View Full Version : Help me decide between 360 and ps3

22-11-2010, 12:31 PM
I am really struggling with this decision. It's been years since I have been into console gaming but recently I have been feeling the urge to kick some ass only problem is I can't decide.

These are the sort of games I would play.

Assassins Creed
Racing Games
Any COD game
Any GTA game

Most of my friends are actually now nintendo gamers as they have started their own families now so that doesnt really help me much. At the moment I wouldn't be able to play online as my broadband would not support it but I would like to at some point.

What are the common faults with both machines?

Also how much HDD space is really required? I only intend to save game data on it no music/movies.

22-11-2010, 12:44 PM
I don't know about consoles, but get PS3 because I'm getting one and I'll kick your ass in COD Jin.

But anyway, PS3 because XBOX360 you have to pay each month which is just a waste of time but I guess it depends what type of people you like playing against. If you mostly like playing against nerds then 360, if not then PS3. :P

22-11-2010, 01:26 PM
get an xbox. :)
if you are planning to do online play in the future, xbox live far outstrips psn.

and yeah you do have to pay, but it has good servers, decent features and a fiver a month? come on really, it ain't gonna kill you.

22-11-2010, 01:29 PM
PS3... because I have one! :D

22-11-2010, 01:33 PM
play games on the PC n00b

but ye if ur wanting online gaming then xbox is beta init

22-11-2010, 01:45 PM
I already do but its just not social enough.

22-11-2010, 01:50 PM
Xbox is better for the social aspect of online gaming. All the features are much better but it does come with a £40 per year price. PS3 is of better quality but if you are looking for fun online then I'd seriously suggest the Xbox. I've had both by the way, I sold my PS3 to get an Xbox 360 and I haven't looked back since. However, my dad has a ps3 :P

22-11-2010, 03:39 PM
This guy compared both consoles in twelve parts and makes good points, you can make your own decision according to different parts since different aspects may be more important to you:


I already do but its just not social enough.

22-11-2010, 04:00 PM
Well the PS3 has exclusive dlc for the newest assassins creeds, and proper decent stuff like missions and that.

If you only wanna save game data then you really only need the lowest one of the console you choose, I download tons of DLC and still have at least half of my 120gb.

In terms of online, the only really difference is that everyone has a mic whereas the ps3 has the select few. Although this obviously has a disadvantage of 11 year olds screaming down the mic.

Racing games GT5 will probably be the best you will find, and its out in a couple of days.

COD and GTA will be better on 360, because of the crappy engine ports unless Rockstar modify the engine so it is equal to both systems. COD will favour the 360 in terms of the dlc and some extra features (such as the ability for 2 profiles online in Black Ops), at least until 2012 (as their contract ends then).

22-11-2010, 04:02 PM
Get whatever your friends have got, if none of em have any then get an xbox cause its cheaper, sorted.

22-11-2010, 05:56 PM
I am really struggling with this decision. It's been years since I have been into console gaming but recently I have been feeling the urge to kick some ass only problem is I can't decide.

These are the sort of games I would play.

Assassins Creed
Racing Games
Any COD game
Any GTA game

Most of my friends are actually now nintendo gamers as they have started their own families now so that doesnt really help me much. At the moment I wouldn't be able to play online as my broadband would not support it but I would like to at some point.

What are the common faults with both machines?

Also how much HDD space is really required? I only intend to save game data on it no music/movies.

Well both consoles have all of the games you mentioned, however you mentioned racing games.

PS3 will have Gran Turismo 5 on Wednesday which is THE racing game.

22-11-2010, 07:26 PM
In terms of HDD space you have to remember like 95% of PS3 games make you install them to the Hard drive to decrease loading times, that said I haven't filled my 80GB model yet, but my 20GB HDD on my 360 didn't last long at all (Although I do know you can get 120GB drives for mega bucks for the 360).

You may aswell get a smaller HDD if you get a PS3, it's just a case of buying a 2.5" SATA drive if you ever fill it.

