caught - mainly because most teachers know I'm allowed to use my phone lol.

18-11-2010, 08:10 PM
when we got out of class he was like "allow not getting caught"

What does that even mean?

18-11-2010, 08:14 PM
No one cares in my school really I'll just take it out in front of my teachers and they don't care. The only ones that really mind are my History teacher and my English teacher.

Even then I still text during class.

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