22-11-2010, 07:35 PM
PS3 because then I can add you online :D

also because it's free online and it's just as good as Xbl. Get what your friends have.

however contrary to Nazi - if you don't know anyone with either get a PS3 - it's cheaper after 2 years and I'm assuming you're going to keep it for longer than that.

But yes PS3 in my opinion.

22-11-2010, 07:45 PM
PS3 because then I can add you online :D

also because it's free online and it's just as good as Xbl. Get what your friends have.

however contrary to Nazi - if you don't know anyone with either get a PS3 - it's cheaper after 2 years and I'm assuming you're going to keep it for longer than that.

But yes PS3 in my opinion.

I don't see how you can compare Xbl to PSN really

Most games like CoD are mainly 360 games, what I mean by this is Microsoft have payed Activision for earlier DLC and more servers on the xbl side, aswell as being able to party chat without having to type everything *cough* ps3 *cough*

22-11-2010, 08:20 PM
This is what saddens me.

Just depressing to hear people say "Steam is social". I have my fair share of Steam games but it is about as social as sitting in your bedroom alone playing games online....oh wait that is what it is, lonely.

When I say social, I mean actually physical interaction with someone not "cyber-social". That's why I want to have a console as well because in my house due to the lack of console there is no gaming with friends when they come over.

22-11-2010, 08:43 PM
PS3 because then I can add you online :D

also because it's free online and it's just as good as Xbl. Get what your friends have.

however contrary to Nazi - if you don't know anyone with either get a PS3 - it's cheaper after 2 years and I'm assuming you're going to keep it for longer than that.

But yes PS3 in my opinion.

looooool at psn is as good as xbl.
yr such a joker.

22-11-2010, 08:50 PM

obviously the same games.
free internet.
more ps3 users - more fun.

22-11-2010, 08:50 PM
looooool at psn is as good as xbl.
yr such a joker.

Well PSN and Xbox Live are good but I suppose you get a better service from Microsoft due to the subscription. Although people will agree and disagree either way on that comment! :P

22-11-2010, 08:50 PM
xbox live is far better. so if you wanna play online it is so much better than psn

and i have one. ;)

and and and you get halo!

22-11-2010, 09:04 PM
The general bias ive heard from every one of my rl mates is that psn is better due to it being free. thats like comparing Runescape and WoW

22-11-2010, 09:05 PM
Xbox for it's features
Ps3 because it costs nothing for online if you plan to use online in the future.

23-11-2010, 01:09 PM
That being said I think I prefer the 360 for its trigger buttons as you can feel the degree of sensitivity in them which is great for games, I don't feel the same with the ps3 controllers. They feel like they are either ON or OFF, but 360's have such a bulky controller.

23-11-2010, 01:13 PM
Play Xbox360 and PS3 is pretty great :) playing GTA 4 in Xbox360 have ragdolls :D

23-11-2010, 04:32 PM
Sod it decided that I will buy both, starting with the PS3. Thanks for the advice.

23-11-2010, 04:36 PM
Well it's alrite for some!

23-11-2010, 04:37 PM
Sod it decided that I will buy both, starting with the PS3. Thanks for the advice.
You *******.

Oh and you'll appreciate that larger xbox controller, trust me

23-11-2010, 07:08 PM
This is what saddens me.

Just depressing to hear people say "Steam is social". I have my fair share of Steam games but it is about as social as sitting in your bedroom alone playing games online....oh wait that is what it is, lonely.

When I say social, I mean actually physical interaction with someone not "cyber-social". That's why I want to have a console as well because in my house due to the lack of console there is no gaming with friends when they come over.

Oh, I get what you mean now.

23-11-2010, 07:13 PM
Sod it decided that I will buy both, starting with the PS3. Thanks for the advice.

oh wow lmao lucky

good choice tbh.. their both just as good

23-11-2010, 09:58 PM
Well the PS3 has exclusive dlc for the newest assassins creeds, and proper decent stuff like missions and that.

If you only wanna save game data then you really only need the lowest one of the console you choose, I download tons of DLC and still have at least half of my 120gb.

In terms of online, the only really difference is that everyone has a mic whereas the ps3 has the select few. Although this obviously has a disadvantage of 11 year olds screaming down the mic.

Racing games GT5 will probably be the best you will find, and its out in a couple of days.

COD and GTA will be better on 360, because of the crappy engine ports unless Rockstar modify the engine so it is equal to both systems. COD will favour the 360 in terms of the dlc and some extra features (such as the ability for 2 profiles online in Black Ops), at least until 2012 (as their contract ends then).

COD looks identical on both consoles. And GTA4 has also been described as "different but both as good as eachother"

23-11-2010, 10:03 PM
The xbox control is BEAST!

23-11-2010, 10:04 PM
Get whatever your friends have got, if none of em have any then get an xbox cause its cheaper, sorted.

This (but ps3's are better imo!)
I'd personally get a PS3, good for COD, assasins creed and GTA and need for speed(my brother has all of them)
And playstation move is also cool if you get it!

23-11-2010, 10:21 PM
This (but ps3's are better imo!)
I'd personally get a PS3, good for COD, assasins creed and GTA and need for speed(my brother has all of them)
And playstation move is also cool if you get it!

A 360 also has all of them games, and kinect instead of move.

23-11-2010, 10:23 PM
Jin can I add you when you get online? ;)

24-11-2010, 07:23 AM
A 360 also has all of them games, and kinect instead of move.

I honestly doubt he's interested in kinect or move.
But in terms of the games he listed, assassins creed will be better on ps3 cos of the free dlc missions :P But then cod has the temp dlc for xbox, but its not much of a wait I guess.

24-11-2010, 02:21 PM
hi i'm jin and i have more money than sense.

24-11-2010, 03:26 PM
Just read all the thread, I know you made a decision - but time for my two cents.

I will be getting a PS3 after trying to decide myself. To start, I prefer Xbox controllers. The bulky design is really good to hold - so yes I can see the positive aspects to both consoles.

People always rip the PS3 online apart but it HAS improved, and it isn't that bad anyway.. party chat would be great - so if you want that I guess the xbox would be better for you.

I personally decided to get the PS3 as it is far better suited for media playback - for me that was my final decision. Media is essential for me. I heard on xbox you can listen to music, while playing the game. Would be a quality feature to have - but to be honest, I doubt I would use it much. When I game I think the ingame sound is one of the important aspects.

People argue that if you want to be on a budget go for an xbox. I do not understand this as once you have bought a 250gb xbox with xbl you might as well of bought a 320gb PS3!

Finally, I think the PS3 is VERY slightly better, and it is better for the future.

It is a hard choice to make, and the truth is they are both quality consoles.


Anyway, enjoy BOTH of them haha :)

24-11-2010, 05:18 PM
I think the problem the xbox has media wise is the fact it can't play blu-ray, but for me that's not a problem because I honestly couldn't care less about having a perfect picture, as long as it's a good enough standard to watch then I'm not fussed, I feel it's easier to use an xbox to stream videos, easier to use the menu during a film as well, although the PS3 does have the ability to move to any point of a film instantly with the on-screen mouse, when it comes to picture the PS3 is better and not because it plays 1080i or whatever it does, but because it uses far more codecs and works a lot faster than the xbox does when streaming from a PC, but actually streaming from a PC is FAR easier on the xbox, it took quite a bit of setting up for my PS3 to connect to my PC while my xbox was simply just allowing it on WMP.

Games wise I still believe the xbox has the upper hand, the PS3 has some exclusives that are worth picking up, LBP, GT5 and God of War but other than that I personally see nothing of interest, a good percentage of multiplatform games were made on the xbox and ported to the PS3, it doesn't always matter, sometimes there is no difference but in a few cases it is extremely obvious.

In terms of controller, the xbox just wins, it feels like the controller was designed with racing and first person shooters in mind, I'm not sure what they were thinking when the PS3 controller was designed but that's the biggest flaw as far as I'm concerned.

Xbox live is still better than PSN, of course PSN is free but the argument still stands, you get your moneys worth with the xbox, PSN will only give the best offers to PSN+ users, as far as I'm aware the xbox allows even silver members to use deal of the week and such, which is a benefit if you prefer single player games but want the extra content and such and don't want to spend extra on gold membership.

I personally believe the xbox is a better choice, it's good value for money a the end of the day, but if you don't want to pay for xbox live then you can get all the big online games on the PS3 anyway, excluding Halo and Gears of War of course.


Obviously I know the OP has decided with a PS3 but I felt like putting my views out there.

24-11-2010, 05:23 PM
Slightly one sided lol

Xbox doesn't have as bigger benefits as it did. The PS3 is catching up a lot - and the reason games are ported from xbox is because the graphics are not as good as those on the PS3. The PS3 has better capabilities.

Agree with you on the controllers - the PS3 ones are not bad, although I prefer xbox ones.

The xbox and PS3 price difference is filling in fast, so both consoles are great value for money.

24-11-2010, 05:44 PM
Xbox doesn't have as bigger benefits as it did. The PS3 is catching up a lot - and the reason games are ported from xbox is because the graphics are not as good as those on the PS3. The PS3 has better capabilities..

I never said the PS3 couldn't perform as well as the Xbox? I know it can do better, it has shown that with GT5 alone.

And that isn't the reason at all, for at least 2 years after the PS3 launched third-party developers wouldn't develop for the PS3 then port to the xbox because the xbox was familiar, the way they have to develop PS3 games is slightly more confusing and publishers like EA, Activision and Ubisoft want to push out lots of games every year, meaning it makes more sense to develop on the easier console, it has NOTHING to do with the fact the PS3 can handle games better, publishers just wanted to push out large amounts of games with little delay, this has changed more recently as I believe L.A. Noire is being developed for PS3 and ported to the xbox, as well as a game that was released a while ago but I don't actually remember what that was.

Some examples of how developers struggled with trying to port games to the PS3 are Bayonetta, I haven't experienced first hand but apparently the PS3 version is so bad it's barely playable, but this could of been resolved by a patch, The Orange Box was quite famously terrible, to the point Valve refused to release games on it until more recently, hence why you can't get L4D 1 or 2 on it and GTA4 was an awful port, PS3 fanboys will say otherwise but I played both versions at launch and the PS3 one had some weird blurring problem and far more pop-in than on the xbox, if it was down to the power of a console, every PS3 port would naturally be better if they worked on it a little after porting.

24-11-2010, 06:30 PM
Just read all the thread, I know you made a decision - but time for my two cents.

I will be getting a PS3 after trying to decide myself. To start, I prefer Xbox controllers. The bulky design is really good to hold - so yes I can see the positive aspects to both consoles.

People always rip the PS3 online apart but it HAS improved, and it isn't that bad anyway.. party chat would be great - so if you want that I guess the xbox would be better for you.

I personally decided to get the PS3 as it is far better suited for media playback - for me that was my final decision. Media is essential for me. I heard on xbox you can listen to music, while playing the game. Would be a quality feature to have - but to be honest, I doubt I would use it much. When I game I think the ingame sound is one of the important aspects.

People argue that if you want to be on a budget go for an xbox. I do not understand this as once you have bought a 250gb xbox with xbl you might as well of bought a 320gb PS3!

Finally, I think the PS3 is VERY slightly better, and it is better for the future.

It is a hard choice to make, and the truth is they are both quality consoles.


Anyway, enjoy BOTH of them haha :)

The thing many people don't know is you CAN play music ingame; just the developer of the game has to decide whether to allow it or not and you'll find most don't want their own sounds being overrun by music. The ps3 is perfectly able to play music whilst ingame. An example of this is Motorstorm Pacific Rift, and the devs confirmed the upcoming apocolypse will also allow it.

I think the problem the xbox has media wise is the fact it can't play blu-ray, but for me that's not a problem because I honestly couldn't care less about having a perfect picture, as long as it's a good enough standard to watch then I'm not fussed, I feel it's easier to use an xbox to stream videos, easier to use the menu during a film as well, although the PS3 does have the ability to move to any point of a film instantly with the on-screen mouse, when it comes to picture the PS3 is better and not because it plays 1080i or whatever it does, but because it uses far more codecs and works a lot faster than the xbox does when streaming from a PC, but actually streaming from a PC is FAR easier on the xbox, it took quite a bit of setting up for my PS3 to connect to my PC while my xbox was simply just allowing it on WMP.

Games wise I still believe the xbox has the upper hand, the PS3 has some exclusives that are worth picking up, LBP, GT5 and God of War but other than that I personally see nothing of interest, a good percentage of multiplatform games were made on the xbox and ported to the PS3, it doesn't always matter, sometimes there is no difference but in a few cases it is extremely obvious.

In terms of controller, the xbox just wins, it feels like the controller was designed with racing and first person shooters in mind, I'm not sure what they were thinking when the PS3 controller was designed but that's the biggest flaw as far as I'm concerned.

Xbox live is still better than PSN, of course PSN is free but the argument still stands, you get your moneys worth with the xbox, PSN will only give the best offers to PSN+ users, as far as I'm aware the xbox allows even silver members to use deal of the week and such, which is a benefit if you prefer single player games but want the extra content and such and don't want to spend extra on gold membership.

I personally believe the xbox is a better choice, it's good value for money a the end of the day, but if you don't want to pay for xbox live then you can get all the big online games on the PS3 anyway, excluding Halo and Gears of War of course.


Obviously I know the OP has decided with a PS3 but I felt like putting my views out there.

They weren't thinking anything... they designed an elaborate curved controller at the start but then scrapped it before it went on sale. So they went back to the original PS1/PS2 design with a few extra features and wireless function. So technically they didn't redesign the ergonomics whatsoever. Since they did attempt a redesign i'm sure PS4 will have another attempted controller redesign, but imo I think they made a good choice going back to the original design than use the curved one which had some flaws.

24-11-2010, 07:21 PM
They weren't thinking anything... they designed an elaborate curved controller at the start but then scrapped it before it went on sale. So they went back to the original PS1/PS2 design with a few extra features and wireless function. So technically they didn't redesign the ergonomics whatsoever. Since they did attempt a redesign i'm sure PS4 will have another attempted controller redesign, but imo I think they made a good choice going back to the original design than use the curved one which had some flaws.

It's not the controller itself I have a problem with, well other than it previously having no weight to it which was solved when you introduced dual shock 3, it's the triggers, there is no reason for them to be convex, after dual shock 3 the PS3 controller would of been perfectly fine if they just shipped controllers with concave triggers instead, hopefully they rethink that for the PS3, other than that the controller itself is currently fine.

24-11-2010, 07:53 PM
The thing many people don't know is you CAN play music ingame; just the developer of the game has to decide whether to allow it or not and you'll find most don't want their own sounds being overrun by music. The ps3 is perfectly able to play music whilst ingame. An example of this is Motorstorm Pacific Rift, and the devs confirmed the upcoming apocolypse will also allow it.

They weren't thinking anything... they designed an elaborate curved controller at the start but then scrapped it before it went on sale. So they went back to the original PS1/PS2 design with a few extra features and wireless function. So technically they didn't redesign the ergonomics whatsoever. Since they did attempt a redesign i'm sure PS4 will have another attempted controller redesign, but imo I think they made a good choice going back to the original design than use the curved one which had some flaws.

Sorry about that - I do not actually own either console at the moment, so can only get the facts from other sources :)

24-11-2010, 11:10 PM
hi i'm jin and i have more money than sense.
I am bethie, I should probably get a better job.

If games weren't exclusive to consoles then I wouldn't bother.

Far Cry, DOA, Fable, gears of war, halo, Uncharted 2, GT5 all games I want to play, all games exclusive to both consoles.

24-11-2010, 11:21 PM
I am bethie, I should probably get a better job.

If games weren't exclusive to consoles then I wouldn't bother.

Far Cry, DOA, Fable, gears of war, halo, Uncharted 2, GT5 all games I want to play, all games exclusive to both consoles.

Lol @ the first bit ;)

It's a shame some of those games are exclusive to Xbox tbh but oh well. Add me on ps3 online when you get it.

24-11-2010, 11:23 PM
Both are lame. Nintendo 64 is where it's at. ;)

24-11-2010, 11:23 PM
Both are lame. Nintendo 64 is where it's at. ;)

Have to agree with this.

26-11-2010, 11:29 AM
Both are lame. Nintendo 64 is where it's at. ;)

Unfortunately, no. SNES and the Atari are where it is at.

26-11-2010, 12:51 PM
Unfortunately, no. SNES and the Atari are where it is at.

Pong, just sayin'.

26-11-2010, 01:27 PM
I'd get a PS3 if I was you, you get free online, better graphics and a few exclusives like Gran Turismo 5 and Little Big Planet 2. Also, PS3s are tanks, I've had mine since release date and it's still going strong.

Up to you though, see what your friends play the most.

18-12-2010, 02:43 PM
I'd recommend PS3. All this rubbish about Xbox live being better is, in my opinion a load of rubbish! I used to own a 360 and found the whole thing overly complicated and unneccecary compared to the PS3 where you just load up a game and your set to play online. PS3 has far better exclusive games in my opinion such as Uncharted, GT5, LBP amongst many others as well.

18-12-2010, 03:34 PM
PS3 has far better exclusive games in my opinion such as Uncharted, GT5, LBP amongst many others as well.

What others? Both have very few exclusives. The only difference is the controller, whichever controller you feel more comfortable playing, buy that console.

18-12-2010, 10:30 PM
What others? Both have very few exclusives. The only difference is the controller, whichever controller you feel more comfortable playing, buy that console.

Heavy Rain, Killzone 3, Warhawk, MAG. PS3 also has a good exclusive line up for 2011 as well such as Uncharted 3, LBP 2 and Sorcery

18-12-2010, 10:50 PM
Heavy Rain, Killzone 3, Warhawk, MAG. PS3 also has a good exclusive line up for 2011 as well such as Uncharted 3, LBP 2 and Sorcery

Interactive film, Decent Shooter, Don't have a clue what it is (so not very popular) and crap (from those with PS3's who have bought it that I know).

Uncharted (as a series) is good, LBP 2 is a contractual agreement because Sony bought Media Molecule and I've never heard of Sorcery.

So you've got Killzone, Uncharted, God of War and GT5 and Xbox has Halo, Gears, Fable and Forza.

Wow, what deal makers...

18-12-2010, 10:58 PM
Xbox 360 in my opinion is better as the online experience is better, due to more players and more experience players - not just people who stay at home who play CoD all day. If you're not a hardcore gamer then get an Xbox and if you're someone who plays all day none stop then get a PS3 as I think you'll fit in more, because everyone I know who has a PS3 bashes CoD.

18-12-2010, 11:00 PM
Get an x-box , there just the best thing since sliced bread [okay maybe im going over the top a little] ! :)

18-12-2010, 11:06 PM
I have both.

PS3 - Better HD, free internet, TV opportunities (iPlayer, ITVplayer, 4OD), better wireless than the xbox, blue-ray, a light-weight, although sometimes annoyingly small controller, rechargable controller.

Xbox 360 (250 GB Slim)- HD (If you get an elite or the new versions), Sky Player, better social activity (party chats are much better than the PS3's, in addition you get a mic free!), silent, brilliant media player, connectivity to computers, smaller than the PS3, cheaper, controller has better triggers (although the battery holder thing comes loose which makes the controller disconnect alot, which frankly annoys me to hell as the controller is only 3 months old).

For me a PS3 is a hardcore gamer's console, which is better for GTA, racing games and campaign games. In addition the cost of xbox live overall pretty much makes the console the same for price, or possibly more than the PS3. It's also pretty damn good value if you consider how expensive blu-ray players are, and I find it easier to use first-time than the Xbox 360. The internet is also very good, it never loses connection with my TalkTalk wireless modem (possibly the worst broadband ever...) and it's free!

An Xbox 360 (250GB Slim) on the otherhand is a more social, internet-based console. I find party chats exceptional, and pretty much all my friends have an Xbox as they were released before PS3's. Shooting games are better on the Xbox due to the large triggers on the remote. I'm a little eco-concious so I dislike the fact the powerpack remains on standby, so I turn it off at the plug. On occasions the games can also be slightly cheaper, and released earlier (Such as GTA LC Stories).

I generally use my PS3 for driving and my Xbox 360 for shooting and downloading stuff. The PS3 is also satisfying when my Xbox Live expires and I forget to renew it. :rolleyes:

18-12-2010, 11:29 PM
Xbox 360 in my opinion is better as the online experience is better, due to more players and more experience players - not just people who stay at home who play CoD all day. If you're not a hardcore gamer then get an Xbox and if you're someone who plays all day none stop then get a PS3 as I think you'll fit in more, because everyone I know who has a PS3 bashes CoD.

What are you on about xbox 360 has more online players? I think you'll find PS3 has many many more online players since people don't need to pay for it and just as many consoles have been sold.

18-12-2010, 11:49 PM
Xbox 360 in my opinion is better as the online experience is better, due to more players and more experience players - not just people who stay at home who play CoD all day. If you're not a hardcore gamer then get an Xbox and if you're someone who plays all day none stop then get a PS3 as I think you'll fit in more, because everyone I know who has a PS3 bashes CoD.

Post of 2011.

Incorrect - PS3 has more online players. Incorrect - many of my friends who have xbox's bash cod more than any of my pates with a PS3. Experience on xbox? Full of 10 year old losers trying to be cool. If you want a good match (in terms of skill) play on pc. Then you will know experience.

19-12-2010, 12:13 AM
Interactive film, Decent Shooter, Don't have a clue what it is (so not very popular) and crap (from those with PS3's who have bought it that I know).

Uncharted (as a series) is good, LBP 2 is a contractual agreement because Sony bought Media Molecule and I've never heard of Sorcery.

So you've got Killzone, Uncharted, God of War and GT5 and Xbox has Halo, Gears, Fable and Forza.

Wow, what deal makers...

Who cares of heavy rains gameplay time? Its still a great game which you obviously havnt played. Warhawk was a launch title (or next to launch), people like it as it was the first plane-like thing on ps. Yes mag is quite ****. It's quite fun but it is too big.

Also LBP is sonys because media moleculed pitched the idea specifically to them. They only bought them (relatively) recently. the LBP franchise is owned by sony.

19-12-2010, 02:12 AM
Don't make this a fanboy contest you bunch of fraggles.

19-12-2010, 02:15 AM
I didn't mention the gameplay time, its the fact its just a giant quick time event.

and LBP wise:

Given the massive launches of several high profile sequels over the coming weeks, it’s fitting that LittleBigPlanet developer, Media Molecule, is speaking openly about having very little interest in creating a flat-out sequel to its wildly popular PlayStation 3 platformer.

When asked about the developer’s interest in developing a new LBP as opposed to continuing to support LBP with DLC, producer Martin Lynagh told Critical Gamer, “I think what you’ve seen so far from LittleBigPlanet, that’s the way it’s going to continue.”

According to level designer Danny Leaver, a straight up sequel would “fragment the LBP community,” and “That’d be the most countrerproductive thing you could do I think.”

---------- Post added 19-12-2010 at 02:18 AM ----------

Don't make this a fanboy contest you bunch of fraggles.

I'm not. Crash Bandicoot 3 is one of my favourite games. Can't play that on the Xbox. Just so happens in comparison to the PS1 and PS2 the PS3 exclusive game library's ****.

19-12-2010, 02:18 AM
Ok cba quoting everybody but the figures are out and 54% of all xbox owners play games online where as 46% of ps3 owners play online :D

19-12-2010, 02:42 AM
Crash, Spyro, Driver, Final Fantasy, Colin McRae, GTA, Grand Turismo, Metal Gear Solid, Ridge Racer, Syphon Filter.

2 Kept
1 Dead
6 Multiplatform
1 Farmed out to PSP.


19-12-2010, 10:35 AM
Ok cba quoting everybody but the figures are out and 54% of all xbox owners play games online where as 46% of ps3 owners play online :D

Wrong. Those figures are from febuary 2008. The latest online count figures show 23 million Xbox Live Accounts, and over 40 million PSN accounts.

19-12-2010, 11:03 AM
Wrong. Those figures are from febuary 2008. The latest online count figures show 23 million Xbox Live Accounts, and over 40 million PSN accounts.

Yes, but how many are duplicate accounts? Obviously not half, but no doubt several million of those will be inactive or won't be used for online gaming but used just because it's there.

19-12-2010, 11:05 AM
Yes, but how many are duplicate accounts? Obviously not half, but no doubt several million of those will be inactive or won't be used for online gaming but used just because it's there.

Average online amount of players at any one time for xbox is 2.3 million. PSN is twice that.

19-12-2010, 11:06 AM
Average online amount of players at any one time for xbox is 2.3 million. PSN is twice that.

But by online does that mean 'just connected to PSN' or 'is on PSN and is playing an online multiplayer game', if it's the latter then that's quite the turn around.

19-12-2010, 11:59 AM
I didn't mention the gameplay time, its the fact its just a giant quick time event.

and LBP wise:

---------- Post added 19-12-2010 at 02:18 AM ----------

I'm not. Crash Bandicoot 3 is one of my favourite games. Can't play that on the Xbox. Just so happens in comparison to the PS1 and PS2 the PS3 exclusive game library's ****.

LBP wise, do you understand what they meant? They basically didn't want to **** us off by making all of our levels stay on the old one and having all the dlc unusable for lbp2. They have countered this successfully.

@the psn bit. I have about 5 accounts myself LOL.

19-12-2010, 02:15 PM
Average online amount of players at any one time for xbox is 2.3 million. PSN is twice that.

The figures are quite recent... plus not even half of the time is spent playing games...

Now we can go on all day about what was when and who has what but in terms of present.. Xbox is better online (this isnt a biased approach, this is a personal opinion which no doubt will be countered with needless figures)

19-12-2010, 04:08 PM
I agree, the xbox is better for online gaming. I honestly don't think one is 'better' than the other, they both do different things well/bad.

19-12-2010, 08:52 PM
For the actual consoles hardware and features, I'd say the PS3. But for online gaming I would say the Xbox.

However, the PS3 sales have increased A LOT since they lowered the price, so during this year, I think the PS3 will be equal. I also don't really get the whole "Xbox is better online because it has more users" part.. like you're ever going to play with any of them xD

Not saying this because I own a PS3, I'm saying this because that's the reason I choose the PS3 over the Xbox :)

19-12-2010, 08:57 PM
Its not the fact it has more users.. its the fact its better quality overall.. You get what you paid for

19-12-2010, 09:16 PM
I would consider XBOX. I don't personally own a PS3, but I own an XBOX 360 instead, and it is okay I guess... and with this new Kinect thing it sounds like you can get a lot of really cool games to play. I'm not sure if PS3 now has this, but the games for PS3 on the ads on the telly, look rather boring to be honest.

20-12-2010, 09:05 AM
They have playstation move which makes the wii look bad. The Kinect is awful, I hated it round my friends.

20-12-2010, 09:33 AM
They have playstation move which makes the wii look bad. The Kinect is awful, I hated it round my friends.

I heard Kinect was really laggy?

20-12-2010, 03:01 PM
I heard Kinect was really laggy?


20-12-2010, 04:11 PM
Its the games what are laggy, the sensors i believe scan your body 20 times a second..

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